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What We’ll Cover Today

➢ Explain how globalization affect

religious practices and beliefs;
➢ Identify the various religious responses
to globalization; and
➢ Discuss the future of religion in a
globalized world;
Globalization is the networking
and expansion of once local products,
beliefs, and practices into universal
products, beliefs and practices often
through technology
Religion is a collection of
cultural systems, belief systems,
and world views that establishes
symbols that relate humanity to
spirituality and to moral values
Religion epitomizes the definition
of globalization due to the fact that it
can be spread more efficiently than
ever before through the use of
different technological tools
What is the relationship
between Globalization and
❑ Generally, religion is a “system of
beliefs and practices.” More
specifically, the word comes from the
Latin “religare” which means “to bind
together again that which was once
bound but has since been torn apart
or broken.”
❑ It is a belief in a
supernatural power or powers
that regarded as the creators
and maintainers of the
Types of Religions
❑ Monotheistic religions believe in
one god.
❑ Polytheistic religions believe in
many gods
❑Animistic or traditional religions
often believe that different aspects of
nature have divine powers.
Types of Religious Organizations
❑ Cults, like sects, are new religious groups. The term
cult is sometimes used interchangeably with the term
new religious movement (NRM). In its pejorative use,
these groups are often disparaged as being secretive,
highly controlling of members’ lives, and dominated by
a single, charismatic leader.
❑ Sect is a small and relatively new group. For
example, the Methodists and Baptists protested
against their parent Anglican Church in England.
❑ Denomination is a large, mainstream religious
organization, but it does not claim to be official or state
sponsored. It is one religion among many. For example,
Baptist, African Methodist Episcopal, Catholic, and
Seventh-day Adventist are all Christian denominations.
❑ Ecclesia, originally referring to a political assembly of
citizens in ancient Athens, Greece, now refers to a
congregation. In sociology, the term is used to refer to a
religious group that most all members of a society belong
to. It is considered a nationally recognized, or official,
religion that holds a religious monopoly and is closely
allied with state and secular powers.
The Religions of the World
Southwest Asia
The three religions that began in
Southwest Asia are:
❑ Judaism (2000 BCE)
❑ Christianity (26-36 CE)
❑ Islam (610 CE)
• Some old the major beliefs of Judaism are:

❑ Monotheism – There is one god who is all powerful

and all knowing
❑This god made a special covenant or agreement with
Abraham, who is the ‘’father’’ of the Jewish people.
❑God revealed his laws to his people through Moses
and the ten commandments.
❑ Christianity was heavily influenced by
Judaism. Some od the major beliefs of
Christianity are:
➢ Monotheism
➢Jesus Christ died for the sins of
➢ Salvation comes from faith in God
❑ Christians believe the Old and New
Testament of the Bible are holy books.
❑The first for books of the New
Testament were written by follower of
❑Some branches of Christianity are:
Roman Catholicism, Protestantism.
And Eastern Orthodox
❑ Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son
of God, and the Holy Spirit
❑ The death, descent into
hell, resurrection and ascension of Christ
❑ The holiness of the Church and the communion of
❑ Christ's second coming, the Day of
Judgement and salvation of the faithful
❑ Islam is a monotheistic religion
that developed in Saudi Arabia in
the early 600s. Islam is directly
related to Judaism and Christianity.
❑Islam was founded by the prophet
Muhammed who lived from 570 to
632 in Saudi Arabia
•The teachings of Muhammed
were collected into a book called
the Quran.
•Muslims worship in buildings
called mosques.
❑ It is one of the oldest religions in
the world. It is a polytheistic religion
that originated in South Asia,
present day India 2500 B.C.E.
❑ It is one of the oldest religions in
the world. It is a polytheistic religion
that originated in South Asia,
present day India, around 2500 B.C.
❑ Hindu deities are the gods and goddesses
in Hinduism. The terms and epithets for deity
within the diverse traditions of Hinduism
vary, and
include Deva, Devi, Ishvara, Ishvari, Bhagavā
n and Bhagavati.
❑ Atman is the spirit or soul of a person, which most
Hindus believe, is eternal.
❑ Brahman refers to a supreme spirit but it cam also
mean an infinite and unchanging reality.
❑ Hindus believe that the goal of life is to realize that
your atman is the same as Brahman and thereby reach
moksha, or liberation.
❑ Hindus believe in reincarnation and karma. A person
dies, then lives again, until they finally reach moksha.
❑Hindus have several holy books called Vedus,
Upanishads, and the epics the Mababharata and
❑ The caste system is a system of social
organization in India. When a person is
born they are born into one of four castes
or as a Dalit.
❑This system has led to discrimination and
has been outlawed in India. Hindus still
debate whether the caste system is part of
Hinduism or an outdated social custom.
• The castes are:

❑ Brahmins: Teachers and priests

❑ Kshatriyas: Warriors, nobles, and kings
❑ Vaishyas: Farmers, merchants, and
❑ Shudras: Servants and laborers
❑ It is related to Hinduism and
shares many of the same basic
❑The relationship between
Buddhism and Hinduism is similar
to the relationship between
Christianity and Judaism.
❑ It was founded by a man
named Siddhartha who was
born around 500 – 400 B.C.
in Nepal.
❑ It is religion or philosophy that
began in China around 500 – 400
❑Tradition says that Taoism is based
on the teachings of Laozi.
❑The Tao Te Ching is a collection of
Laozi’s teachings.
❑ It is a philosophy that began in
China around 500 – 400 B.C.
❑It is based on the teachings of
❑It is concerned mainly with social
organization. It emphasizes respect
for elders and education.
▪ Globalization has a great impact on religion. As
people and cultures move across the globe, as ideas
are mobilized and transported by media
technology, the religious globalization will go on
and on.
▪ It has its pro and cons. People should cope with the
flow of info and choose their own and peaceful
▪ And to our mind, finally, the globalization will end in
complete domination of one of them over the rest.

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