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Ciclo Celular: The cell cycle is the replication and reproduction of cells, whether in eukaryotes or

prokaryotes. It is important to organisms in different ways, but overall it allows them to survive. For
prokaryotes, the cell cycle, called Binary Fission, allows for them to live on by dividing into two new
daughter cells.
The cell cycle is the replication and reproduction of cells, whether in eukaryotes or prokaryotes.
It is important to organisms in different ways, but overall it allows them to survive.
For prokaryotes, the cell cycle, called Binary Fission, allows for them to live on by dividing into two new
daughter cells.
For eukaryotes, consider an animal such as a cat, if a cat were to have a severe injury, it would need the
cell cycle to replicate cells to replace those that were damaged in the injury and hence needs the cell
cycle to heal itself.
Zygotes also depend on the cell cycle to form its many cells in order to produce a baby organism at the
end of its process.
Plants require the cell cycle to grow and provide life for every other organism on earth. and therefore the
cell cycle is highly important to organisms as if it were not present or if it were to stop suddenly, life
would completely end.

La Energía en la Naturaleza:
Energy is essential to life and all living organisms. The sun, directly or indirectly, is the source of all the
energy available on Earth. Our energy choices and decisions impact Earth's natural systems in ways we
may not be aware of, so it is essential that we choose our energy sources carefully.

Alimentación y Vida:
Food is the third most important thing for living beings to provide energy and development, maintain life,
or stimulate growth after air and water. It is one of the most complicated sets of chemicals. Food plays
an important role in the promotion of health and disease prevention. In general, it consists of essential
nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins which are consumed to provide
nutritional support for an organism and ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism’s cells
to sustain health. These nutritious foods are in the form of grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, oils, etc.

Sustancias Puras y Mezclas en la vida cotidiana:

Mixtures and solutions are a common occurrence in our everyday lives. They are the air we breathe, the
food and drink we consume and the fabrics we wear. By studying how chemists distinguish pure
substances from mixtures and solutions, students will start to appreciate how matter is organised at the
atomic level.
The uses of mixture in our daily life are as under:
Lemon water is a mixture of sugar and water used to dehydrate body.
Air is a mixture of gases which is essential for our life.
Different type of gelsand sols are use our day to day life are mixture of different component.
Milk is a mixture of of water and fat globules which is a main component of a diet.

I would think that everything in and around us is a mixture, either naturally or by human design.
Naturally, it is hard to find what as a chemist I would call a pure substance. The highest purity water We
can get still contains some trace impurities.
Humans mix a lot and with good reasons. (Some additives may be debated, but a lot of thought and data
went into each decision).
You go to the hardware store to pick the color you want to paint your walls, and they custom mix it for
you. When you buy packaged products, there may be a list of ingredients printed on the packaging.
Those ingredients were mixed for A reason.
A pharmacist may call it compounding when custom mixing a medicine. A pharmaceutical scientist
would call it formulating when mixing the ingredients for a new medicine being developed. A synthetic
chemist mixes reagents that are going to undergo a chemical reaction to form other substances. The
pharmaceutical operators that mix the well established formula of a marketed medicinal product call it
work. A tablet in your medicine cabinet may have one or more active ingredients, and other ingredients
called recipients, necessary to form the tablet, keep it from sticking to the tablet press parts, keep it from
breaking before use, help it disintegrate inside the body, make it taste better, and give it a color that
helps you identify it.
Cooks mix ingredients and call it work too, although some chefs, as they design a new recipe, may call it
art. I used to put rice in my salt shaker to mix with the salt and keep it dry and flowing. I add salt and
spices to my food to make it tasty.
Governments may decree that certain nutrients be added to certain foods to improve nutrition and public
health. The addition of folic acid or folate to flour and derived products has decreased the incidence of
neural tube birth defects in babies. We have vitamin D added to milk, iron and B vitamins added to flour
and rice, iodide added to salt, and fluoride added to water to combat nutritional deficiencies. We do not
see many cases of rickets, beri-beri, goitier, or anemia any more because of that. Public water supplies
are chlorinated to keep the microbes at bay, and keep us healthy. Gasoline has additives for various

Reflexión sobre la importancia de los temas que estudiaremos durante el Segundo Lapso.

- Ciclo Celular:
El ciclo celular es el período de vida de una célula, comprendido entre el inicio de una división celular y
el inicio de otra, donde se produce la replicación y reproducción de las células, ya sea en células
eucariotas o procariotas. Este ciclo es importante para los organismos de diferentes maneras, pero en
general les permite sobrevivir.
En las células procariotas, el ciclo celular les permite seguir viviendo al dividirse en dos nuevas células
En las células eucariotas, cuando un organismo tuviera una lesión grave, como por ejemplo un perro,
este necesitaría del ciclo celular para replicar las células que reemplazarían aquellas dañadas en la
lesión, es decir, que necesita del ciclo celular para curarse.
En el caso de las plantas, estas requieren del ciclo celular para crecer y dar vida a todos los demás
organismos en la tierra. El ciclo celular es muy importante para todos los organismos porque si no
estuviera presente, o si se detuviera de repente, la vida terminaría por completo.

- La Energía en la Naturaleza:
La energía es el elemento esencial para la vida y para todos los organismos vivos. Por ejemplo, el sol,
que, directa o indirectamente, es la fuente de toda la energía disponible en la Tierra. Nuestras
elecciones y decisiones energéticas impactan los sistemas naturales de la Tierra en formas de las que
quizás no estemos conscientes, por lo que es necesario el escoger nuestras fuentes de energía con

- Alimentación y Vida:
La comida, después del agua y el aire, es el tercer elemento más importante para los seres vivos,
porque les proporcionan energía y permiten su desarrollo, para mantener la vida o estimular el
crecimiento. Es uno de los conjuntos de productos químicos más complejos que existen. La
alimentación juega un papel importante en la promoción de la salud y la prevención de enfermedades.
En general, se compone de nutrientes esenciales, como carbohidratos, proteínas, grasas, minerales y
vitaminas que se consumen para brindar apoyo nutricional a un organismo y que ingeridos por este
organismo y que, digeridos y asimilados por las células que componen este organismo ayudan a
mantener la salud. Estos alimentos nutritivos se encuentran en forma de cereales, legumbres, frutas,
verduras, aceites, carne, pescado, etc.

- Sustancias Puras y Mezclas en la vida cotidiana:

Las sustancias puras y la sus mezclas ocurren de manera muy común en nuestra vida diaria. Están
presentes el aire que respiramos, los alimentos y bebidas que consumimos y los tejidos que vestimos.
Cuando estudiamos los elementos químicos que componen todas las sustancias puras, sus mezclas y
soluciones podremos darnos cuenta como está organizada la materia a nivel atómico. Por ejemplo, el
aire que respiramos es una mezcla de gases que resulta esencial para nuestra vida, o también tenemos
la leche, que es una mezcla de agua, proteínas, grasas, vitaminas, carbohidratos y minerales, que es
un componente principal de una dieta.
Todo dentro y alrededor de nosotros está formado por mezclas, ya sea de manera natural o artificial
cuando son creadas por el ser humano.

Yo pienso que, en la naturaleza todo está estrechamente relacionado, si partimos del átomo, que es la
unidad más pequeña de la materia ordinaria que forma un elemento químico, y que son componentes
básicos de la energía, que crean el alimento básico para la vida, donde están las células, las cuales
conforman todos los organismos vivos que habitan nuestro planeta. Junto a todas aquellas sustancias
tanto puras como sus mezclas que necesitamos para mantenernos vivos, y que cuando nuestra vida
llegue a su fin, nuestros cuerpos al igual que el de los demás seres vivos, se transformaran en distintos
elementos químicos que pasarán formar parte de ese ciclo infinito que creará y sustentará nueva vida.

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