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BaseRdc(Ohm/kft or Ohm/km) = 1.

TcAdj = 1.25025
RdcT_Adj(Ohm/kft or Ohm/km) = 1.46604
RShield = 3468.29
Yshield_Circ = 0, Yshield_Eddy = 6.75069e-005
Rs(uOhm/ft) = 110.349
Ysheath_Circ = 0, Ysheath_Eddy = 0.00152386
Function = ComputeSteelArmourPipeLossFactor, Ra = 3739.98, Rs = 0
Lambda2 (Armor) = 0.000509143
MF = 1, Ycs = 5.52812e-005, Ycp = 0.000137326, YsShield = 6.75069e-005, YsSheath =
0.00152386, YsShield/Sheath = 0,Ys (Shield + Sheath + Shield/Sheath) = 0.00159137,
YsArmor = 0.000509143, Yconduit = 0
Rac/Rdc(1.00229) = [1 + MF(1) * (Ycs(5.52812e-005) + Ycp(0.000137326) +
Yshield(6.75069e-005) + Ysheath(0.00152386)) + Yconduit(0)] * (1 +
RacT_Adj(Ohm/kft or Ohm/km) = 1.46941
RL'(Ohm/kft or Ohm/km) = 1.46941
Delta(m) = 56.8575
Case8: 4/C unshielded/unsheathed and unarmoured cable with no additional Aux N or
PE wires as per case Type A of IEC 60909-2 p. 28 (N(A)YY cable type per German
Standard (N)[3])
X1 Factor = 1
Unit Conversion Factor = 1

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