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We rise praising and bearing witness that Allah is all Allah. Father of the Universe, the rootless root
and causeless cause from which all have origin.
We give the highest human honors to our Savior, Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali. The last
Prophet in this era of time, sent by Allah to redeem the Asiatics of North America from sin, disobedience,
and suffering.
We give honor to whom our Holy Prophet gave honor, Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The forerunner of
the Prophet, a spirit moving like unto John the Baptist in the times of Jesus. Letting the world know that
purity in life must precede Love made manifest among the living.
We give honor to whom our Holy Prophet honored as the First Supreme Grand Sheik, Saint, E
Mealey El who fought the good fight to stand for the Holy Prophet, the teachings, and organization of the
Moorish Science Temple of America.
We give honor to all lawful past Supreme Grand Sheiks to our current 5th Lawful, Supreme Grand
Sheik Dr. Ra Saadi El, The Chief of Ministers and Mahdi of the Moorish Science Temple of America in this
era of time. Honoring his official staff, and membership.
This day We give honors to our adversaries as a man must have a foe to be the strength of Allah
made manifest. We give honor to all whom honor is due.

We A. Govain Bey, a humble student of the Mahdi, do this day rise between the compass and square
to use the plane to smooth out the rough, uneven surfaces of the reincarnation thought. It is our intention
to communicate this thought to the wise for our own improvement and to the uninformed for theirs. As we
strive to be skilled in propagating the faith and extend learning and truth of the Great Prophet of Ali, here
in America, as taught by our Mahdi, who is the rightly guided of Allah’s Holy Prophet Drew Ali.
Our Holy Moorish American Prophet Drew Ali claimed us, named us, and gave us Islamism, i.e., the
Everlasting Gospel and the Old Time Religion. This religion is somewhat the same as Jesus, Mohammed,
Buddha, Confucius, and other Prophets of their day, but the ills in the age of Ali differ from the ills of the
days of the past; and yet the remedy for the ills of today is about the same as the remedies for the day’s past;
all turning about the pivot Love—Love for humanity.
Our earthly and divine salvation rests firmly upon the “Love of Humanity.” A spiritual love of
humanity. Nationality, and everything that we need to be law-abiding citizens, resolves the larger problems
of life which are social and economic but in the profound sense the problems of life are moral and spiritual.
Thus, through Prophet Drew Ali’s teachings the nations of the earth will understand the will of the Master;
it will be through him that “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all men” shall come and thorough his work
humanity will rise from the slime of life unto the solid rock of salvation.
Our Holy Moorish American Prophet told us that he would make the European tell us the truth and
that the “The “Negro” problem is being solved only as it can and that is by and through the Moorish
National Divine Movement. If you have a Nation, you must have a Free National Name to be recognized by
this Nation as an American citizen. This is what was meant when it was said: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of
Heaven and all these things would be added unto you.”
The Negro Problem: (The Negro Family) The Case for National Action, commonly known as the
Moynihan Report, was a 1965 report on Black poverty in the United States written by Daniel Patrick
Moynihan, an American scholar serving as Assistant Secretary of Labor under President Lyndon B. Johnson
and later to become a US Senator. Moynihan argued that the rise in unemployment is due to a destructive
pattern of behavior in ghetto culture that has produced single-mother families, because of slave conditions,
continued discrimination of Jim Crow under the American South. The report concluded that families
headed by single mothers would hinder the progress of Black people toward economic and political
equality. Black sociologist E. Franklin Frazier introduced this idea in the 1930s.
The straight path to Allah is the manifest of a conflict that cannot be told in words; suffering trials
and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun
and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide, and they will lead to
Since the first man formed in flesh and departed out of flesh demonstrating the omnipotence of
Allah and man. Men have descended upon the plane of soul, then descended further to take on the final
garb of carnal flesh. This carnal nature is the foe that man must fight, that he might be the strength of Allah
made manifest. In yonder kingdom of the soul this carnal evolution is not known, and the magnificent
work of “Master Minds” is to restore the heritage of man, to bring him back to his estate that he has lost,
when he again will live upon the ethers of his native plane. The thoughts of Allah change not; the manifests
of life on every plane unfold into perfection of their kind; and as the thought of Allah can never die, there
is no death to any being of the seven ethers of the seven Spirits of the Triune Allah.
At this point, let us briefly look at Buddha’s teaching on reincarnation. The reincarnation taught by
Buddha differs from ours as he did not mention divisions of physical, soul, and spirit, but focused on the
migration of consciousness that links life, finitely and infinitely. Buddha taught that consciousness in the
newly reborn is neither identical nor entirely different from that of the deceased but the two form a causal
continuum or stream to overcome ignorance. Transmigration is the effect of the moral law of karma or
volitional action. The basic cause is ignorance and upon the elimination of ignorance, rebirth ceases. Thus,
reincarnation is the conscious persistence to be free of ignorance. When a consciousness is born into a
conscious family willfully obligated and prepared to guide the moral and spiritual development of a
consciousness; the consciousness wastes little time in learning to trace past lives to the current state of
ignorance and truly continues the work of Master Minds.
Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali brought the solution: “In conclusion, I urge you to
remember there is work enough for all to do in helping to build a better world. The problems of life are
largely social and economic. In a profound sense, they are moral and spiritual. Have lofty conceptions of
your duties to your country and fellowman in general and especially those with whom you deal. This
includes such honesty and righteousness as will cause you to put yourself in the other fellow’s place. Look
for the best in others and give them the best that is in you. Have a deeper appreciation for womanhood.
Brighten the hopes of your youth in order that their courage be increased to dare and do wondrous things.
Adhere at all times to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.
I am your affectionate leader. I shall continue to labor night and day, both in public and private, for
your good, thereby contributing to the welfare of our country and its people.” Please be mindful our divine
salvation is dependent on how well we follow our Holy Moorish American Prophet’s words, acts, and
Having considered a true thought of reincarnation and its purpose in the Moorish Science Temple of
America there will still be Moorish American Moslems who argue their misunderstanding and
misrepresentation of a reincarnation. As with all things, character is the basis of definition such is the case
with reincarnation, resurrection, and possession. In short, reincarnation is the soul’s rebirth into flesh,
resurrection is the soul’s return to its last occupied physical form, and possession is the intrusion of an
outside entity into the physical form of a living soul in physical form. Each has its own process and laws
governing these processes.
Reincarnation begins with the incarnation of soul into physical form by birth, then there is the
disincarnation of the soul out of physical form. Upon the plane of soul, judgement of the soul takes place,
the universal moral of karma makes determination and based on this determination the soul continues
learning lessons upon the plane of soul or reincarnation of the soul into physical form (rebirth). Now, we
draw in the case of our Holy and Divine Prophet being divinely prepared and sent to save us puts him
outside the context of a normal developing consciousness but we can still under the process as described in
HK 11:42. "You priests of Kapavistu, hear me speak; we stand to-day upon a crest of time. Six times ago a master soul
was born who gave a glorious light to man, and now a master sage stands here in the temple Kapavistu.” This Master
soul spoken of is the Buddha Gautama, the Master sage is Prophet Jesus the time between them is 600
years. Prophet Jesus to Prophet Mohammed 600 years. Key 82. What is the name of the person into whom Jesus
was first reincarnated? Prophet Mohammed the Conqueror. In the case of Confucius there is a 400-year gap to
Buddha, just as there is a 400-year gap between Mehmed II 1453 Byzantine and our Holy Prophet Drew Ali
thus the timelines on the backend match those on the front.
Now, Jesus demonstrated and explained the resurrection on three separate occasions. HK 17.,
establishing his measure as reincarnating, disincarnated, i.e., body disintegrates and then acted upon by the
Holy Breath raising the substance of his human flesh to flesh divine, through a willingness of consciousness
to unit with the omnipotence of Allah. In short, the same soul returns to the same body.
Finally, Possession is of a living soul formed in carnal flesh by an entity, i.e., spirit, sprite, jinn, devil,
and/or demons. This is not the behavior of angels, Prophets, or those rightly guided. This is the character of
a being obsessed with the lore of carnal things violating spiritual laws to experience carnal things.
In conclusion, to the best of my understanding I have represented a true Moorish concept of the
reincarnation idea and clarified the prevailing misconceptions of our Holy Prophet reincarnating in any
physical form other than a newborn child, angel unawares. The Holy Moorish American Prophet told us we
have everything we need take it and save ourselves, i.e., His example, Questionnaire, Divine Constitution
and By-Laws and Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America.
Allah in the person of Prophet Drew Ali laid a solid foundation for our ethical social development,
within an economically sustainable environment. Where our men, women, sons, and daughters are
nurtured in morality and consciously directed to value their relationship with our Father God-Allah.
We welcome your corrections, concerns, and comments on this subject. May Allah be pleased with
our good and grant us the opportunity to get it right.
Your Brother in Islamism
Praise Allah. Almighty!

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