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Masturi Food Pavilion

Masturi Food Pavilion established in 2019. It is situated at Gerua Bazar in Savar. It is besides
Jahangirnagar University campus area that’s why its customers are campus students. Some local
group also use this place as a meeting place. This restaurant offers soup items, salad items,
sandwich, burger, pasta, shawarma, chaw mein, pizza, and some bangla food like rice, chicken
curry, vegetables etc. It is mainly a Chinese food serving restaurant.

This restaurant is unique as it serves Chinese food and its business is different from other local
restaurant as service is different. Mainly it tries to provide the flavor of star rating restaurants.
This restaurant has focused mainly on its internal environment which is heavily decorated.

As foods are different and customers come here for something unique that’s why employees
have special experience and knowledge on providing rich and decorated service. For this reason
their compensation is slightly higher than locals.

Compensation package of Masturi Food Pavilion:

Designation Number of Positions Payment Per

Manager 1 40,000

Chef 3 30,000

Kitchen Helper 3 12,000

Server/Waiter 2 12,000

Security Guard 1 10,000

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