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We rise praising Allah the Father of the Universe The rootless root and causeless cause from
which all has originated. We give the highest human honors to our Savior, Allah in the person of
Prophet Drew Ali. The last Prophet in this era of sent to redeem us from our sinful ways.

We give honor to whom the Prophet gave honors, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the fore runner
of our Holy Prophet, who did pave the way for the coming Prophet.

We give honor to whom the Prophet honored as the First Supreme Grand Sheik, Saint, E
Mealey El and all past Supreme Grand Sheiks to our current Supreme Grand Sheik Ra Saadi El,
The Chief of Ministers, and Mahdi of the Moorish Science Temple of America in this era of time,
and his official staff. We give honor to all whom honor is due.

This day also We give respect to our adversary as a man must have a foe to be the strength
of Allah made manifest.

Islam! Islam! Islam!

Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali said: “From the East comes all light, but though
the sun is hanging at high noon; the blind cannot see. The same is the Islamic Creed from the East
was brought to the Asiatics of America by the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, and offered to those who
were sick at heart, tried for many years, yet they are blind and cannot see the light, nor is the
Prophet trying to put new wine in old skins, for he knows that it will burst them. Still, he has the
only remedy for the nations. The remedy brought by Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, and all the
other Prophets, which remedy is truth. The nations do not want the truth it is too stern, but until
they accept it and find out where it is, there will continue to be religious controversy.”

Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali said: “Inspired by the lofty teachings of the Koran,
we have it as the revealed word of God Allah. We shall foster the principles of its teachings among
our members. This is our religious privilege as American citizens under the laws of one of the
greatest documents of all time—the American Constitution.”
Be mindful our Holy Prophet did not say imitate a psychology, method, custom, tradition,
national standard or anything that has demonstrated harmful to our people or that would prevent
us from honoring our forefathers and mothers and divine creed.

Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali said: “If you have race pride and love your race,
join the Moorish Science Temple of America, and become a part of this Divine Movement. Then
you will have power to redeem your race because you will know who you are and who your
forefathers were, because where there is Unity there is Strength, “Together we stand and divided
we fall”. Come, good people, because I, the Prophet, sent to redeem this Nation from mental
slavery which you now have, need every one of you who think that your condition can be better.”

What are the principles of this (The Koran) teaching we shall foster? Well, if we say this is
the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America then the asker has answered his own
question. On the other hand, if we say this is the Holy Qur’an of Mecca then our Prophet has
answered this for us in his statement “What is Islam.”

Our Holy Prophet Ali stated: “The Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, tells us that the final
abode of man is the “House of Peace.” “Where” no vain word or sinful discourse will be heard.
The Holy Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali says that a follower of Islam in the true sense of the
word is one whose hands, tongue, and thoughts do not hurt others. Object of man’s life,
according to Islam, is its complete unfoldment. Islam teaches that man is born which unlimited
capacities for progress. Islam does not support the idea that man was born in sin. It teaches that
everyone has within him the seed of perfect development and it rests solely with himself to make
or mar his fortune”.

Thus, these are the principles of the Holy Qur’an of Mecca we seek to foster. Now be
mindful of Prophet Muhammed’s example in the establishment of Islam during his time and arrival
to Medina (Yathrib). In short, Prophet Muhammed changed the direction of prayer, established a
month for fasting after recognizing a Jewish period of fasting (Ashur), and later changed it to the
month of Ramadan. Just for the record Ramadan does not mean fasting (Saim) in Arabic.

Thus, the example of our Holy Prophet Drew Ali in fostering the principle of The Koran,
the Holy Book of Islam and example of the Prophet Muhammed are reflected in Chicago, Ill being
recognized as our Mecca, prayers taught by our Holy Prophet, Holy Instructions: Charity, and the
example of Jesus who fasted for 40 days.
Let us compare what Prophet Muhammed said as Narrated by Abu Huraira:
One day while Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬was sitting with the people, a man came to him walking and
said, "O Allah's Messenger (‫)ﷺ‬. What is Belief?" The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Belief is to believe in Allah,
His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the meeting with Him, and to believe in the
Resurrection." The man asked, "O Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬What is Islam?" The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬replied,
"Islam is to worship Allah and not worship anything besides Him, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay
the (compulsory) charity i.e., Zakat and to fast the month of Ramadan." The man again asked, "O
Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬What is Ihsan (i.e., perfection or Benevolence)?" The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,
"Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not achieve this state of devotion, then
(take it for granted that) Allah sees you." (See Hadith No. 47 Vol 1) Sahih al-Bukhari 4777

Moors, those claiming Moorish, and anybody that got something to say about a “Moorish
Month of Fasting.” Get to know Allah in the person of Prophet Ali as he did say in the Holy Koran
of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Chapter 48:6-9.
We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa, do not desire to
amalgamate, or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither serve the gods
of their religion because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed,
for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. Therefore, we are returning the Church
and Christianity back to the European Nations, as it was prepared by their forefathers for their
earthly salvation. While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by
our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation. The covenant of the great God-Allah: "Honor
they father and they mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy
God, Allah hath given thee!"

Think! Moors we must return the Mosque and Al-Islam back to the Arab Nations, as they
have done to Islam what Europe did with Christianity. Last but not the least point on this subject
is the words communicated to us by Satti Majid about what the Prophet had to say about Al-Islam.
“The Islam that was before him (Prophet Drew Ali) was not true Islam and he claimed that he had garnered
his knowledge in the city of Fez and that he had met with leaders of the Islamic religion there and in Egypt,
the Hijaz and Iraq, and that all the scholars had testified that he is the prophet promised at the end of time.
He began to preach this to the world. Then he said the secret of his prophecy [was] Jesus, peace be upon
him. His adoption of Islam was in former times and that they had hidden this from the world. The object of
worship in Islam has no eye with which it sees and no intelligence with which it reasons, nor any ear with
which it hears, nor does it have power; it is nothing but fantasy, shot through with hocus pocus. This is
what he put abroad of his unbelief and hypocrisy in the book mentioned above and this is but a small part
of a large whole.”

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