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Audio GAI2-240202501-AA4-EV01.

apprentice: yordin andres garcia

file: 2348176

seine national service

Technician in microfinance services and operations

Audio GAI2-240202501-AA4-EV01.

Good evening My name is yordin andres garcia the card one cero
seven six one nine and nine. Audio activity of the labor and academic
context. My attitudes in the labor and academic part duty of
commitment to the objectives of the company, full willingness to learn,
improvingknowledge and my duty to continue studying to emerge more
In my beliefs I have to deepen and improve both in my work and in the
Academic part, my duty is to believe and continue with my best
attitudes, thoughts and Project sin both contexts, to reach a great
position and be able to deepen my career formyself. company I must
also make sure to improve in my work and study and thusobtain
successes My obligations are the best challenge where I have to be
better every day, I mustcomply with business rules such as studying,
the duty to carry out all the activities orwork that I intend to do, I have
to fulfill my position, know how to listen and guidethe best way the work
environment and my colleagues.

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