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In the name of Allah SWT the Most Merciful and the Most Kind, we
praise our gratitude to God over the gift and His mercy; this paperwork can be
done in a great way. Pray and salutation always gushing to our beloved Prophet
Muhammad SAW, and his families, his companions, and his kinds until the end of
time. With all these, we can make this paperwork about The Pragmatics in social
life in Indonesia.

This paperwork is arranged and compiled with maxed effort and help from
various parties that can facilitate this paper making. For that we say, thank you for
all of your contributions.

Regardless of all that, we realized that there was still a lack. Therefore,
criticism and suggestions we received for the repair of an upcoming paper. End of
words, may this paperwork about pragmatics in social life can be useful for the

Palabuhanratu, January 27th, 2021

The writer

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