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Institute of Arts and Sciences

Southern Leyte State University

Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Name: Jared C. Bemil

Program, Year and Section: BSCE 2-A

Lesson 5: Visual Communication and the Multimedia


Directions: Read and understand each statement. Put your response on the space provided.
I. Look at the image below. Evaluate the image based on the following questions.

1. What is the message?

Answer: it shows a girl from dark skin to white. In short the evolution of beauty.
2. What is the purpose of the message?
Answer: the purpose of the message is to inform, convince/persuade the readers.
3. How is the message conveyed by the image?
Answer: Informative images convey a simple concept or information that can be
expressed in a short phrase or sentence. The text alternative should convey the meaning
or content that is displayed visually, which typically isn’t a literal description of the
4. Who is the target audience of the message?
Answer: A target audience is the group of people you hope to influence with your
message. A target audience is the person or group of people a piece of writing is
intended to reach. This audience is the person or group of people the writer is aiming for
or trying to reach.
5. What are the other ways of presenting the message?
Answer: Through videos/movies, through songs, through telling stories, speeches,

II. Browse for any government website of your choice. Review the interface of their
website based on the principles of graphics and layout. Be honest with your observation.
Moreover, please indicate your suggestion as to what must be improved with their

1. Name of Website: DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways)

2. Link of Website:
3. Review (at least 100 words): In the website of DPWH (Department of Public Works
and Highways), when it comes to images, most of the image are authentic, and also
it’s high quality of images, it’s sharp, clear and free for distortion. When it comes to
topography the style or appearance of the texts are very attractive to watch/see, the
fonts display are used standard font for website, it is readable. And it shows where
to begins and where to go next using different levels of emphasis. And for its color, it
used a standard color for their website but it is less colorful and it need more color
in order to be attracted for readers.
4. Suggestions (at least 100 words): Like what I said on the review, one of my
is the colors because it’s not colorful to watch, colors helps to feel confident in many
different situations, whether it’s choosing colors for design or putting together for
the perfect outfits or outcomes. And also, a little bit suggestion on the topography,
it’s better to that the text are easier to read on screen, the bigger the text, the more
we can understand and see it clearly. In images, the bigger is better because it gives
more to work with. Images can make a websites more attractive to visits and give us

III. Install Adobe Spark Post in your gadget. Please browse a tutorial from Youtube on how
to use this application. Once you have it, make a digital poster (Poster size) based on
your field of expertise (BSTM must make a promotional poster of a local tourist
destination in Southern Leyte, BSHM must make a promotional poster of a certain hotel or
restaurant in Southern Leyte, BIT must make a poster about preparing a certain type of
food (food preparation technology) or about any vehicles (automotive technology) or
about a certain type of appliance (electronics technology) or about electrical wiring
(electrical technology), BSIT must make a poster about computers, BSFT must make a
poster about nutritional content of a certain type of food.) Apply the principles of
graphics and layout. Please attach your poster below.


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