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the formulary stage fell into disuse, and after A.D.

342 the

in relation to the shipbuilding programme. Broadly speaking,

vessels. When proficient they are transferred to regular

to colonize the locality until after this settlement was

of this fibre, and for the second time alpaca was condemned.

forgotten. Pigott retired to the headquarters of the sect,

enjoy has been won by a prolonged and successful resistance

Liverpool. In the course of her career she burned or

they began with History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac (1851);

Aragonese, who were not numerous enough to keep down Castile and

See G. Droysen, Arlanibaeus, Godofredus, Abelinus (Berlin,

sulphuric acid is formed and acts on the clay to form aluminium

them, or to entertain proposals for extending or altering

B. Chordaria sp., apical region showing so-called trichothallic growth.

year he became secretary of legation at Florence, but was

unsuccessful. The soil of Alderney is light, fertile and

not give, as in the case of the other orders, any form for

station on the North Western railway 32 m. E. of Lahore, its

(1814- 1877), whose attention was given to Dutch history,

Nile. The Akobo, in about 7 deg. 50' N. and 33 deg. E., joins the

Triassic (?).---In the region of Adigrat the metamorphic

ALLAN, DAVID (1744-1796), Scottish historical painter,

this he was not heard of outside his own sect. On the 7th of

to ravage the plains of Macedonia and Thrace; while Alexius

stout men, but when they lead inactive lives are apt to

ALBUMINURIA (Physiological or Functional), a term indicating

There still remains a branch of the Semitic languages which,

liable to adulteration, but its genuineness is easily tested

Shakespeare with materials for his Roman plays. Montaigne

1850. Seeking to establish for himself a middle position

century Basil Valentine showed that ammonia could be obtained

separated from Logrono by the river Ebro, and its other rivers

struggled in the branches, and as though this were not enough,

water, forming the four lakes of Tanganyika, Kivu, Albert

value were too high, the council might hire such land for the

rural districts of France before the Revolution, when it was

been invented ex post facto to explain some fact, name or

main; E, gas-inlet; Z, vacuum filter; V, pipe to air-pump.

here called the Rali. Area, 5419 sq. m.; pop. (1901) 465,893,

insurrection. The Europeans were suspected of having instigated

cell. In such a case the zoogamete is male, is called an

deep ploughing, the adoption of which immeasurably improved

is known as dichromatism (from di-, two, and chroma,

of Southern Nigeria and the Gold Coast constituted a single

and the dominions thereof, or elsewhere beyond the seas.''

and the soldiers found nothing in the treasury ``except

Iliad, Achilles ravaged the country round Troy, and took

of the United States of America, occupying the extreme

1. We must transport as large a number as possible of

by attacking Sparta in defiance of Rome. The federal troops

AGATHA, SAINT, the patron saint of Catania, Sicily, where

holy place of the tabernacle. It was of similar construction

``bookwork'' should be broken up into a number of short

north island of New Zealand, and its ally the mealy rosella

See Bede, Chronica Mojora, sec. 531; Hist. Ecc. (Plummer) i.

Fraele Pass (Bormio to the Ofen road), partly bridle path . . . . . . .6,398

Saxon Chronicle, s.a. 676, 679, 704, 716. (F. G. M. B.)

ANAMORPHOSIS (a Gr. word, derived from ana, back,

all former public statutes, and being entitled Revised

needle-shaped, a term used in botany (since Linnaeus) as

century. It is a handsome greenhouse plant, which is hardy

with the surrender of the Confederates, was in its scope one

The embryo thus passes from the body of the female into

Italy by the Normans was followed by descents of the conquerors

as the seat of the brain and special senses. The Acephala,

were about this time made to the field crops, viz. the Swedish

was in effect asked to assist in administering a fraud;

which he experienced in his home and foreign policy; and in

Col di Santa Anna (Tinee Valley to Vinadio), bridle path. . . . . . . .7,605

the three vessels and under the mouths runs an inscription of

of wheat in the period was that of 1890, and the smallest

An important part of this work of association is to render

land; it must always remain in the ownership and occupation of

Italy.--Under this class the Accademia Ercolanese (Academy

1 The object of the story of the encounter is to explain the name

northern division of the Bombay command, with an arsenal.

Ahras (7602), a station on the railway to Tunis, identified

affairs, it remained essentially a religious convocation.

1906 18,718,578 1,510,889,906 3,404,061 334,680,520

the sea; their shores are usually rocky and irregular, and

land whereon a permanent camp might be established. His

between 52 deg. and 55 deg. N. lat. and 172 deg. E. and 163 deg. W. long.

with the increase of molecular weight. The lower members

degeneration of the sporangial wall (Chaetophora), or by

instituted the Boston committees ofcorrespondence, urged that

Sir Henry Percy, in whose family it still continues. The

by which France gave up to Savoy the districts (all forming

exploration of the interior of the continent. The era of

of Mount Kilimanjaro has been the special work of Dr Hans

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