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Experiment Title

Student Name: Arun Biswa UID:

Branch: Section/Group: B
Semester: 2nd Date of Performance:26th April.
Subject Name : Computer Subject Code:21CMP-108

Experiment 2.1:- (a) Write down the features of Excel.


You can’t call yourself an advanced Excel user without knowing about PivotTables! There is no other feature in Excel I
being used more often and with success. Almost the first thing I always do when analyzing data is pivot the data in
multiple manners and analyze the patterns/results. Pivots can process a large amount of data in a short period of time
and are optimized in the Excel back-end for performance. This is definitely one of the 10 top Excel features!


Filtering and sorting your data is just as useful as using PivotTables. Excel is meant to transform and analyze data and
filtering/sorting is one of the key elements. When provided with a table of data you will probably want to sort the data
in a descending/ascending manner or filter out rows based on some features (values in certain columns). This is a must-
know feature.


If you want your data tables to be neat and structured you need to use Excel Data Tables. What do you get when using
Tables in Excel? A consistent structure and formatting of your entire data table, automated copied formulas (across
columns), non-repeating column headers and more. It is always good to resort to Excel Data Tables as you will have less
work managing your data table and can focus on more interesting work like data transformation/analysis.


Analyzing/transforming data is important, but it is just as useful to be able to identify variances in a range of values using
graphics like colors, bars or icons. Conditional formatting can allow you to notice patterns in data values which might not
be obvious when looking at raw numbers.

Array Formulas are one of the greatest knowledge gaps in the Excel community in my opinion. I see so often questions
which can be easily answered if someone at least made an effort to learn them. Many Excel users fall into the trap of
writing a lot of custom VBA just because they are not aware or are too lazy to use a neat Array Formula.

(b) Create a Excel sheet that includes the personal details of the students such as student ID, name, address, contact no. and email
address. (Min 10 students) Also apply formatting to the data. Note for 3.1(b) :- (Create this Experiment in Excel )

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

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