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Alexia Lynn Moore

Healthcare for undocumented immigrants (UI)

Being a person of color in this country is already tough as it is because of all the racial

issues that I face every day and that is even harder for the undocumented population that want

the basic right of healthcare. Before the pandemic, healthcare was expensive, not accessible to

undocumented immigrants and these population seek for healthcare only in case of emergencies,

but the fear of deportation is always on their mind.

The United States have one of the largest immigrational populational which was

estimated that about 22.1 million people were noncitizens living in the US today taken from the

2020 census. Historically, the US has always been a hotspot for immigrant to come to because all

the opportunities they can afford especially immigrants coming from third war countries or

countries with high rates of poverty. Laws have been put in place around the border to curb

people from coming or immigrants could gain the status UI because of expired VISA and refused

to renew. The news has also illustrated some detention centers how they have been treating


However, the US has been trying to assist the undocumented population by passing the

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) in 1986 for all patients in labor to

receive care regardless of insurance or immigrational status. UI’s also get access to emergency

medicine through EMTALA for acute care or could also be used to stabilize patients in critical

condition but does not cover for follow-up care. There is also the Children’s Health Insurance

Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) that is aimed at helping UI’s with the holistic aspect of

healthcare for early screening diagnostic, vaccinations etc., the services for CHIPRA was

expended from federal to state in 2015.

Alexia Lynn Moore

The big question is, should undocumented immigrants have access to healthcare that is

‘use American citizens tax-payer dollars to fund for their healthcare needs’? I feel very strongly

about this issue as I feel like healthcare is a basic right that should be given to anyone regardless

of immigrational status. I understand the argument that healthcare is expensive, and everyone

involved must be paid but a human live should be more important that money. Elected officials

should be open minded, but everything is politicized nowadays that every conversation is about

‘left vs right’. Immigration has always been part of our society dating back from slavery and

slave trade, why has there not been any reforms/reparations to completely fix this problem? UI

are always going to be part of our American society, these people work jobs in the United States

vital for survival such factory, agriculture, cleaning, I do not agree to the

monetization/capitalistic ideals bestowed upon the lives these immigrants just because they are


I interviewed a co-worker of mine that believed that UI should stay in their country, they

shouldn’t come here and spend money that could be allocated for important aspects such as the

rising rates of poverty in America. They believed that the kind of fear president Trump instilled

in immigrants when he was president was correct given that ‘Trump was allocating these funds

to foster American lives’. Providing extra resources to people that migrated here illegally is an

ideal he did not agree with but mad an exception for pregnant women, the elderly, and children

because he considered that population as vulnerable. They also believed that funds had to be

used wisely to better American lives as there already a lot of people suffering here that need


Proceeding, it wasn’t an easy conversation given that our views opposed but having

conversations like this are the basis of growth in society. Fighting for an ideal is like double edge
Alexia Lynn Moore

sword because some people may believe in you, but others won’t, you will only achieve victory

once you are able to convince the doubters which is what I took from this conversation. We are

fighting for a noble cause, having conflicting conversations like this always sparks disdain

between both parties but I learned that having an open mindset will lead you to higher heights.

My friend had never had a debate like this before and it was tough for them too, sitting down

with someone apart from yourself, expressing your thoughts and believes about social justice

matters is not always easy.

Listening is the fundamental means of validating another person when partaking in a

conversation. Humans expressed themselves through conversation and listening is one of the

methods utilize in acquainting yourself to another. It is important to listen because you are

acknowledging the other persons point of view, you are participating in the sharing of knowledge

and fostering conversation. I love being heard for that assures that I validated as person, my

views are validated and that encourages me to be more impactful and open-minded. Being an

active listener is the main ingredient in any conversation and promotes respect in many ways.


Beck, T. L., Le, T.-K., Henry-Okafor, Q., & Shah, M. K. (2019, January). Medical care for
undocumented immigrants: National and international issues. Physician assistant clinics.
Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

Health coverage of immigrants. KFF. (2022, April 6). Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

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