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sending him the Commercium Epistolicum, said, ``You are

16th century the almuce had become definitely established as

Asiatic wives. This policy did not allay the discontent of

them. Severe as were the losses in flocks and herds from

country. Arouj seized Algiers (1516); Khair-ed-Din, succeeding

life. The expedition returned by way of Sicily and Italy,

on the high seas or any arm of the sea or any waters within

their rich crops of esparto grass. Four miles S.E. of Arzeu

drains eastern Amhara; the Jamma rises near Ankober and drains

to their pigmented brethren. Heusinger has shown that

is formed of two caverns--one known for several centuries,

unrelated to any of the foregoing, we may cite the ancient

from afar, the town hall (Rathaus) and the cathedral are

the interests of religious houses, were superseded from the

1893 2 2 30

and its consequences, are dealt with in the articles

intertubercular, and right and left Poupart lines are drawn

a country of market gardens; but as the holdings are most

Adaptations of the Intestinal Tract to Function.--The chief

solution of caustic soda, free from chloride and hypochlorite.

Pigafetta, A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, &c. (1597);

therefore analysed, a number of them were bulked together

Santa Laura, Mount Athos.

international-- temporary or more or less permanent--for

Other examples of the establishment of small holdings can

it by name to the district of one of Solomon's provincial

sexual plants. Novel as this result may seem, the tetraspores

Three points of contact with Josephus in particular are cited.

a definite number of plates, fitting into one another like

drunkard'' caused the formation of Cardigan Bay) are famous

publ. avec introd. et notes par le Cte. Fleury (1901).

sufferings, to the priory of St Marcel, near Chalon-sur-Saone,

originality are comparative mythology, the history of science

of Brazil, running from south to north for a distance of

the tribunal reassembled and the A11erican argument was

present. Familiar instances of this partial albinism is

while preserving the same meaning; for example, the words

the experimental discovery of the free electron by J. J.

the existence of a plenum as a philosophical principle, nature's

stone. This may possibly be the site of Ai; it agrees with

Plutarch, Romulus, 4, 5, Quaest. Rom. 35; Aulus Genius

are to be seen partly in the skill and genius of their makers,

that, especially in consequence of the small amount of fuel

south of Abyssinia, and of another in Liberia. The Abyssinian

centre with an extensive trade in wool, and a famous weaving

them by narrow strips of caoutchouc (fig. 1). When a charging

Metals do not appear to have been studied from the point

there is a veritable drought. In the great river valleyss.

1899); A. L. Kroeber, Papers on Eskimo, Arapaho, Languages

cession of part of Ablis (Aussa) on the Red Sea, Italy

altars are still used in some forms of worship in India. See

reached the mainland of South America at the mouth of the

1490. Having studied at the university of Frankfort-on-the-Oder,

ii.-vii.; C. R. Cockerell, The Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at

see no reason for believing it, but, on the other hand,

(C5H5N5)2.H2SO4.2H2O, and is converted by nitrous acid

cells. The voltmeter should read up to about 3 volts and

Kalser Tauern (Kals to Uttendorf), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,242

but Aetius came down against Boniface from his Gallic wars,

Papers, vol. xii.) By their aid useful information was

The chief source of mineral wealth is the noted durable

Pessi Agbosomi

the author hardly ever appears. The task in which he chiefly

are similarly marked, but in addition the eyeballs arc

With the former, in 1801, he went to London, and entered

central part, some 350 or 500 m. long and 80 m. to 100 m.

amice is also worn in the Armenian and some other oriental

Unless this recovery is carried out in the most efficient

in the Philadelphia group. The single popular songs, "The

the vast stores of Greek and Indian learning. Euclid's

name is described in Asiatic Journal (1890), p. 759. `Amr

best ore, and it would undoubtedly be used were it not for

As a member of the committee on railroads he became interested

metamorphosis, which cannot be further described here.

from the original French into other languages and had a wide

us to determine with precision the disposition of the various

intervals. Remains of some ancient buildings, including a

highly prized for medicinal purposes. The fruit of the

whole length and breadth, and are often encrusted with

year both in its immediate effects and in its far-reaching

with an attitude of indifference, neither to affirm nor to

author, adding some note of others bearing the name. The

and early in 1898 Lugard was sent out to the Niger with a number

help to proceed to England and compete for the civil service,

AMBERG, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria,

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