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Harassment is a form of violence, where there is a victim and the harasser where
he manipulates his victim so that he does or stops doing what he wants. This can
be called bullying known as bulling.
More than one person will have ever seen that child or adolescent with a different
mood, with a different look, something sad or overwhelmed.

There where you may be being bullied at your school.

I have seen that in most situations in which this happens, children or adolescents
try not to show that this is affecting them, they always try to hide it, either because
they feel ashamed of being mistreated or because of some fear of threat.
This form of harassment can occur at various levels. There is physical, verbal and
psychological abuse, and also what is now more and more frequent. Cyberbullying.
Bullying is part of our society, sadly. It's kind of a bad habit, but it can be detected
and prevented.

The school and the family, in truth, form like a circle that represents a huge family
of several members: father, mother, brothers, classmates, teachers. Each has a
share of responsibility that can help prevent bullying. It is about a good coexistence
between all as support. What happens at school in some way affects the family at
home, or what happens at home can have consequences at school.

It is advisable to have a circle of trust. That the children trust their parents to be
able to tell them about their problems.You have to understand that being
vulnerable is not a bad thing, nor is it embarrassing.
But something normal that can affect anyone at any time in their life. We don't
always have an obligation to stay strong.
It is easier to help than to be helped, because few ask for that help. Who is being
the victim of bullying has a natural refusal to be cared for by other people.

Resumen de elephant man

The story is about a doctor named Mr. Frederick Treves who

works in a London hospital. that one day in 1884, he saw an
image in the store near the hospital, he saw a creature they
called an eleven man, he was in a room, he had a written
image that said come see the eleven man for pennies & the
room was very dirty, The owner received it in a bad way
because the doctor wanted to see the man before the owner
told him no, because the store was closed, Dr. Rederick
Treves told him that he wanted to see him now. Ar la o erta
told him 1 pence then let him go through the back door of
the! enda. the room was in bad shape where the elephant
man lived

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