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The following text is for question 26 and 27

To : Leo
Remember you have an appointment to pick me up from school.
I’ll be wainting for you in front of school.

Be on time.

26. What is the topic of the text above?

a. Asking some one to pick up
b. Reminding someone’s promise
c. Making an appointment to meet
d. Giving explanation the location to meet
27. What will Maya do after her class over?
a. Remind Leo for visiting
b. Wait for her friend, Leo
c. Be on time at Leo’s school
d. Go to Leo’s
28. How leng until it’s time for the final school exam for the nine grade?
a. Another month
b. Five month
c. Two month
d. Month three
29. The origin of the pandemi, starting from the country?
a. Country of Japan
b. The Netherlands
c. Country in English
d. Country in Cina
The following text for questions 30-32

To all students of grade IX. There will be a school holiday for to weeks. Please do a project of
deseriptiv text in writing. It should be about any animal around your hause. You can desecribe
your oun pet your neghtour’s, don’t forget to put the animals photi in your writing. You have to
submit it on the first day of the second semester.

Mr. Hasan

30. what in the annaouncement about…..

a. Semester holiday
b. Naigbour’s pet
c. Writing project
d. Picture description
31. what should the student do during their holiday …..
a. Doing project of descriptive text
b. Describing the firs day of semester
c. Being away from school
d. Taking picture of a pet
32. you have to submit it on the first day …
a. Bring
b. Collect
c. Take
d. Send
For question 33 and 35 complete the following text with

What did frank do yesterday? He got up at he took a showen and shaved then he had
breakfast. After that he went out and bought a (33)… see and advertisement. Radiofactory
needs part time and full time employees. Frank wanted to know more (34)……the job. Frank
took a bus to the factory. The sat down in a big room and waited. There were a lot people in
the room who wanted to work in the factory. Then the manager went into the room and
asked frank some question. Unfortunately. Frank (35)….
34. ……..
a. Over
b. With
c. About
d. Inside
35. ………
a. accepted
b. misjudged
c. failed
d. trusted
the text is questions 36 and 37

Dear Andrea,
We would like to invite you to the metting
Date/time: Wednesday, may 14 th, 2021 from 2 pm-3.30 pm
Program : discussing the preparation for porseni
Venue : school hall SMP Negeri Jakarta
Confirmation of attendance is needed, so please contact Elena (OSIS month ber ) at 250-0089
Best regars,

36. What must Andrea do before attednding the meeting…

a. contact Elena
b. invite Adelina
c. prepare the meeting agenda
d. discuss porseni preparation
37. From the text, we know that the meeting will be held…
a. in the afternoon
b. in the morning
c. in the evening
d. at night
The following text for questions 38-39

To: Mr. Winfield

From : Andrew
Phone : +6242897640
Messange :
The monthly is postponed due to the teachnicat reason, father information will be conveyed
soon. Call him, when you are back.

38. who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield ?

a. Andrew
b. Mr. Winfield
c. Andrew’s secretary
d. The secretary of Mr. Winfield
39. from the text we know that Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to ….. of the meeting
a. Ask the place
b. Fix the date
c. Ask information about
d. Clarify the postponement
40. now the final school exam for the junior high school level in 2022 is held in what month…
a. Month January
b. Month march
c. Month in may
d. Month juni
41. Why should there be a triple dese or bowster vaceine?
a. Apa masih ada pandemi di Indonesia?
b. Kenapa orang tajut vaksin?
c. Bagaimana cara agar orang tidak takut vaksin?
d. Mengapa harus ada vaksin dosis tiga atau boester?
42. The next generation at an early age must be diligent’s in studying
a. Generasi harapan bangsa
b. Geerasi penerus tulang punggung Negara
c. Generasi penerus di usia dini harus rajin-rajin belajar
d. Generasi harapan bangsa harus tetap semangat
43. Why are there no middle school students who like to study?
a. Mengapa siswa SMP Tunas Baru Dangkalan tidak ada yang hobi belajar?
b. Mengapa siswa SMP Tunas Baru Dangkalanmalas belajar?
c. Generasi yang ada di SMP Tunas Baru malas dating ke sekolah
d. Generasi penerus sebagai pejuang Negara
44. Who likes to go on vacation?
a. Siapa yang ingin jalan-jalan?
b. Siapa suka pergi liburan?
c. Saya suka makan
d. Saya tetap balik ketempat tanah kelahiranku
45. is the motivation of life
a. Keberhasilan adalah tujuan hidup
b. Kegagalan adalah motivasi hidup
c. Jangan berbuat curang kepada teman
d. Bekerja yang rajin

1. What is your favorite food and drinks?
2. What my mother and my father eat fried rice every morning?
3. What do i do if i don’t pass in middle school…
4. Do tou happy learning English and do you like the teacher…..
5. Try to it in the language of the number’s below
a. 1.000.988.577……………………………………………..
b. 19.326.446. 225………………………………………………….
c. 411.589. 527.000……………………………………………………….

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