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Name : Safira Ananda Putri

NIM : 1202619021


Grade/Semester : VIII/1

Topic : Expressing Obligation and Prohibition Using Modal Verbs

(must and must not)

Skills : Reading and Writing

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes


3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan,
larangan, dan himbauan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
must, should)

4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana untuk menyatakan, menanyakan dan merespon
ungkapan memberi instruksi, mengajak, melarang dan minta ijin dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks


 Students are able to identify the meaning and function of obligation and prohibition
expressions by answering 10 multiple-choice questions based on the dialogue provided
with 80% correct.
 Students are able to distinguish between the use of obligation and prohibition expressions
by filling the blanks in 10 sentences with 80% correct.
 Students are able to create 5 simple sentences using obligation and prohibition expressions
based on the picture provided with 80% correct.


 Power Point Presentation

 Prohibition and Obligation related Images

 Modal verbs for obligation and prohibition

Modals – 'must' and 'must not'
We can use must and must not to talk about obligation and prohibition.

I must do my homework. We must wear our school uniform.
You must not be late for class. We must not speak when the teacher's speaking.

How to use them

Must means 'Do it!' If you don't do it, you will be in trouble or in danger.
Example: You must listen to the teacher.

We use must not to talk about what is not permitted. It is common on public signs and
notices informing people of rules and laws. Must not means 'Don't do it!' If you do it,
you will be in trouble or in danger.
Example: We must not forget our books.

Note: Use the infinitive without to after must and mustn't.

Children must respect their parents.
Parents must take care of their children.
You must not shout in the library.


Stage Procedure Time Allocation
Introduction 1. The teacher greets the students and 5 Minutes
expresses gratitude to God Almighty.
2. Students say a prayer to start the lesson led
by the class leader.
3. The teacher asks questions about the
students' wellbeing and reminds them to
follow Health Protocols such as wearing
masks, washing hands, and keeping a safe
4. The teacher checks the attendance list.
Warm Up 1. The teacher asks students to read a dialogue 10 Minutes
about prohibition expressions.
2. After reading the dialogue, the teacher asks
questions to stimulate, motivate, and
awaken students' early knowledge of the
content to be studied, specifically about
obligation and prohibition expressions,
such as:
- What is information is described based
on the dialogue?
- What is the person saying?
- Why is he/she saying that?
- How does he/she say it or what
expression does he use?

Stage Procedure Time Allocation
Activity 1 1. The teacher starts the lesson by sharing the 30 Minutes
2. The teachers ask students to identify
meaning and function of obligation and
prohibition expressions based on the pictures
3. The teacher asks students to give example of
obligation and prohibition expressions based on
the pictures given
4. The teacher asks students to read the
example of dialogue about obligation and
prohibition expressions
Activity 2 1. The teacher gives the students tasks which 30 Minutes
consists of several excersices about obligation
and prohibition expressions to assess the
students’ understanding of the lesson
2. The teacher gives the students feedbacks
about their tasks

Stage Procedure Time Allocation
Closing 1. The teacher opens a Q&A session on the 15 Minutes
material learned that day.
2. Together with students, the teacher makes
summary and conclusion on the material
learned that day.
3. The teacher closes the lesson by praying.

Task 1

For questions 1 and 2, complete the dialogue below.

Zookeeper : Excuse me, young man.
Visitor : Yes, sir. What's the matter?
Zookeeper : What are you doing?
Visitor : I'm feeding the tigers.
Zookeeper : (1). . .
Visitor : Why?
Zookeeper : The tigers are wild animals. They can be (2) . . .
Besides, the food can harm the animals.
1. . . .
a. You must not eat the tiger
b. You must feed the tiger
c. You must give the food to the tiger
d. You must not feed the tiger
2. . . .
a. Tame
b. Funny
c. Beautiful
d. Dangerous
The dialogue below is for questions 3 and 4.

Mr. Gery : Why are you late?

Musa : I apologize, Sir. I miss the bus.
Mr. Gery : Whatever your reasons, all student must obey the school rules.
Musa : Yes, Sir. I am sorry.
Mr. Gery : Okay, I forgive you. However, you must get punishment for not obeying the
3. Based on the dialogue, what is the purpose of the obligation expressions?
a. to express about the rules at school
b. to warn someone not to do something
c. to persuade someone to do something
d. to express ability of doing something at school
4. What does Musa get for not obeying the rules?
a. Rewards
b. Gifts
c. Punishments
d. Foods
5. Look at the dialogue below.
Adina: Siska, lower your voice. We must not speak loudly in the library. You will disturb
other people.
Siska : Oh, sorry.
What does the underlined sentence mean?
a. We are allowed to speak loudly in the library
b. We can speak loudly in the library
c. We are not allowed to speak loudly in the library
d. We should spek loudly in the library
For questions 6 and 7, complete the dialogue below.
Mr. Cowell : Welcome to Smith & Jones, Harry. Do you have any questions?
Harry : Yes, what time do I have to start work?
Mr. Cowell : You have to start work at 8.30.
Harry : Do I have to wear a uniform?
Mr, Cowell : No, you don’t have to wear a uniform, but you (6)... wear a tie.
Harry : Can I smoke in the building?
Mr. Cowell : No, you (7)... smoke in the building. You’ll have to go outside if you want
to smoke.
6. . . .
a. Must not
b. Do
c. Must
d. Do not
7. . . .
a. Must not
b. Do
c. Must
d. Do not
8. Based on the dialogue, what must harry do at work?
a. He must wear uniform
b. He must wear a tie
c. He must smoke in the building
d. He must be late
9. Look at the dialogue below.
Adam: Andri, did you come to play soccer this afternoon?
Andri: Wow, that seems interesting. What time is it?
Adam: About 4 pm later in the field.
Andri: I really want to play soccer. But I must finish my homework first.
Adam: Alright then. I'll wait in the field.
Based on the dialogue, why can’t Andri play soccer in the afternoon?
a. He must help his parents
b. He must do his homework
c. He must play soccer inside the house
d. He must accompany Adam
10. Look at the dialogue below.
James: I want to go to the forest.
Steve: It is already dark outside. We must not go to the forest at night.
James: Why?
Steve: It is dangerous. What if we got lost in the forest?
James: okay, you’re right. We can go tomorrow morning then.
Based on the dialogue, why did steve prohibit james to go to the forest?
a. It is dangerous because you can get lost at night.
b. There are wild animals
c. The forest are not opened to public
d. They have to go home

Task 2

Complete the sentences with must or must not.

1. We _______ cheat if we have an exam.

2. You_______ wash your hands before eating.
3. You_______ pay attention at school.
4. You_______ be careful when cutting fruits.
5. We________ pick the flowers at the park.
6. You_______ play with a ball in the house.
7. We________ look both ways when crossing the street.
8. You_______ touch any of the items on display.
9. We________ respect our teachers.
10. You_______ run because the floor is wet and slippery.

Task 3

Write the right expressions for the pictures below by using must or must not.





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