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Islam! Islam! Islam!

We rise praising and bearing witness that Allah is all Allah. Father of the Universe, the rootless
root and causeless cause from which all have origin.
We give the highest human honors to our Savior, Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali. The
last Prophet in this era of time, sent by Allah to redeem the Asiatics of North America from sin and
We give honor to whom our Holy Prophet gave honor, Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The forerunner
of the Prophet, a spirit moving like unto John the Baptist in the times of Jesus. Letting the world know
that purity in life must precede Love made manifest among the living.
We give honor to whom our Holy Prophet honored as the First Supreme Grand Sheik, Saint, E
Mealey El who fought the good fight to represent the Holy Prophet, the teachings, and organization of
the Moorish Science Temple of America.
We give honor to all lawful past Supreme Grand Sheiks to the current 5th Supreme Grand
Sheik Dr. Ra Saadi El, The Chief of Ministers and Mahdi of the Moorish Science Temple of America
in this era of time. Honoring his official staff, and membership.
This day We give honors to our adversaries as a man must have a foe to be the strength of
Allah made manifest. We give honor to all whom honor is due.

We A. Govain Bey student of Supreme Grand Sheik Dr. Ra Saadi El do this day rise
between the square and compass to use the axe in the workshop of the mind that the
faithful Moorish American Moslem might see the knotty, useless and ungainly parts
cut away and the moral and spiritual character be made symmetrical with Prophet
Drew Ali’s teachings.

This writing is initiated from Love for Allah and Allah in the Person of Prophet
Drew Ali, as we are taught by the Holy Prophet to Love not to hate. In this era of
time the “so-called Negro, Colored, Black, African American, etc.” as they are being
called in this nation, have no nation to which they might look with pride. Their
history starts with the close of the Civil War or more properly with them being
forced to serve someone else. Thus, they are separated from the illustrious history of
their forefathers who were the founders of the first civilization of the Old World. This
matter should be investigated with the hope of correcting it.
Honor thy fathers and thy mothers, your days will be lengthened upon this
earth. These names have never been recognized by any true American citizens of this
Prophet Drew Ali brought and taught we are Moorish American descendants
of the Moabites.
Key 12. What is his Nationality? Moorish-American.
Key 13. What is your Nationality? Moorish-American.
Key 14. Why are we Moorish-Americans? Because we are descendants of Moroccans and born in
I will not elaborate on this measure as it is quite clear. The Prophet continues to
teach us that.
Key 30. What was the nationality of Ruth? Ruth was a Moabitess.
Key 31. What is the modern name for the Moabites? Moroccans.
Key 32. Where is the Moroccan Empire? Northwest Amexem.
Key 33. What is the modern name for Amexem? Africa.
Here the Holy Prophet gives a connection to our descent nature and past locations,
i.e., Moroccans are Moabites inhabiting an empire in Northwest Amexem Africa.
Furthermore, the Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America.
HK 45:2-6. “The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish,
who were ancient Moabites, and the founders of the Holy City of Mecca. The Egyptians who were the
Hamathites, and of a direct descendant of Mizraim, the Arabians, the seed of Hagar, Japanese and
Chinese. The Hindoos of India, the descendants of the ancient Canaanites, Hittites, and Moabites of
the land of Canaan.”
HK 47:6. “The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of
Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of
the present Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite bretheren who sojourned
from the land of Canaan seeking new homes.”
HK pg. 3. “The industrious acts of the Moslems of the northwest and southwest Africa. These
are the Moabites, Hamathites, Canaanites, who were driven out of the land of
Canaan, by Joshua, and received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle in
that portion of Egypt. In later years they formed themselves kingdoms. These
kingdoms are called this day Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, etc.”
The Holy Prophet Drew Ali connects Moabites to the Moorish Americans
clearly defining the footsteps in the sands of time, so that all can know the way.
At this point take note the term “Arabian” is only used once in the Holy Koran
and they are descendants of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael and Grandmother of the
Ishmaelites of whom Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud is a descendant of Hagar. See pg. 2
Holy Koran.
In consideration of this information Arabians trace themselves from Ishmael
not Hagar and we are told that Abraham and Ishmael re-built the Kabbah in Mecca.
According to the George Sales Translation of the Holy Koran of Mecca HQ 2:126-127.
“And When Abraham prayed: “Make this city a city of peace, and bestow fruits upon its people, such
of hem as believe in Allah and the Last Day. He answered: “As for those who disbelieve, I shall leave
them in contentment for a while, then I shall compel them to punishment of the fire; and that is the
worst abode. And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the house, (they
prayed): “our Lord! Accept from us (this act); You are indeed the All-Hearing, the All Knowing.”
Think of this Moors, before Abraham and Ishmael re-built the Kabbah. The
Moorish, who were ancient Moabites, founded the Holy City of Mecca. This is in
context to the following keys:
Key 61. Who is guarding the Holy City of MECCA today to keep them from reentering? Angels.
Key 62. What is the modern name for those Angels? Arabians. (Asiatics) 101
Key 63. What is the shade of their skin? Olive.
Key 64. Are the MOORISH AMERICANS any relation to those Angels? Yes! We all have the same
father and mother.
Thus, again the Holy Prophet dispels all falsehoods about who we are and who
they are, i.e., Olive skinned angels having the same father and mother. They the
Arabians Ishmaelites and/or Hagarenes are our brothers. In conclusion, please review
KJVB Psalms 83:6. The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes.
The Moabites and the original Arabians are not the same people as demonstrated here
the Ishmaelites lived on the land of the Moabites and we can safely say that the
Hagarenes were a part of the Ishmaelites original Arabians.

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