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First of all, let's pray and thanks Allah SWT for giving us His guidance and blessing that

we still

chance to breathe the free air, to become a caliph around the world.

Syawalat and salam we also like to say for our beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW. A person

a moral sword, combat abomination and lightning the honesty torch. Every words and his steps

becomed the role models for our lifes.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Nowdays, corona virus is often considered as an excuse in our lives. Even, in the education
world. Most of the school, switch their learning system, from a common learning system
becomes the online learning activities. This is a big progress in education world. Why not? We
are the Z generation and as we all know, technology take a crucial part of our lives.

Unfortunately, most of us didn't realize it. Some of us use the advancement of technology just for
having fun. Online games become the hot topic at schools, beat out the importance of every
lessons. We always talk about games all the time. Our mind was contaminated by the games.
Mostly, games make us addicted. The war games, social games, and many other affect our soul.
We can like a robot, because our minds are controlled by games.

Some people said that games is a fresh air for the chaos in their lives. The statement might be
true, but only if we play the games in the reasonable way.

Without realizing it, many of us have damaged the future of ourselves and the future of the
nation. We often forget that online games can be the cause of violence.

Is it only the war game which promote violence? No. Almost all of online games can be the
trigger acts of violence.

If a person is addicted to the online games, they tend to forget their duties and responsibilities.
They will ignore the rights and the obligations. Many cases have occurred. There were students
who did not hesitate to hit and even kill their own parents when they were warned not to play
online games. In fact,the warning is a way to save them from the addiction and the illness that
might appear due to play online games for too long.

Moreover, if people are already addicted, they will do everything so they can play the online
games all the time. They will not hesitate to spend lots of money just to buy the mobile data plan
to satisfy their addiction. What happens if they don't have enough money? This is something that
really needs to be considered. Especially if the game addicts are students. They will force his
parents to fulfill these needs. Some of them will not feel sorry to steal their parents' money to
buy mobile data plan. Frequently, most of them commit the acts of violence to their friends who
are considered weak. They force to use their friend cellphones or command them to buy the
mobile data plan.

Unfortunately, it is the deterioration of our educational standard. Cellphone and internet

connection are hoped to be the media for us the young generation, to make us more critical and
creative, practical and imaginative. In reality, they have become the threat that are able to destroy
our future as the young generation and the future of our nation.

It is the responsibility for all of us. It is our continuous duty. We are the students. We are the
rising generation. We are the core of our country development for the next ten or fifteen years.

Where will the ship of our nation sail? Set the goal, strengthen our heart and do the actions, start
from now. Making use of the technology advancement intelligently. Do not be lulled by the
online games.

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