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Roll No.

438 Date- 5th April,


AIM: To fit a Poisson distribution for the given data and perform goodness of fit test.

EXPERIMENT: It is believed that the present generations of LSR students do not prefer travelling by DTC
buses due to variety of reasons. Therefore, the chance that you find students travelling by DTC bus is
small and the chance that they travel by DTC bus frequently is rare. In order to verify the above
statements, data was collected on 46 students of statistics discipline. Further question ‘on how many
days did you travel by DTC bus in the past one week? The responses are as follows-


Fit an appropriate distribution and test its goodness of fit.


As travelling by DTC bus appears to be an event with very small probability, therefore Poisson
distribution appears to be a good fit for this data set.

1. Chi-square goodness of fit test is a non-parametric test. It is used to compare observed

frequencies with the expected frequencies.
2. To fit a Poisson distribution, go to transform -> compute variable -> use function
PDF.POISSON(quant, mean) where quant is the quantity (xi’s) and mean is the average of the
given data.
3. PDF.POISSON(quant, mean) function calculates the Poisson probabilities.
4. PDF.POISSON(quant, mean) * total frequency will give the expected frequencies.
5. To weigh the frequencies go to weight cases.
6. To perform chi-square goodness of fit test, go to Analyze -> Non Parametric Tests -> Legacy
Dialogs -> Chi square test -> put xi in variable test list -> list the expected frequencies in
‘Expected frequencies’.
7. To plot graphs, go to Graphs -> Legacy Dialogs -> Bar chart -> Clustered.




COMPUTE Exp_freq=46*Prob.

/EXPECTED=12.166 16.1807 10.7602 4.7703 1.5861 0.4219 0.0935 0.0178


Null hypothesis, H0 : Poisson distribution is a good fit for the given data
Alternate hypothesis, H0 : Poisson distribution is not a good fit for the given data

Table 28.1

Table 28.2

According to Table 28.2, mean of the given data is 1.33

Table 28.3

Table 28.4

Table 28.4 shows the observed and expected frequencies.

Table 28.5
p-value for goodness of fit test is 0.0001. Since p-value < α (0.05), we reject H 0 at 5% level of significance
and it may be concluded that Poisson distribution is not a good fit for the given data. Therefore, DTC
buses are not as rare as we thought.

Graph 28.1

Graph 28.1 shows the observed and expected frequencies and we can see that they are different.

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