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Jimenez, Justine A.


Case Study #2
Based on the given scenario accomplish the following:
1. Discuss the positive and negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.
➔ The following are the positive and negative symptoms that patient U manifested:
● Delusions - “I can’t do it, they don’t deserve to die.”
● Hallucinations - “The poison is making me sick.”
● Paranoid behavior - “Guarded and suspicious.”
● Apathy - “his hair is matted, has a strong body odor, and dressed
in several layers even though the temperature is warm.”
● Alogia - “very little to say to anyone.”
● Inattentiveness
➔ Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are more active while negative symptoms
are more quiet and withdrawn.
➔ Eugen Bleuler created the five A’s of schizophrenia that represents negative
symptoms which are anhedonia, affect (flat), alogia, avolition, and attention
➔ Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are considered core of the disease and are
the most difficult to treat.
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of antipsychotic medications and other treatment modalities in
managing clients with Schizophrenia.
➔ The effectiveness of antipsychotic medications can be seen after 2 weeks of
continuous intake. The American Psychiatric Association and the UK National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommend antipsychotics for
managing acute psychotic episodes and for preventing relapse.
➔ It was found in research that antipsychotic medications are effective for treating
the positive symptoms in schizophrenia. The exact mechanism is unknown, but it
has the ability to block the action of a chemical messenger in the brain called
dopamine. They suggest that malfunction of this chemical messenger system,
and others, causes symptoms of schizophrenia like hallucinations and delusions.
➔ All antipsychotic medications are taken as prescribed. Some effects can be
noticed within the day of the first dose but the full benefit may not take effect until
after a few weeks of treatment. To prevent the symptoms from coming back or
even worsening, it is important to continue taking the prescribed medication.
➔ Other treatment modality such as cognitive therapy focuses on a person’s
thoughts and beliefs, and how they influence a person’s mood and actions, and
aims to change a person’s thinking to be more adaptive and healthy. Behavioral
therapy focuses on a person’s actions and aims to change unhealthy behavior
patterns. Treating schizophrenia with CBT is challenging. The disorder usually
requires medication first. But research has shown that CBT, as an add-on to
medication, can help a person better cope with schizophrenia.


● Evidence-based treatment for schizophrenia. Mind Matters Institute. (2019, June 14).
Retrieved May 5, 2022, from
● Gluck, S. (n.d.). How effective are antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia?
HealthyPlace. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

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