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Chapter 4 - Ucadia Law Series

The Law Explained: Session 4 – Corporations, Funds and Property
There are many distractions and many ways whereby others may try and cause you
doubt and to question yourself and your judgment – especially in becoming more
competent as to the fundamentals of law. This will only become even more of a
challenge once I start to post the forms and steps of services available through Ucadia
for the recognition of people competent enough to be regarded as an Advocate of law,
as well as the recording of key instruments for your trusts, your estates and affairs and
your corporations.
The General Amnesty still stands for all those that speak to others about education
about law and possible remedies to be recognized as the bona-fide holder of the right
to assist people with Ucadia solutions and to be known as a true Counsel of Law in
honour of the Golden Rule of Law.
Let us start then on the series tonight, beginning with a quick summary of what we
have learned from Session 3 and some further key concepts that underpin our ability
to cognize Estates, Rolls and Registers as Part #1 being a “Quick Review on Key

In Session 3 and the outline of Estates, Rolls and Registers, we discussed some
incredible revelations that for the first time make clear the function and origin of the
notion of estates. Let me summarize then some of the key insights you hopefully
gained from Session 3, as listed on the above chart, namely:

The Elite Families claim to be without sin and the rest of us as “sheeple” – sinners
without rights;

The whole commercial and corporate Western-Roman world is based on monetization

of sin;

There is no remedy in Common Law. The Statutes have been altered numerous times
and records burnt;

Rights are connected to persons. You are connected to multiple persons of different

In Western-Roman System, most of your person relations are as a Res (thing) or


An Estate is a valid record in a Roll associated with certain Rights. An Estate Roll
creates persons;

A Register is a book of tables of records as evidence of events and/or certain rights;

A Record is an authentic memorial of action of recording the event and facts

themselves under oath;

The highest possible Estates, Registers and Rolls are Ucadia. All Western-Roman
estates are inferior;

The only viable solutions for Estates, Rolls and Registers are within Ucadia.

The above chart is given as a reminder as to remembering what Ucadia is, being a
complete model as an alternative to the decline of the Western-Roman Model. That is
why it has taken nearly three full decades to design and complete.
As I have shown in the previous chart presentations, there is absolutely no relief or
remedy within the Western-Roman System anymore, as it is so broken. Nor can
anyone reasonably or sensibly wake up one day and decide they are going to go and
create their own society from scratch and hope to accomplish this same kind of work.
The philosophical, legal, spiritual, financial, operational and functional design and
structure of a complex society is an enormous undertaking if viewed seriously and not
superficially like trying to start your own commune. Yes, it is entirely possible for a
small group of people to choose to live in some completely isolated part of the world
according to some simple rules like the 144 truths of law that I mentioned at the very
beginning of this series on the Law Explained. I comprehend that and I honour the
simplicity of that idea. But that is not the same as trying to run a city of two million or
ten million people, much less a society of millions over a wider geographic area.
It is why I have extended the Olive Branch to those who previously, for whatever
motivation or sense of ego, have sought to falsely portray Ucadia, or steal parts of
Ucadia, or falsely claim pieces of Ucadia for their own ends, to stop the lies and
recognize the opportunity of being acknowledged as an Advocate of the Golden Rule
of Law; and help many people find real and lasting remedy and relief through this
series; with their knowledge of the forms and registrations and rolls and trusts and
estates and corporations we are discussing.
So if you still encounter people sitting on the sidelines trying to stop people from
waking up, or finding lasting remedy and relief, I hope the above chart reminds you of
the power behind the information I continue to share through this series on the Law

This leads me to a case-in-point in really demonstrating the incredible insight of this

series being given to you free of charge, when you have a look at the above chart and
the information again on the fact that an estate is a valid record in a roll, creating
several persons with associated rights.

For those of you that have been studying law and trying to find answers in law, how
long have you searched for clarity as to exactly what is going on with estates? In the
above chart, you now see a picture of exactly what estates mean and why the concept
is so powerful within the Western-Roman Model, because it deprives most people of
ever really controlling or owning any form of rights or property. It means virtually
anything can be taken away from you, with such action considered “lawful” under the
Western-Roman Model of Estates. It also answers the paradox of real property and
personal property once and for all; and explains why, in modern societies, virtually all
our “privileges” are nothing more than personal property of things.

Take the above chart as an example to simplify this more clearly. What I have been
trying to do throughout this series on the Law Explained, is provide you with the
fundamentals as clearly and concisely as possible, before diving too deeply into
procedural details, labelling, examples of exceptions to the rule and so on.

In the case of Estates, it meant that last week I did not even really mention the
relations between the General Executor, or Executor and an Agent or Beneficiary or
one holding a beneficial interest in an estate. Nor did I discuss in any way the
different types of Estates within Inferior Roman Law such as Remainder Estates, Life
Estates, Fee Simple Estates and so on. By the way, there is nothing stopping you
going onto the website and reviewing the canons of law such as
Positive Law and the canons of Article 99 on Estates such as canon 2028 and reading
a summary of fourteen of the most common Inferior Roman Estates for yourself.

The reason I have not dived down into this detail just yet is that such detail without
competence or knowledge of the fundamentals results in a house built upon shaky
ground. It means the first persistent remedy guru, refusing to acknowledge the
General Amnesty that still wants to sell lies and misdirection to people can sow the
seeds of doubt in our minds. It means any self-confident attorney or solicitor or
prosecutor can throw some nonsensical term at you and cause you to doubt your grasp
of the matters at hand. Without a firm grasp on the fundamentals, it means you may
end up going around and around in circles; and actually making life worse for
yourself, instead of better. So just because I don’t mention every term associated with
rights or trusts or estates or corporations, please don’t let others distract you into
“believing” there are not tens of thousands of pages of detailed research and primary
sources to the original statutes and instruments that first introduced many of those
concepts – there are. I just want you to have a firm grasp on the fundamentals before
diving into specific case-by-case examples of remedies and detail.

Keeping the right perspective is why on the above chart, I continue to remind
everyone reading and listening to this series that The Highest Roll and Register is the
Great Register of One Heaven, defining Divine Persons; and that no other Register or
Roll has greater authority or power. This is why your Live Borne Record is so
powerful when you redeem your membership. It is living proof of your higher
position and standing within Ucadia compared to the Western-Roman system. In
contrast, all Western-Roman Rolls and Registers are inferior.

Keeping this in mind is why on the above chart, we can say with absolute certainty
that the presence of any Roman Land Register is proof of slavery- as land means
“body” and the mere existence of such a register is proof that all the citizens of a
country are considered nothing more than slaves by the ruling elite.
People incorrectly assume a land register is a register of surveyed plots and divisions
and towns, when the primary land register since the late 18th Century is a roll of the
bodies of persons as perpetual slaves under Western-Roman Law, with any
“privileges” to a home then attached to a person record, not the other way around.
Unless you have competent proof of a superior person and a proper survey and the
memorialized instruments and testimonies to prove it, then all the convoluted or
superficial claims that people may make in “saving your home”, are easily exposed as
blatant falsities; just by this one realization as to exactly what a land register
Don’t worry, because I will be speaking about protecting your right to a home and
even recovering such a right, as well as overcoming the threats of a broken system, as
we move through this series. But for now, I want to show in a practical demonstration
the incredible power that comes in “knowing” before the actual “doing”.

This leads me to the above chart and the last few charts before we speak about what
are corporations? How do they function? And how are they formed? The above chart
and some of the other charts I am about to show you briefly, are copies of charts I
discussed in the first session on this series of the Law Explained, namely the
importance of the Golden Rule of Law.
The reason I have brought this chart back in this series is to remind everyone who is
reading and listening, that when we discuss corporations and funds and property that
the Golden Rule of Law is not some abstract and esoteric concept.

As the above chart reminds us, where there is no Golden Rule of Law (equality), there
is no Law. Where there is no law, it means nothing claimed to be law is actually law
and no instrument or document claimed to have force or effect actually has any
meaning. It means that any rights and authority then devolve back to those few good
men and women who are competent in the Golden Rule of Law to restore the Rule of
Law within their own communities.

Similarly, as the above chart reminds us, Justice is the application of the Golden Rule
of Law to Rights, through Due Process by Officers possessing Clean Hands, Good
Trust and Impartiality.

The above chart then reminds us that when Officers and Trustees do not have Clean
Hands, Good Trust and Impartiality in performing their duties, then there is no justice.

These are not arbitrary concepts, but fundamental elements of law that if non-existent,
render the claimed instruments and foundations of any modern financial system null
and void as demonstrated in the above chart.

No one may profit from their own wrong. A system that allows people to profit from
injury to the law is a system of organized crime run by criminals, and nothing more.

Similarly, no oath or vow or promise stands in male fide or bad trust, also known as
“bad faith”. Regardless of whether or not, notice is given of such breach of trust, the
trust effectively ceases the moment one willingly and deliberately breaks their word.
If their word was never given in good trust in the first place, then there is no trust.

The same can be said that any unfair and unreasonable claims, then void any action or
contract. Thus prejudice and systemic unfairness negates the lawfulness of any
sentence, or fine or penalty as nothing more than a dictate from a pirate or criminal or

Now I know that those who hear these words and read these charts may say that it is
one point to highlight what the law is, it is entirely another to stop a well oiled
network of pirates from continuing to plunder and torture and kill people. This is true.

Yet I remind every listener and reader of a fact of history. When a tyrant is finally
revealed to be exactly what they are, their ability to control the population is
inevitably lost, often in months or weeks. Thus, even a tyrant must maintain the
illusion of some form of rule of law, or risk losing their heads upon inevitable
uprising. Even Stalin held elections and operated courts. But when the propaganda
and complicit media can no longer hide the stench of corruption and lack of the
existence of any legitimate rule of law, the force of change is unstoppable.

This leads me to the last chart in Part #1 of tonight being the above chart and a
reminder of the Rule of Relation, namely an object or concept created cannot be
greater than its creator.

All Corporations as you will see, depend upon the pre-existence of an estate; and all
estates depend upon the pre-existence of a trust that is granting such rights. If there is

no trust, there can be no estate; and if there is no estate, then there is no valid
corporation. Similarly, a corporation cannot claim powers greater than the personality
it possesses from the estate.

I have put this chart in again, because the Rule of Relation is a perfect example of
why the entire Western-Roman Model of Law is completely broken, as corporations
have become so reckless and so uncontrollable and so contemptuous to the basic
tenets of even the “appearance of law”, that they do not care that they have over-
reached their authority. It is the corporations that are doing a better job of destroying
the systems of Western-Roman control that have kept the people enslaved for
hundreds of years, than any rebel force or army has ever done.

So what is a Corporation then? Well the above chart gives us a visual outline, being
that a Corporation is an Assembly of People; or Society; or Body Politic; or Body
Corporate; or Company of Merchants united under a Trust Instrument of common

As the diagram shows, what can be a corporation is potentially a much wider and
more varied set of entities, beyond simply merchant companies and non-profit

How then is a Corporation formed? There are several steps and the above chart gives
us the first step, being the instrument that proposes the formation of a corporation in
the first instance. It is, for want of a better description, the trust instrument that forms
the underlying trust holding the primary rights of the corporation in trust.

Unlike a normal trust or estate, once the underlying trust of a corporation is formed
based on such rights, it cannot dispose of, or gift or convey such rights, without the
fundamental nature of the corporation changing or ceasing to exist. A Corporation is
then proposed either by Charter (top down) or Memorandum (bottom up) in Trust:

From the “top down”, a corporation is proposed by a Charter of Rights, being granted
by crown or body politic or other higher corporation and recorded in a Charter Roll.

From the “bottom up”, a corporation is proposed by a Memorandum of good will of

the founders, formed when an assembly of founders pledge in unity their good will
and intentions in trust to some common purpose, as recorded in a Memorandum (e.g.
Articles of Union or Articles of Confederation). That, by the way, is the origin of the
notion of good will, as the only effective rights placed in trust in the formation of the
corporation. Most modern corporations today are formed in this manner and when
good will ceases and there is a breach in this fundamental memorandum, then
consistent with all trust law, the underlying trust that gives life to the corporation
ceases to exist; and all such rights are usually conveyed into a fraud trust, under
Western-Roman Law, for the liquidation of such a corporation.

Yet this does not finish the formation of a corporation, only the first major step. The
above chart shows that in a strict sense, a Corporation is formed either by issue of
Signed/Sealed Charter, or Deed of Ratification of Founding Memorandum of Union.
The Signed and Sealed Charter demonstrates the valid formation of a Chartered
Corporation, based upon its existence and recording within a Charter Roll.
Or if the corporation was formed by the good will of its founders, then by a Deed of
Ratification that demonstrates the individual intention of each founder in the
formation of a Corporation by the will of its founding members.
This is why the existence of Ratification is fundamental in all cases where it is
claimed a country was formed and is operating under a constitution, such as Australia
for example. The Constitution of Australia, as promulgated in 1901 has never been
ratified once, by a single Australian state. What this means, is that the country has
been operating on the Charter granted to the Governor General of Australia, with the
constitution being nothing more than the rules of such trust under Charter as property
of the crown, until a private corporation was formed in the 1970’s and registered in
the United States, usurping commonwealth Authority. In other words, Australia is a
classic example of a country with no legitimate laws, being run by private and secret
corporations for their own personal profit; and progressively becoming more and
more out of control since the 1970’s.

The Powers, Authority and Structure of a Corporation may be defined by (1) Articles
or Rules; or (2) a Constitution then ratified by Members.

Articles or Rules= Define the elementary powers, authority and structures of a


Constitution= Defines a more complete structure of powers and authority of a

corporation without normally defining procedures or form.

The above chart then looks at the two ways a corporation may define its operational
procedures either (1) according to Bylaws as ratified by its members; or (2) according
to policies as dictated by its Executive as Orders. Only Private Corporations may
issue Executive Orders.

By operating procedures, I mean how the procedures and forms of the corporation
may be defined and how they function:

By Bylaws or Statutes, I mean that the operating rules of the corporation are issued
and ratified by the members (or their elected representatives) of the Corporation. All
rules of a public corporation must be Bylaws (Statutes).

By Policies or Procedures, I mean the Dictates issued, as changeable rules, by the

Executive of a private corporation solely as Executive Orders, without ratification by
members or their representatives.

By definition, all Public Corporations are forbidden by law to be operated by Dictates

(Executive Orders), as these Policies and Regulations circumvent the representatives
of Members. Evidence of Executive Orders is either proof of breach of trust by
executive, or the existence of a Private Corporation structure.

Now to make sense of all these components of the founding of a corporation, I have
listed them all on the above chart:

• The Charter or Memorandum defines the boundary of trust, the rights (corpus) of the

• The Rules or Constitution defines the organs and their authority and powers

• The Bylaws or Policies defines how the property and operations of the corporation
are to be administered.

As to proving a corporation exists, the above chart explains that a Corporation may be
proven to exist by three ways (1) Certificate of Charter; or (2) Certificate of
Ratification; or (3) Certificate of Incorporation
• Certificate of Charter= Issued by the body that granted its Charter and proof that the
Chartered Corporation exists. A Certificate of Charter is in effect a Certificate of
• Certificate of Ratification= Issued by an independent witness (e.g. notary, justice of
peace or court, etc.), is proof that the Corporation exists.
• Certificate of Incorporation = Issued by a Body Politic as to the recognition of
“personality” of a Corporation is proof of its existence.

Now that we have discussed the formation of a corporation, it is time to discuss the
notion of corporate personality. Before we discuss how corporations come to be
known in some sense as “persons”, the above chart demonstrates in a visual way the
importance of corporate personality in a practical sense. In effect, corporate
personality enables a wide variety of different Corporations to be considered “the
same” in order to lawfully hold assets and liabilities and to trade and exchange.
Without Corporate Personality there would be no systems of trade.

So how is corporate personality created? Take a look at the above chart that recalls a
Person is a fictional form of you; whereas a Corporate Personality is a fictional
derivative of a Person.

Just as a Person is a fictional form enclosing attributes as [or of] the Identity of a man
or woman or body politic (assembly) or thing, Corporate Personality is a fictional
derivative of a Person. In effect, a Corporate Person is the “Agent” of a Person. A
Corporation has “personality” or “personage”, to the extent that such agency powers
remain in force.

That is why they say legal personality as an adjective and not as a noun, as the quality
of Corporate “Personage” is a separate element to the actual formation of a
Corporation. That is also the difference between the liquidation of a Corporation
versus the de-registering of a Corporation. One dissolves the company (liquidation),
whereas the other terminates the “personality” of a company, preventing it from
trading or owning bank accounts.

The above chart visualizes the fact that a Person is formed by a record on a valid Roll;
whereas a Corporate Person is formed via a recording or registration known as
“Incorporation” on a Register.

A Corporate Person or “Incorporation” depends on the prior existence of (1) a valid

record in a Roll of Persons first; and (2) a constituting document creating a body of
rights as a Corporation.

In contrast, a Charter Roll fulfils both points (1) and (2) and the earliest corporations
were usually by enrolment on a Charter Roll (granting of a Charter).

Similar to our discussions on Estates, we need to be careful not to be tricked into

thinking that all corporate personalities are the same. The above chart makes this
clear. Not all Corporate Personality is the same. Just as Estates create Persons,
Corporate Personality may be formed as Ecclesiastical, Public, Private or Personal.
While two corporations may be the same in their formation, their incorporation and
thus the recognition of associated Rights determines their standing in law.
The lowest standing of corporation in Western-Roman law is a corporation sole
(individual personal corporation). The highest standing corporation is a spiritual
corporation or corporation sole or body corporate for “cure of souls”.

Putting the concept of corporate personality and standing into context, please have a
look at the above chart and the fact that Poor people (Paupers, Prisoners, Peons etc.)
have always had the lowest standing. However, until the 1930’s, public personality of
public corporations provided some relief.
Until the 1930’s, Public Corporations such as Bodies Politic (i.e. United States,
Canada, etc.) provided some level of relief to the “masses” via public accountability
and public law.

In contrast to the nightmare that emerged from the 1930’s onward, please have a look
at the above chart whereby in the 1930’s Banks took control over public policy as
“gods”. Governments gradually switching to US based private corporations. Police,
Courts and Agencies are contractors.
Much of the world has been suffering under a “pirate” model of corporations
controlled by major reserve banks since the 1930’s, as public accountability and any
form of relief has continued to decline.

Yet as frustrating and depressing as these facts are, the chart above is a reminder that
the Highest Corporate Bodies are Ucadian. No other Corporations or Bodies Politic or
Societies possess greater power or authority.

If you want to know more, then please go and have a look at any of the Ucadian
Union Constitutional Charters to see more on the Hierarchy of Ucadian bodies.

So given we have discussed a solid foundation on corporations, it is important to

cover very briefly what we mean by property, before wrapping up session 4 on the
Law Explained tonight.

In coming weeks during these sessions, I will be referring more to the actual
procedures involved, but for the moment, please have a look at the above chart in
answer to what is property?

Here you see, from left to right, the idea that we begin with the notion of “rights in
trust” – that we discussed in some details in Session 2. Then in the centre we have the
notion of property being title of a person connected to certain property in the context
of an estate, as we discussed last week in Session 3. Then on the right hand side, we
have the notion of a fund or a “real asset” associated with a purpose or obligation.

We will be discussing funds now. For the moment, I just want you to consider this
rather simple diagram in seeing the progression, beginning with rights in trust; and
then property being a further refinement of such rights; then applied in ownership to a
particular type of person, named or unnamed.

This then leads us to the final section in our discussion tonight on Corporations,
Funds and Property, namely what is a Fund?

Have a look at the above chart. A Fund is a sum of units of monetary value, recorded
in one or more designated accounts, set apart for a term of years, and one or more
specific purposes.
A Fund enables the “conversion” of the value of one or more underlying rights in trust
into an asset that can then be used to discharge debts, borrow “money” and settle

The above chart then makes more sense of the importance of funds. Corporations
cannot (by logic) dispose of and discharge debts using the primary rights held in trust,
Corporations need access to Funds.

A Fund enables the “conversion” of the value of one or more underlying rights in trust
into assets that can then be used to discharge debts, borrow and settle accounts. For
example, a corporation formed by the rights of “good will” of the founding members,
creates a “fund” of capital against such good will to convert, to trade and discharge
debts and obligations.

Similar to the notion of property, we will be having much more to say about funds in
the coming weeks on this series on the Law Explained. For now, I want you to
consider the fact that the unit of value ascribed to creating a value associated with the
term and purpose does not necessarily have to be in the denomination of a private
money system. If it is a private token system, then you may not have the right to even
nominate such units as the base. Furthermore, if your hypothecations associated with
such a fund were to be registered into a place under the control of a bank owning such
a private money system, then technically they may be in full right to confiscate such
funds from you at any time – because it is their private money, and not yours.

Like I said, I will be discussing funds in much more detail in coming weeks,
especially when we speak of Ucadian currencies and units of value; and why
members who have reached a point of competency and respect, and have not
committed injuries against Ucadia, have the right and access to units of Ucadia
currency value in association with the management of their Ucadian trusts, estates and
corporations. Like I said, only in the context of those that will have completed the
necessary documents properly and are not actively injuring or hurting Ucadia.
The General Amnesty still applies, so whatever someone has done in the past, it can
certainly be forgiven. But those people who remain active in stealing pieces of
Ucadia, or making false representations and are committing outright fraud against
Ucadia, and refuse to stop such behaviour under the General Amnesty, are ineligible
to use or receive any benefit of the tools of services we are outlining.
The only viable solution for Corporations & Funds is Ucadia.
So there you have it. A detailed analysis and explanation in relation to Corporations,
Funds and Property. As with the previous sessions, I hope you find session 4 to be
both useful and interesting.


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