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Name: Sara Fatima Mariano

Section: BSA I- Amorseco

In today’s meeting, the discussion emphasized the idea of heaven. Now, that you gained
insight of what heaven is, you are tasked to create your own definition of heaven using its letter.
Use English in expressing your ideas. (Minimum of 1 sentence and maximum of 3)
Note: 5 points for every word and explanation.

H- Happiness
- Happiness is when you know that you are in the presence of God. After all the sacrifices and
sufferings we made on earth, in the end, heaven will be the happiest place for us

E- Everlasting love
- With God, we will get the everlasting love we deserve. Until the time we go to heaven, he'll be
forever by our side, and we'll feel the everlasting love of him.

A- Affection
- God will give the love and affection that everyone deserves.

V- Value
- We are all God's works of art, and our lives matter because we are valuable and worthy to Him.
We are valuable to God. Until the end, he's the one who will see our value.

E- Empyrean
- Empyrean means the highest heaven, and for me it is God who are in the highest level in our

N- New home
- God will stand as our home. This is the time that whatever happens in our lives, in the end, we'll
go back to our home, which is God.

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