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Compiled by: Miss Fitri Wulandari



KD 3.1. dan KD 4.1 Ungkapan Hope and Wishes

Goal/Tujuan dari pembelajaran:

To express hopes and wishes to others  (memberikan  doa, harapan dan keinginan  untuk orang
lain supaya dikabulkan apa yang dicita-citakanya, apa yang diharapkannya.

Materi Pembelajaran:
I. Hope
Adalah pernyataan harapan atas seseorang atau sesuatu. 
 Berharap untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus (I hope I get good grade this
 Berharap teman kamu bisa menang kompetisi gambar ( I hope you win the
drawing competition)
Expressing Hope Respons
 I hope...(saya harap…)  Thank you (terima kasih)
 Let’s hope for the best (Mari  Thanks, I hope so (terima
berharap untuk yang terbaik) kasih, saya harap juga begitu)
 May Allah bless you (Semoga Allah
 May you have a success (Semoga
kamu sukses)
 I hope that you ...(Saya harap
bahwa kamu…)
Contoh Dialog
Dialogue I
A: I heard you are going to participate in the cooking contest. 
B: Yes, I am. 
A: Nice! I hope you will win the contest. 
B: Thanks. I hope so too.

Dialogue II
A: Hey, do you want to come with us to go fishing in the lake tomorrow?  
B: That sounds fun, but I don’t know if my mom allows me.  
A: You should ask her, then.  (Kamu harus menanyakannya, kalau begitu)
B: Okay. I’ll ask her. I hope she let me come along with you.
A: Yeah.
 Ungkapan do’a untuk seseorang atau diri sendiri.
- I wish you a good luck
- wish you all the best
- I wish you a happy day
Expressing Hope Respons
 I wish you.. (saya harap kamu…)  Thank you (terima kasih)
 I wish(saya harap…)  Thanks (terima kasih)

Compiled by: Miss Fitri Wulandari

Dialog I
A: Hallo, Ben speaking. 
B: Hallo, Ben. This is Anne. 
A: Oh hi, Anne. What’s up? 
B: I just want to tell you that I can’t come to your party tonight because my son is
A: I’m sorry to hear about your son. I wish your son a speedy recovery. 
B: Thanks, Ben. 

Dialog II
Roni : Where have you been? I have not seen you for two days.
Dewa : Well, I have been sick since Sunday.
Roni : What is wrong?
Dewa : I had a terrible cold all week.
Roni : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I wish you to get better soon.
Dewa : Thanks, Roni.
Compiled by: Miss Fitri Wulandari


Class :
1. Write the difficult words you may find in the previous pages and find the meaning
in the dictionary.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

2. Create 2 simple dialog(4 lines/dialog) using hope with the situation below:
- You hope your brother win the singing contest.
- Someone hope you to get better soon because you are hospitalized.

3. Create 2 simple dialog(4 lines/dialog) using wish with the situation below:
- You wish someone in his/her birthday.
- You wish to have a good mark this semester.

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