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We here by declare that the work is being presented in this dissertation entitled “STABILIZATION
OF BLACK COTTON SOIL BY USING QUARRY DUST ” is submitted towards the partial fulfillment
of requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering work
carried out under the supervision of E.MANI M.Tech PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences. The
results embodied in this dissertation report have not been submitted by us for the award of any other
degree. Further more, the technical details furnished in various chapters of this report are purely
relevant to the above project and there is no deviation from the theoretical point of view for design
development and implementation.

1. CH.RAJESH (17KQ1A0120)
3. N.SIVA SUDHEER (17KQ1A0133)
4. V.RAMBABU (17KQ1A0158)


Table of contents
List of notations
List of figures
List of tables
1 Introduction. 01-06
1.1 General 01
1.2 Materials 02
1.2.1 Black cotton soils 02
1.2.2 Quarry dust 04
1.3 Soil stabilization 04
1.3.1 Definition 04
1.3.2 Needs &advantages 05
1.3.3 Methods of soil stabilization. 06
2 Literature review 07-08
3 Material properties 09-14
3.1 Properties of soil 09
3.1.1 Atterberg limits 09
3.1.2 Specific gravity 09
3.1.3 Shear strength 10
3.1.4 Problems associated with black cotton soils 11
3.1.5 Engineering properties of black cotton soils 12
3.1.6 chemical composition of black cotton soils 13
3.1.7 Characteristics of black cotton soils 14
3.2 Properties of Quarry dust 14

4 Experimental methodologies 15-19

4.1 Scope of work 15
4.2 Preparation of samples. 15
4.3 Brief steps involved in the experiment 16
4.3.1 Specific gravity of soil sample 16
4.3.2 Liquid limit test 16
4.3.3 Plastic limit test. 17
4.3.4 Free swell index test 18
4.3.5 Standard proctor compaction test 18
4.3.6 Unconfined compression test 19

5 Experimental investigations 20-39

5.1 Introduction 20
5.2 Specific gravity of soil samples 21
5.3 Free swell index of soil samples 21
5.3.1 Free swell index of soil sample without Quarry dust 21
5.3.2 Free swell index of soil sample with5% Quarry dust 22
5.3.3 Free swellindex of soil sample with 10% Quarry dust 22
5.3.4 Free swell index of soil sample with15% Quarry dust. 22
5.4 Liquid limit of soil samples. 23
5.4.1 Liquid limit of soil sample without Quarry dust. 23
5.4.2 Liquid limit of soil sample with 5% Quarry dust. 25
5.4.3 Liquid limit of soil sample with 10% Quarry dust 26
5.4.4 Liquid limit of soil sample with 15%Quarry dust. 27
5.5 Plastic limit of soil samples 28
5.5.1 Plastic limit of soil without Quarry dust 28
5.5 2 Plastic limit of soil with 5 % Quarry dust 28
5.5.3 Plastic limit of soil with 10 % Quarry dust. 29
5.5.4 Plastic limit of soil with 15% Quarry dust. 29

5.6 Plasticity index ofsoil samples 30

5.7 Standard proctor compaction test of soil samples 31
5.7.1 Standard proctor compaction test of soil without Quarry Dust 31
5.7.2 Standard proctor compaction test of soil with 5% Quarry Dust 32
5.7.3 Standard proctor compaction test of soil with10% Quarry Dust 33
5.7.4 Standard proctor compaction test of soil with15% Quarry Dust 34
5.8 Un confined compressive strength of soil sample 35
5.8.1 Un confined compressive strength of soil sample Without QD 35
5.8.2 Un confined compressive strength of soil sample 36
with 5% Quarry dust
5.8.3 Un confined compressive strength of soil sample 37
with 10% Quarry dust
5.8.4 Un confined compressive strength of soil sample 38
with 15 % Quarry dust
6 Results and discussions 40-46
6.1 Results 40
6.1.1 Relation between free swell index and % of QD. 40
6.1.2 Relation between liquid limit and % of QD. 41
6.1.3 Relation between plastic limit and % of QD. 42
6.1.4 Relation between plasticity index and % of QD. 43
6.1.5 Relation between maximum dry density and % of QD 44
6.1.6 Relation between optimum moisture content and % of QD 45
6.1.7 Relation between un confined compressive strength and % of QD 46
6.2 Discussions 47
6.2.1 Inferences from free swell index 47
6.2.2 Inferences from plasticity index 47
6.2.3 Inferences from standard proctor test 47
6.2.4 Inferences from un confined compression test 47
7 Conclusions 48
8 References 49-51
List of Notation

Notations Description

QD Quarry dust

Φ Angle of shearing resistance

% Percentage

C Cohesion

CBR California bearing ratio

Cc Coefficient of Curvature

Cu Uniform Coefficient

G Specific gravity

K Coefficient of permeability

LL Liquid Limit

LI Liquidity Index

MDD Maximum Dry Density

OMC Optimum Moisture Content

PL Plastic Limit

PI Plasticity Index

UCS Un-confined compressive strength

List of Figures

Figure Description of figure Page No.

1 Sample of Quarry dust 13
2 Casagrande apparatus. 17
3 Un confined compression test apparatus 20
4 Specific gravity test of Soil sample 20
5 Soil sample placed in kerosene and distilled water 23
6 Casagrande’s apparatus along with testing sample 23
7 Graph drawn for Liquid limit of soil sample without QD 24
8 Graph drawn for Liquid limit of soil sample with 5% ofQD 25
9 Graph drawn for Liquid limit of soil sample with 10% of QD 26
10 Graph drawn for Liquid limit of soil sample wit 15% ofQD 27
11 Glass plate along with soil sample for determining plastic limit 30
12 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample without QD 31
13 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample with 5% QD 32
14 Standard proctor compaction test 33
15 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample with 10% QD. 34
16 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample with 15% QD 35
17 Unconfined compression strength test of soil sample without QD. 36
18 Unconfined compression strength test of soil sample with 5% QD. 37
19 Unconfined compression strength test of soil sample with 10% QD. 38
20 Unconfined compression strength test of soil sample with 15% QD. 40
21 Relationship between free swell index and percentage of QD. 40
22 Relationship between liquid limit and percentage of QD. 41
23 Relationship between plastic limit and percentage of QD 42
24 Relationship between plasticity index and percentage of QD 43
25 Relationship between maximum dry density and percentage of QD. 44
26 Relationship between optimum moisture content and
percentage of QD. 45
27 Relationship between Unconfined compression strength and percentage
of QD 46
List of Tables
Table no Name of the Table page no.

1 Distribution of black cotton soils all over the world. 02

2 Range of specific gravity for different soil types 10
3 Chemical composition of black cotton 12
4 Characteristics of black cotton soil 13
5 Properties of Quarry dust 14
6 specific gravity of soil sample 18
7 Free swell index of soil sample without QD 21
8 Free swell index of soil sample with 5% QD 22
9 Free swell index of soil sample with 10% of QD 22
10 Free swell index of soil sample with 15% QD 22
11 Liquid limit of soil sample without QD 23
12 Liquid limit of soil sample with 5% QD 25
13 Liquid limit of soil sample with 10% QD 26
14 Liquid limit of soil sample with 15% QD 27
15 Plastic limit of soil sample without QD 28
16 Plastic limit of soil sample with 5% QD 28
17 Plastic limit of soil sample with 10% QD 29
18 Plastic limit of soil sample with 15% QD 29
19 Plasticity index of soil sample 30
20 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample without QD 31
21 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample with 5 % QD 32
22 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample with 10 % QD 33
23 Standard proctor compaction test of soil sample with 15% QD 34
24. Compression strength test of soil sample without QD 35
25. Compression strength test of soil sample with 5% QD 36
26 Compression strength test of soil sample with 10 % QD 37
24 Unconfined compression strength test of soil sample with 15 % QD 38
25 The relationship between free swell index and percentage of QD. 40
26 Relationship between liquid limit and percentage of QD 41
27 Relationship between plastic limit and percentage of QD 42
28 Relationship between plasticity index and percentage of QD 43
29 Relationship between maximum dry density and percentage of QD 44
30 Relationship between optimum moisture content and percentage of QD 45
31 Relationship betweenUnconfinedcompressionstrength and
percentage of QD 46

Soil stabilization is the process of improving the engineering properties of soil and
making it as suitable soil. It can be done by the controlled compaction, proportioning and the
addition of different types of admixtures and stabilizers. There are various Infrastructure
projects like highways, railways, water reservoirs, reclamation etc. which requires earth
material in very large quantity. In many these cases the black cotton soil is not suitable. This
project represents a study of quarry dust as the stabilizer in improving some engineering
properties of black cotton soils.

This experimental program evaluates the effect of the quarry dust on some basic
properties of black cotton soil such as Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Compaction of black
cotton soil and unconfined compressive strength. The percentage of quarry dust used in black
cotton soil varied from 5%,10%, and 15%. The properties like Liquid limit, Plastic limit,
Compaction characteristics and unconfined compressive strength values of soil have been
studied in this project work.

The objective of this project work is to estimate the effect of quarry dust on some
geotechnical properties of black cotton soil, in order to determine the suitability of quarry dust
for use as a modifier or stabilizer in the treatment of black cotton soil for roadwork. The aim
of this project work is to quantify the optimum quantity of quarry dust on the performance in
terms of unconfined compressive strength of black cotton soil.

Key words:stabilization, admixtures,quarry dust, unconfinedcompressive strength,


For any land-based structure, the foundation is very important and has to be
strong to support the entire structure. In order for the foundation to be strong, the soil
around it plays a very critical role. So, to work with soils, we need to have proper
knowledge about their properties and factors which affect their behaviour.
Theprocess of soil stabilization helps to achieve the required properties in a soil
needed for the construction work.
From the beginning of construction work, the necessity of enhancing soil
propertieshas come to the light. Ancient civilizations of the Chinese, Romans and
Incas utilized various methods to improve soil strength etc., some of these methods
were so effective that their buildings and roads stillexist.
In India black cotton soil also known as” Regurs” are found in extensive
regions of decentral. They have variable thickness and are underlain by sticky
material locally known alkali Motilin terms of geotechnical engineering, black cotton
soil in presence of water will show tendency to swell or shrink causing the structure
to experience moments which are largely unrelated to the direct effect of loading by
the structure.

Black cotton soil is not suitable for the construction work on account of its
volumetric changes. It swells and shrinks excessively with change of water content.
Such tendency of soil is due to the presence of montmorillonite mineral which swell,
when they come in contact with water, resulting in alternate swelling and shrinkingof
soil due to which differential settlement of structure takes place. So the stabilization
is being done for the stabilization of black cotton soils been done in this project
workby using quarry dust as an admixture.


2.1. Black cotton soils:

Black cotton soil is the Indian name given to the expansive soil deposit in the
central part of the country. Black cotton Soil is a residual soil, which have been formed
from basalt or trap and contain the clay mineral montmorillonite that causes excessive
swelling and shrinkage characteristics of the soil. The swelling behavior of the soil
would depend largely on the type of clay minerals that are present in these soils and
proportions in which they are present. The swelling and shrinkage of the black cotton
soil can lead to damage the foundations of the buildings and road pavements. This
results in difficulty of construct of foundation on such soil, so this soil needs special
care. This soil produces excessive settlement of the foundation due to high
compressibility. So it is important to improve the geotechnical properties of the black
cotton soil.

➢ Distribution of Black cotton soil in India :

In India, an area about one-six is occupied by black cotton soil. The

area covers mostly the Deccan Trap plateau,between73°80‟Eastlongitudeand
15° to 24° north, latitude. Thus, most of soil in and around Mumbai, Madras,
Gwalior, Khandwa, Indore, Nagpur and even some on the river banks is
black cotton. That means these soils are predominant in Deccan trap plateau
region, i.e., in states of Andhra Pradesh,Western Madhya Pradesh,Gujarat
s,Maharashtra, Northern Karnataka and Tamilnadu.Here, in this project work
soil stabilization has been done with the help of stone dust using at 5%,
10%,15%. The improvement in the shear strength parameters has been
stressed upon and comparative studies have been carried out by using
unconfined compressive shear strength measurement.

➢ Soil sample Location : From Bodipalem near Ponnur , GUNTUR DISTRICT,


Country Total areacovered Areacovered(%)

Australia 70.5 28
India 60.0 24
Sudan 40.0 16
Chad 16.5 7
Ethiopia 10.0 4
Table 1: distribution of black cotton soils allovertheworld

➢ ProblemsAssociated withBlackCottonSoil
Black Cotton soils are problematic for engineers everywhere in the world, and
more so in tropical countries like India because of wide temperature variations
and because of distinct dry and wet seasons, leading to wide variations in
moisture content of soils.

The following problems generally occur in black cottonsoil.

1. HighCompressibility
Black Cotton soils are highly plastic and compressible, when they are
saturated. Footing, resting on such soils undergoes consolidation
settlements of high magnitude.

2. Swelling
A structure built in a dry season, when the natural water contentislow
shows differential movement as a result of soil swelling during
subsequent wet season.This causes structures supported by such swelling
soils to lift up and crack.
3. Shrinkage
A structure built at the end of the wet season when the natural water content
is high Shows settlement and shrinkage cracks during subsequent dry season
as a result of soil shrinkage.

2.2 Quarrydust:

Quarry dust/crusher dust is obtained as soil solid wastes during crushing of

stones to obtain aggregates. Quarry dust exhibits high shear strength which is highly
beneficial for its use as a geotechnical material. It has a good permeability and variation
in water content does not seriously affect its desirable properties. Quarry dust proved to
be a promising substitute for sand and can be used to improve the engineering
properties of soils. The dry density increased with the addition of quarry dust with
attendant decrease in the optimum moisture content.

➢ Quarry dust collected from cheruvukommu palem granites near ONGOLE.

1. Definition:
Soil stabilization is the process of altering some soil properties by different
methods, mechanical or chemical in order to produce an improved soil material which
has all the desired engineering properties.
Soils are generally stabilized to increase their strength and durability or to
prevent erosion and dust formation in soils. The main aim is the creation of a soil
material or system that will hold under the design use conditions and for the designed
life of the engineering project. The properties of soil vary a great deal atdifferent places
or in certain cases even at one place. Various methods are employed to stabilize soil
and the method should be verified in the lab with the soil material before applying it on
the field.

Principles of Soil Stabilization:
➢ Evaluating the soil properties of the area under consideration.
➢ Deciding the property of soil which needs to be altered to get the design value
and choose the effective and economical method for stabilization.
➢ Designing the stabilized soil mix sample and testing it in the lab for intended
stability and durability values.

1.3.2.Needs & Advantages

Soil properties vary a great deal and construction of structures depends a lot
onthe bearing capacity of the soil, hence, we need to stabilize the soil which makes it
easier to predict the load bearing capacity of the soil and even improve the load
bearing capacity. The gradation of the soil is also a very important property to keep
in mind while working with soils. The soils may be well-graded which is desirable
as it has less number of voids or uniformly graded which though sounds stable but
has more voids.
Thus, it is better to mix different types of soils together to improve the soil
strength properties. It is very expensive to replace the inferior soil entirely and
hence, soil stabilization is the thing to look for in these cases.

1. It improves the strength of the soil, thus, increasing the soil bearingcapacity.
2. It is more economical both in terms of cost and energy to increase thebearing
capacity of the soil rather than going for deep foundation or raft foundation.
3. It is also used to provide more stability to the soil in slopes or the other places
4. Sometimes soil stabilization is also used to prevent soil erosionorformation
of dust, which is very useful especially in dry andaridweather.
5. Stabilization is also done for soil water-proofing; this prevents water from
entering into the soil and hence helps the soil from losing it’s strength.
a. It helps in reducing the soil volume change due to change in temperature
or moisture content
b. Stabilisation of soil improves the workability and durability of soil.
3.Methods of Soil Stabilization:

Soil stabilization aims at improving soil strength and increased resistance to

softening by water through bonding the soil particles together,water proofingthe
particles or combination of the two processes. The simplest stabilization processesare
compaction and drainage which improve inherent shear strength of soil. The other
process is by improving gradation of particle size and further improvement can be
achieved by mixing weak soils with binders which can be mechanical stabilization,
stabilization with cement, lime, bitumen and chemicals etc. Most of stabilization has
to be undertaken in soft soils (silty, clayey peat or organic soils) in order to achieve
desirable engineering properties.

The most common typesofstabilizationaredescribedbelow:
a) Cement stabilization
b) Bitumen stabilization
c) Chemical stabilization
d) Lime stabilization
e) Salt stabilization
f) Quarry dust stabilization
g) Stabilization with Bagasse ash etc.,

All the above-mentioned methods can be done in two different methodologies.

They are:

Mechanical method of Stabilization:

In this procedure, soils of different gradations are mixed together to obtain

thedesired property in the soil. This may be done at the site or at some other place
from whereit can be transported easily. The final mixture is then compacted by
theusualmethods to get the required density.
➢ Additive method of Stabilization:
It refers to the addition of manufactured products into the soil, which in proper
quantities enhances the quality of the soil. Materials such as cement, stone dust,
bitumen, fly ash, stone dust and coconut coir fibre etc. are used as chemical additives.
The agricultural waste materials such as rice husk ash, sugar cranebagasseash,
groundnut shell ash are also used. Sometimes different fibres are also usedas
reinforcements in the soil. The addition of these fibres takes place by two methods

A. Oriented fibere reinforcement .

B..Random fibere reinforcement.

A. Oriented fibere reinforcement:

The fibres are arranged in some order and all the fibres are placed in the same
orientation. The fibres are laid layer by layer in this type of orientation. Continuous
fibres in the form of sheets, strips or bars etc. are used systematically in this typeof

B. Random fibere reinforcement:
This arrangement has discrete fibres distributed randomly in the soil mass.The
mixing is done until the soil and the reinforcement form a more or less homogeneous

mixture. Materials used in this type of reinforcements are generally derived from paper,
coir, nylon, metals or other materials having varied physical properties.
Randomly distributed fibres have some advantages over the systematically
distributed fibres. Somehow this way of reinforcement is similar to additionof
admixtures such as cement, stone dust etc. Besides being easy to add and mix,this
method also offers strength isotropy, decreases chance of potential weak planes
which occur in the other case and provides ductility of the soil..



Soil stabilization is a technique to improve the soil by using different stabilizers to

enhance the properties of weak soil. Numerous methods are available for stabilizing soil.
A brief review of literature on stabilization of soil with Quarry dust along with certain
other materials is presented below.

Prof. Vinod Sonthwal1, Er. Gaurav Soni2 investigated on stabilization of soil

reinforced with quarry dust and It is observed that the dry density initially increase with
increase in water content, till a maximum dry density is achieved after which further
addition of water decreases the density for varying percentages of quarry dust . With
increasing percentage of quarry dust, the optimum moisture content is found to decrease
because of reduction in clay content of soil which has less attraction for water molecules.
The maximum dry density is found to increase with increase in percentage of quarry dust
because of replacement of clay with higher specific gravity of quarry dust. So the optimum
percentage of replacement of quarry dust is 25%, because replacement level higher than this
results in lower value of maximum dry density.

R.K. Sai Ganesh Kumar1, R.V.L. Sai Sumedha2 (2015) were investigated on
subgrade strengthening of roads on black cotton soil using quarry dust and it is
concluded that with the addition of 40%quarry dust for black cotton soil the C.B.R
value is increased by 87.5%. With the addition of 40% of quarry dust for black cotton
soil the swell pressure decreases by 88%

B.R.K. Sai Ganesh Kumar1,(sep, 2016) R.V.L. Sai Sumedha2, U. Pradeep3, K. Gowtham
Kumar4, P. Padmanabha Reddy5were investigated on subgrade strengthening of roads
on black cotton soil using quarry dust. From the discussion it is concluded that with
the addition of 40%quarry dust for black cotton soil the C.B.R value is increased by
87.5%. With the addition of 40% of quarry dust for black cotton soil the swell pressure
decreases by 88%

U Arun Kumar1, Kiran B. Biradar2 (2014) were investigated on soft subgrade
stabilization with quarry dust-an industrial waste. The experiment conducted to
study the effect of Quarry dust addition on conventional soil reveals the following.

1. The addition of the Quarry dust to the soil reduces the clay content and thus
increases in the percentage of coarser particles, reduces the Liquid limit by 26.86% and
plasticity index by 28.48% of unmodified soil. 2. Optimum moisture content of soil is
decreased by 36.71%, with increase in Percentages of Quarry dust. 3. Maximum dry
density of soil is increased by 5.88% by addition of (40%) Quarry dust. 4. It is also
identified that addition of (40%) Quarry dust yieldhighCBRvalue.

Anu Paul,Anumol V S, Fathima Moideen, Jiksymol K Jose, Alka Abraham (2014)

were investigated on Studies on Improvement of Clayey Soil Using Egg Shell
Powder and Quarry Dust and the conclusions made was With addition of ESP,there is
a considerable decrease in Atterberg’s Limits, and after 20% the value seems to be
almost constant. 2. OMC increases and maximum dry density decreases with increase in
percentage of ESP.3. With addition of varying percentage ESP cohesion decreases and
angle of internal friction increases. 4. Shear strength increases with increase in
percentage of ESP and after 20% strength is almost constant. 5. Permeability increases
with increase in ESP.6. Coefficient of consolidation increases and compression index
decreases with increase in percentage of ESP.

Onyelowe Ken C.1, Okafor F. O.2 and Nwachukwu D.G (2012) were investigated on
geophysical use of quarry dust (as admixture) as applied to soil stabilization and
modification-a review and concluded that For safety of constructing it is necessary to
improve the quality of ground by adoption of some suitable ground improvement
materials and techniques. The method of ground improvement technique adopted
depends on the soil to be treated and availability of materials required for improving the
soil and also on the cost effectiveness. The use of quarry dust in soil stabilization is to
improve engineering properties of soil. Quarry dusts are considered as one of the well
accepted as well as cost effective ground improvement for the stabilization of weak soil
deposits. When quarry dust is added with expansive soils is expected that it will make it
more porous, less durable, reduce cohesion etc, and also quarry dust has rough, sharp
and angular particles and as such causes a gain in strength due to better inter locking.



3.1. properties of soil

3.1.1. Atterberg’sLimits

1. Shrinkage Limit:
This limit is achieved when further loss of water from the soil doesnot reduce the
volume of the soil. It can be more accurately defined as the lowest water content at
which the soil can still be completely saturated. It is denoted by Ws.
2. Plastic Limit:
This limit lies between the plastic and semi-solid state of the soil. It is determined by
rolling out a thread of the soil on a flat surface which is non-porous. It is the
minimum water content at which the soil just begins to crumble while rolling into a
threadof approximately 3mm diameter. Plastic limit is denoted by Wp.

3. Liquid Limit:
It is the water content of the soil between the liquid state and plastic state of the soil.
It can be defined as the minimum water content at which the soil, though in liquid
state, shows small shearing strength against flowing. It is measured by the
Casagrande’s liquid limit apparatus and is denoted by WL.

3.1.2 Specific gravity

Specific gravity of a substance denotes the number of times that substance is
heavier than water. In simpler words we can define it as the ratio between the mass of
any substance of a definite volume divided by mass of equal volume of water. In
case of soils, specific gravity is the number of times the soil solids are heavier than
equal volume of water.Differenttypes of soil have different specific
gravities,general range for specific gravity of soils:
Sand 2.63-2.67

Silt 2.65-2.7
Clay and Siltyclay 2.67-2.9

Organicsoil <2.0

Table-2: specific gravity ranges for different type of soils.

3.1.3 Shear strength
Shearing stresses are induced in a loaded soil and when thesestressesreach
their limiting value, deformation starts in the soil which leads to failure of the soil
mass. The shear strength of a soil is its resistance to the deformation caused by the
shear stresses acting on the loaded soil. The shear strength of a soil is one ofthemost
important characteristics. There are several experiments which are used to determine
shear strength such as Direct shear strength test or un confined compression shear
strength etc.

i)particles getting inter locked.

ii) The frictional resistance at the contact point of various particals and

iii) Cohesion or adhesion between the surface of the particals.

In case of cohesionless soils, the shear strength is entirely dependentuponthe
frictional resistance, while in others it comes from the internal friction as well asthe

Method for measuring compression strength:

Unconfined CompressionTest (UCStest)

This test is a specific case of triaxial test where the horizontal forces acting are zero.
There is no confining pressure in this test and the soil sample tested is subject vertical
loading only. The specimen used is cylindrical and is loaded till it fails due to shear
3.1.4Problems Associated with Black cotton soil:
Black Cotton soils are problematic for engineers everywhere in the world, and more so
in tropical countries like India because of wide temperature variations and because of
distinct dry and wet seasons, leading to wide variations in moisture content of soils.

The following problems generally occur in black cottonsoil.

1. HighCompressibility:

Black Cotton soils are highly plastic and compressible, when they are saturated.
Footing, resting on such soils under goes consolidation settlements of high magnitude.
2. Swelling:

A structure built in a dry season, when the natural water content is low shows
differential movement as a result of soil swelling during subsequent wet
season.This causes structure supported by such swelling soil is to lift up and crack..

3. Shrinkage:

A structure built at the end of the wet season when the natural water content is high
Shows settlement and shrinkage cracks during subsequent dry season result of soil

Fig 1: swelling and shrinkage ofblackcottonsoils

3.1.5 EngineeringPropertiesofBlackcottonsoil
The main engineering properties of soil are

4.Compressibility and
5.Shear strength.
1. Permeability:

The permeability is defined as theproperty of a porous material which permits the

passage or seepage of water through its interconnecting void. The black
cottonsoils have low permeability.

2. Plasticity:
It is defined as the property of a soil which allows it to be deformed rapidly,without
elastic rebound, without volume change. The black cotton soils have high plasticity.

3. Compaction:
Compaction is a process by which the soil particles artificially rearrange and
packed together into a closer state of contact by mechanical means in order to
decrease the porosity of the soil and thus increase its dry density. The black cotton
soils have varying compaction properties.

4. Compressibility:
The property of soil mass pertaining to its susceptibility to decrease in volume
under pressure is known as compressibility.The black cotton soil have high
compressibility property.

5. Shear Strength
This is the resistance to deformation by continuous shear displacement of soil
particles or on masses upon the action of a shear stress. The black cotton soil
have low shear strength property.

3.1.6 Chemical composition of Black cotton soil:

The black cotton soils are found to have the following chemical composition Property Range

1 pHValue >7(Alkaline)

2 Organic Content 0.4 to 204%

3 CaCO3 5 to 15%

4 SiO2 50 to 55%

5 SiO2,Al2O3 3 to 5%

6 Montmorillonite Mineral 30 to 50%

Table 3: chemical composition of black cotton soils

Fig 2: Quarry dust

3.1.7. Characteristics of black cotton soil:

Black cotton soils are generally reddish brown to black in color andoccur
from 0.5m to 10m deep and have high compressibility.The generally observed
characteristics of black cotton soils are given below.
. Property Value

1. DryDensity(γd) 1300 to 1800kg/m3

2. Liquid Limit (L.L.) 40 to120%

3. Plastic Limit(P.L.) 20 to60%

4. SpecificGravity(G) 2.60 to2.75

5. ProctorDensity 1350 to 1600kg/m3

6. Optimum Moisturecontent 15 to 30%

7. Free SwellIndex 40 to180%

8. C.B.R.(Soaked) 1.2 to4.0

9. CompressionIndex 0.2 to0.5

Table 4: general characteristics of black cotton soil.

3.2. properties of Quarry Dust:

The quarry dust is the by-product which is formed in the processing of the granite
stones which broken downs into the coarse aggregates of different sizes. On Quarry dust
collected from cheruvukommu palem granites near Ongole, Experiments were
conducted on the samples blended with waste materials at different percentages.

Properties Value
Natural moisture content(%) 9.11

Particle size distribution

1)Sand(%) 97.1
2)Silt (%) 2.9
SpecificGravity 2.76
Liquid limit (%) NP
Plastic limit(%) NP
Plasticindex(%) NP

Optimum Moisture Content (%) 11.5

Maximum DryDensity(g/cm3) 1.97

Cohesion(KN/m2) 0.07

CBR Soaked(%) 11.5

CBR UnSoaked(%) 26.28

Table 5: Properties of quarry dust


4.1. Scope of work

The experimental work consists of the following steps:
➢ Determination of Free swell index of soil
➢ Determination of Specific gravity of soil
➢ Preparation of soil samples with stone dust material and coconut fibre
➢ Determination of soil index properties(Atterberg’sLimits)
➢ Liquid limit by Casagrande’s apparatus
➢ Plastic limit
➢ Determination of the Maximum Dry Density(MDD)and the corresponding
➢ Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of the soil by Proctor compaction test.
➢ Determination of the shear strength by:
➢ Unconfined Compression Test(UCS).

4.2. Preparation of samples

Following steps are carried out while mixing quarry dust to the soil
1. The Quarry dust is added to soil at 5%,10% and 15%
2.Content of Quarry dust in the soil is taken in the same percentage such that the
remaining amount will be occupied by soil.
For example, if 5% of quarry dust is taken for sample means it contains 5%
quarry dust and remain 95% is black cotton soil. In the preparation of samples, if

quarry dust is not used then, the air dried soil was mixed with an amount of water
that depends on the Optimum Moisture Content of the soil.
➢If quarry dust was used, the adopted quantity of quarry dust was first mixed
into the air – dried soil by hand, so that a fairly homogeneous mixture is
obtained, and then the required water was added, as per optimum moisture

4.3. Brief steps involved in the experiments :

4.3.1. Specific gravity of the soil:

The specific gravity of soil is the ratio between the weight of the soil solids
andweight of equal volume of water.It is measured by the help of a volumetric flask
ina very simple experimental setup where the volume of the soil is found out and its
weight is divided by the weight of equal volume of water.
The specific gravity of soil solids(G)is the ratio of the density of soil solids to the
density of water. It is determined in the laboratory by using the following relation

M1 = Mass of empty specific bottle

M2 = Mass of specific bottle and dry soil
M3 = mass of specific bottle,soiland water
M4 = mass of specific bottle filled with water only.
Specific gravity is always measured in room temperature and reported to the nearest 0.1.

4.3.2. Liquid limit of the soil:

The Casagrande’s tool cuts a groove of size 2mm wide at the bottom and 11 mm
wide at the top and 8 mm high. The number of blows used for the two soil samples
to come in contact is noted down. Graph is plotted taking number of blows on a
logarithmic scale on the abscissa and water content on the ordinate. Liquid limit
correspondsto25 blows from the graph
Procedure to find out the liquid limit of the soil :
1. Weighabout120 gms of soil passing425 IS sieve and transfer into china
2. Mix the soil thoroughly with some distilled water in a dish to form a uniform
3. Place a portion of the paste in the cup of the liquid limit device and smoothen
the surface to a maximum depth of 10 mm, with the help of grooving tool
(Casagrande or ASTM tool). The paste in the cup is divided along the cup
diameter (through the centre of the follower), by holding the normal to the
surface of the cup and drawing it firmly across. Thus a V – shaped gap, 2 mm
wide at the bottom and 11 mm at the top and 8 mm deep will be formed.In the
case of sandy soils Casagrande tool does not form a neat groove and hence
ASTM tool is used.
4. the number of revolutions till the gap between the two halves of the soil close
through a distance of 10 mm. The groove should be closed by the flow in the
soil itself but not by slippage between the soil and the cup.
5. Take approximately 10 gms of soil in a clean evaporating dish for moisture
content determination preferable from the closed portion of groove.

6. By changing the water content suitably, repeat the experiment to obtain at
least five sets of values such that the number of blows lies between 10 and 40.

Fig 3: Casagrande apparatus

4.3.3.Plastic limit of the soil:

This is determined by rolling out soil till its diameter reaches approximately 3mm
and measuring water content for the soil which crumbles on reaching this diameter.
➢ Plasticity index (Ip) was also calculated with the help of liquid limit and plastic
WL - Liquidlimit,
Wp -Plasticlimit
Procedure to find out the plastic limit:
1. Mix thoroughly about 40 to 50 gms of the soil sample passingfrom425 IS
2. Make three or four convenient parts of the soil.
3. Roll the soil on a glass plate with the hand until a thread of 3 mm is obtained.
4. Put the crumbled pieces of thread in an evaporating dish, and obtain the water
content, which gives the plastic limit.

4.3.4.Free swell index of the soil:

Free swell index is the increase in volume of a soil without any external
constraints, on submergence in water. Expansive soils or swelling soils are those soils
which have the tendency to increase in volume when water is available and to
decrease in volume if water is removed. These volume changes inswellingsoilscause
damages to the structures. Most of expansive soils found in India are black in colour
and are good for growing cotton and hence they are called Black Cotton soils. Most
of the expansive soils are rich in montmorillonite clay mineral. The various factors
influencing swelling of soils are type and amount of clay, initial placement conditions,
and nature of pore fluid, size and thickness of the sample. Free swell index is one of
the criteria to know the degree of expansiveness of swelling soils.

Freeswellindex Degreeofexpansiveness

< 20 % Low
20 % -35%

35 % -50%
> 50 % Veryhigh

Freeswell index= [Vd–Vk]/ Vkx 100%l

Here Vd = Volume of the soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder
containing distilled water after 24hours.
Vk= Volume of the soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder after 24hours.

Procedure to find out freeswell Index:

1. Take 10 gms of oven dry soil sample passing through 425 IS sieve and pour
into a 100 ml graduated jar. Similarly prepare another cylinder with same
weight of soil.
2. Fill one cylinder with kerosene oil and the other cylinder with distilled water up
to the 100 ml mark.
3. Remove the entrapped air from both the cylinders by stirring with a glass rod.
4. Allow the sediments in both the cylinders to settle down for 24hours.
5. Read the volume of soil in the kerosene filled graduated jar (Vk).Kerosene
being a non-polar liquid does not cause swelling of the soil.
6. Read the volume of soil in the distilled water filled graduated jar (Vd).


This experiment gives a clear relationship between the dry density of the soil and the
moisture content of the soil. The experimental setup consists of (i) cylindrical metal
mould (internal diameter- 10 cm and internal height-13 cm), (ii) detachable base plate,
(iii) collar (5 cm effective height), (iv) rammer(2.5 kg). Compaction process helps
in increasing the bulk density by driving out the air from the voids. The theory used in
the experiment is that for any comp active effort, the dry density depends upon the
moisture content in the soil.
The Maximum Dry Density (MDD) is achieved when the soil is compactedat
relatively high moisture content and almost all the air is driven out, this moisture
content is called Optimum Moisture Content (OMC). After plotting the data from the
experiment with water content as the abscissa and dry density as the ordinate, we can
obtain the Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum Dry Density.

4.3.6.Unconfined compression strength:

This experiment is used to determine the unconfined compressive strength of the soil
sample which in turn is used to calculate the unconsolidated, undrained shear strength
of unconfined soil. The unconfined compressive strength (qu) is the compressive
strength at which the unconfined cylindrical soil sample fails under simple
compressive test. The experimental setup constitutes of the compression device and
dial gauges for load and deformation. The load was taken for different readings of
strain dial gauge starting from ε =0.0066 and increasing by 0.0066 at each step.The
corrected cross-sectional area was calculated by dividing the original area by
(1- ε) and then the compressive stress for each step was calculated by dividing the load
with the corrected area.

Procedure to calculate the Unconfined compression strength of the soil sample :

1. Apply oil thinly to the mould, collar and base plate.
2. Take 2.50 kg of the given clayey sample and mix up the soi thoroughly with
water at the optimum moisture content.
3. Compact the sample in the mould in three layers with 25 blows on each layer
with the standard hammer.
4. Remove the collar, cut the sample to the top of the mould with knife edge.
5. Extract the sample from the mould and place it in the loading unit.
6. Apply the load at the rate of 1.25 mm/min.
7. Measure the load at regular intervals of strain in the specimen.
8. Tabulate the reading and draw a GRAPH between load and deformation.
9. At the ultimate load, obtain the deformation ‘h’from the GRAPH.
10. Calculate average area of cross section usingA=A0 / (1 –ε)
Where A=Correctedareaofcross-section
A0 = Initial area ofcross-section

ε =Δh/h0

11.Shear strength= P/2A

Where P=Ultimate load



5.1. Introduction
The various experiments were carried out for testing the black cotton soil
eligibility to use it as sub grade soil by stabilizing it with Quarry dust. In this
experimental investigations we go through the tests with soil combined with
Quarry dust in various percentages.


Fig 5:specific gravity test

Sample number 1 2 3

Mass of empty Sp gr bottle(M1)in gms. 27.14 27.14 27.14

Mass of Sp gr bottle+ dry soil(M2)in gms. 48.57 51.37 47.83

Mass of Sp gr bottle + dry soil +water(M3)in gms. 91.57 93.28 91.13

Mass of Sp gr bottle + water(M4)in gms. 78.34 78.34 78.34

Specific gravity of soil sample 2.61 2.61 2.61

Avg.specificgravity 2.61

Table – 6: specific gravity values of soil samples


5.3.1. Free swell index of the soil sample with out Quarry Dust:

Determination Measuringcylinder Reading after24hours Freeswell

No. Reading index (%
Kerosene Distilled Kerosene Distilled
water water

1 8ml 8ml 8ml 14ml 75

2 8ml 8ml 8ml 14ml 75
3 8ml 8ml 8ml 14ml 75

Table– 7: free swell index of soil sample with QD

5.3.2.Free Swell Index of Soil Sample with 5% of QuarryDust:

Determination Measuringcylinder Reading after24hours Freeswell

No. Reading index (%)

Kerosene Distilled Kerosene Distilled

water water

1 8ml 8ml 8ml 13.5ml 68.75

2 8ml 8ml 8ml 13.5ml 68.75
3 8ml 8ml 8ml 13.5ml 68.75

Table–8: free swell index of soil with 5% of QD

5.3.3.Free Swell Index of Soil Sample with 10% of Quarry Dust:

Determination Measuringcylinder Reading after24hours Freeswell

No. Reading index (%)

Kerosene Distilled Kerosene Distilled

water water

1 8ml 8ml 8ml 12.5ml 56.25

2 8ml 8ml 8ml 12.5ml 56.25
3 8ml 8ml 8ml 12.5ml 56.25

Table –9: free swell index of soil with 10% of QD

5.3.4.FreeSwellIndex of Soil Sample with 15 % of Quarry Dust:

Determina Measuring cylinderReading Readingafter24 Freeswell

tionNo. hours index(%)

Kerosene Distilled Kerosene Distilled

water water

1 8ml 8ml 8ml 12ml 50

2 8ml 8ml 8ml 12ml 50
3 8ml 8ml 8ml 12ml 50
Table –10: free swell index of soil with 15% of QD

Fig 6: soil placed in kerosene and distilled water

Fig 7: Casagrande’s apparatus along with testing soil sample


5.4. 1.Liquid limit of soil sample with out Quarry Dust:

SampleNo. 1 2 3 4 5
Mass ofemptycan 20.62 21.47 20.97 20.78 21.72
Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 55.86 61.64 67.48 62.94 70.69
Mass of can + drysoilingms. 41.32 45.28 49.78 47.68 54.58
Mass ofsoilsolids 20.70 23.81 28.81 26.90 32.86
Mass ofporewater 14.54 16.36 17.70 15.26 16.11
Water content(%) 70.24 68.71 61.44 56.73 49.03
No.ofblows 10 17 22 32 44

Table-12: liquid limit of soil without QD

Fig 8: graph b/w no.of blows and water content

Liquid limit as obtained

from graph = 58.0 %
(Correspondingto25 blows)

5.4.2. Liquid Limit of Soil Sample with 5% of Quarry Dust

SampleNo. 1 2 3 4 5

Mass ofemptycan 19.24 19.66 21.52 20.58 21.16

Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 61.96 67.46 74.14 72.11 78.02

Mass of can + drysoilingms. 45.24 49.60 56.04 54.85 59.62

Mass of soilsolids 26.00 29.94 34.52 34.27 38.46

Mass ofporewater 16.72 17.86 18.10 17.26 18.40

Water content (%) 64.32 59.66 52.44 50.36 47.84

No.ofblows 11 16 29 32 45

Table – 13: liquid limit of soil sample with 5% of QD

Fig 9: graph b/w no.of blows and water content for 5% of QD

Liquid limit as obtained from graph= 53.8%

(Corresponding to 25 blows)

5.4.3.Liquid Limit of Soil Sample with 10 % of QuarryDust

SampleNo. 1 2 3 4 5

Mass ofemptycan 21.23 20.17 20.70 21.42 20.18

Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 68.63 72.90 78.37 80.96 85.74

Mass of can + drysoilingms. 51.29 54.78 59.23 62.64 66.44

Mass ofsoilsolids 30.06 34.61 38.53 41.22 46.26

Mass ofporewater 17.34 18.12 19.14 18.32 19.30

Water content (%) 57.68 52.36 49.68 44.44 41.72

No. ofblows 10 18 22 39 47

Table– 14: liquid limit of soil with10 % of QD

Fig10: graph b/w no.of blows and water content for 10 % of QD

Liquid limit as obtained from graph=47.6%

(Corresponding to 25 blows)

5.4.4. Limitof Soil Sample with 15 % of QuarryDust
SampleNo. 1 2 3 4 5

Mass ofemptycan 20.72 21.32 20.24 20.16 19.80

Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 70.88 79.76 83.42 81.92 91.02

Mass of can + drysoilingms. 54.70 62.24 66.58 66.34 74.30

Mass ofsoilsolids 33.98 40.92 46.34 46.18 54.50

Mass ofporewater 16.18 17.52 16.84 15.58 16.72

Water content (%) 47.62 42.82 36.34 33.74 30.68

No. ofblows 12 20 29 36 44

Table–15: liquid of soil with 15% of QD

Fig 11: graph b/w no.of blows and water content for 15% of QD

Liquid limit as obtained from graph =37.4% (correspondingto25blows)


5.5.1.Plastic limit of the soil sample with out Quarry Dust:

SampleNo. 1 2 3
Mass ofemptycan 19.52 18.28 20.15
Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 49.82 46.57 45.31
Mass of can + drysoilingms. 44.32 41.42 40.78
Mass of soilsolids 24.80 23.14 20.63
Mass ofporewater 5.50 5.15 4.53
Water content (%) 22.18 22.26 21.96
Average PlasticIndex 22.13

Table– 17: plastic limit of soil without QD

5.5.2.Plastic Limitof Soil Sample with 5 % of QuarryDust:

SampleNo. 1 2 3
Mass ofemptycan 20.17 19.24 21.46
Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 58.24 61.32 56.64
Mass of can + drysoilingms. 51.80 54.04 50.82
Mass ofsoilsolids 31.63 34.80 29.36
Mass ofporewater 6.44 7.28 5.82
Water content (%) 20.36 20.92 19.82
Average PlasticIndex 20.36

Table – 18: plastic limit of soil with 5%of QD

5.5.3.PlasticLimitof Soil Sample with10% of QuarryDust:

SampleNo. 1 2 3
Mass ofemptycan 21.26 20.72 20.84
Mass of can + wetsoilingms. 58.03 63.69 65.06
Mass of can + drysoilingms. 52.19 56.97 58.10
Mass ofsoilsolids 30.93 36.25 37.26
Mass ofporewater 5.84 6.72 6.96
Water content (%) 18.88 18.54 18.68
Average PlasticIndex 18.70

Table–19: p;astic limit of soil with 10 %ofQD

5.5.4.PlasticLimitof Soil Sample with 15 % ofQuarryDust:

SampleNo. 1 2 3
Mass ofemptycan 19.82 20.16 21.22
Mass of can + wet soilingms. 57.39 64.92 65.10
Mass of can + dry soilingms. 51.97 58.60 58.66
Mass ofsoilsolids 32.15 38.44 37.44
Mass ofporewater 5.42 6.32 6.44
Water content(%) 16.86 16.44 17.20
Average PlasticIndex 16.83

Table – 20: plastic limit of soil with 15%of QD

Fig: 13: glass plate along with soil sample for plastic limit


Plasticity Index of Soil Sample = IP = Liquid limit (WL) – Plastic Limit (WP)

Plasticity VirginSoil Stone DustPercentage

5 10 15

Liquid Limit (%) 58.00 53.80 47.60 37.40

PlasticLimit(%) 22.13 20.36 18.70 16.83

Plasticity Index 35.87 33.44 28.90 20.57


Table-22: plasticity index of soil sample

5.7. Standard Proctor Compaction Test of Soil Sample:

5.7. 1. Standard Proctor Compaction Test of Soil Sample without

Quarry Dust:

TestNo. 1 2 3 4
Weight of empty mould(W1)gms 5751 5751 5751 5751
Internal diameter of mould (d) cm 10 10 10 10
Height of mould (h)cm 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73
Volume of mould (V)=( π/4)d2hcc 1000 1000 1000 1000
Weight of mould + compacted soil (W2)gms 7730 7837 7904 7865
Weight of Compacted Soil(W2-W1)gms 1979 2086 2153 2114
Bulk density of compacted soilϒ=(W2-W1))/Vgm/cc 1.98 2.09 2.15 2.11
Containerno. 1 3 6 8
Weight of Container(X1)gms 20.84 20.95 19.77 20.31
Weight of Container + Wet Soil(X2)gms 81.94 93.93 94.73 92.47
Weight of Container + dry soil(X3)gms 75.19 84.61 84.18 81.40
Weight of dry soil(X3-X1)gms 54.35 63.66 64.41 61.09
Weight of water(X2-X3)gms 6.75 9.32 10.55 11.07
Water content W= ( X2-X3)/(X3 – X1)X100(%) 12.42 14.64 16.38 18.12
Dry density of compacted soil ϒd=ϒ/(1+W)gm/cc 1.76 1.82 1.85 1.79

Table –23: standard proctor compaction values with out Quarry Dust

Fig 14: graph b/w water content and dry density with out Quarry Dust
From the figure , it is evident that
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) =16.2%
Maximum Dry Density(MDD)=1.85gm/Cm3

5.7.2. Standard Proctor Compaction Test of soil sample with 5% of
Quarry Dust
TestNo. 1 2 3 4
Weight of empty mould(W1) gms 01 5751 5751 5751 5751
Internal diameter of mould (d) cm 10 10 10 10
Height of mould (h)cm 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73
Volume of mould (V)=( π/4)d2hcc 02 1000 1000 1000 1000
Weight of mould + compacted soil (W2) gms 03 7760 7862 7941 7919
Weight of Compacted Soil(W2-W1)gms 04 2009 2111 2190 2168
Bulk density of compacted soilϒ=(W2-W1))/Vg 05 2.01 2.11 2.19 2.17
Containerno. 1 3 6 8
Weight of Container(X1)gms 06 21.17 19.62 19.78 20.24
Weight of Container + Wet Soil(X2)gms 07 79.44 86.84 92.22 91.97
Weight of Container + dry soil(X3)gms 08 72.80 77.90 81.96 81.11
Weight of dry soil(X3-X1)gms 09 51.63 58.28 62.18 60.87
Weight of water (X2-X3)gms 10 6.64 8.94 10.26 10.86
Water content W= ( X2-X3)/(X3 – X1)X 100(%) 11 12.86 15.34 16.50 17.84
Dry density of compacted soil ϒd=ϒ/(1+W)gm/cc 12 1.78 1.83 1.88 1.84
Table-24:standard proctor test values for 5% of Quarry Dust

Fig 15: graph b/w water content and dry density for5 % of QD

From the figure , it isevident that

Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)=16.5%
Maximum Dry Density(MDD)=1.88gm/Cm3

Fig 16:standard proctor compaction

5.7.3. Standard Proctor Compaction Test of Soil Sample with 10 % of

Quarry Dust
TestNo. 1 2 3 4
Weight of empty mould(W1) gms 01 5751 5751 5751 5751
Internal diameter of mould (d) cm 10 10 10 10
Height of mould (h)cm 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73
Volume of mould (V)=( π/4) d2hcc 02 1000 1000 1000 1000
Weight of mould + compacted soil (W2) gms 03 7824 7911 8005 7948
Weight of Compacted Soil (W2-W1) gms 04 2073 2160 2254 2197
Bulk density of compacted soilϒ=(W2-W1))/Vgm/cc
05 2.07 2.16 2.25 2.20
Containerno. 1 3 6 8
Weight of Container (X1) gms 06 20.86 20.17 19.64 19.82
Weight of Container + Wet Soil (X2) gms 07 79.85 88.57 90.00 91.26
Weight of Container + dry soil (X3)gms 08 73.23 79.71 79.88 80.64
Weight of dry soil (X3-X1)gms 09 52.37 59.54 60.24 60.82
Weight of water (X2-X3)gms 10 6.62 8.86 10.12 10.62
Water content W= ( X2-X3)/(X3 – X1)X 100 ( % ) 11 12.64 14.88 16.80 17.46
Dry density of compacted soil ϒd=ϒ/(1+W)gm/cc12 1.84 1.88 1.93 1.87
Table–25: standard proctor valuesfor 10% of QD

Fig 17: graph b/w water content and dry density for 10% of QD
From the figure , it is given that,
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)=16.80%
Maximum Dry Density(MDD)=1.93gm/Cm3

5.7.4. Standard Proctor Compaction Test of Soil Sample with 15 % of

Quarry Dust
TestNo. 1 2 3 4
Weight of empty mould(W1) gms 01 5751 5751 5751 5751
Internal diameter of mould (d) cm 10 10 10 10
Height of mould (h)cm 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73
Volume of mould (V)=( π/4) d2h cc 02 1000 1000 1000 1000
Weight of mould + compacted soil (W2) gms 03 7809 7902 8036 7974
Weight of Compacted Soil (W2-W1) gms 04 2058 2151 2285 2223
Bulk density of compacted soilϒ=(W2-W1))/Vgm/cc
05 2.06 2.15 2.29 2.22
Containerno. 1 3 6 8
Weight of Container (X1) gms 06 20.44 19.86 20.62 20.17
Weight of Container + Wet Soil (X2)gms 07 75.81 86.03 90.60 90.05
Weight of Container + dry soil (X3)gms 08 69.13 77.09 80.34 79.27
Weight of dry soil (X3-X1)gms 09 48.69 57.23 59.72 59.10
Weight of water (X2-X3)gms 10 6.68 8.94 10.26 10.78
Water content W= ( X2-X3)/(X3 – X1)X 100 ( % ) 11 13.72 15.62 17.18 18.24
Dry density of compacted soil 1.81 1.86 1.95 1.88

Table– 26: standard proctor test for 15% of QD

Fig 18: graph b/w water content and dry density for 15% of QD

From the figure , it is evident that

Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)=17.20%
Maximum Dry Density(MDD)=1.95gm/Cm3


5.8.1 Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Soil Sample with out
(Dialgauge 1 div= 0.01 mm andLoad dial1div = 2.13N)

Dialgauge Strain(Ԑ) Provingring Correctedarea Load(N) AxialStress

reading reading (Mpa)
0 0 0 1134.11 0 0
50 0.0066 3 1141.62 6.39 0.006
100 0.0132 5 1149.23 10.65 0.009
150 0.0197 9 1156.94 19.17 0.017
200 0.0263 13 1164.76 27.69 0.024
250 0.0329 18 1172.69 38.34 0.033
300 0.0395 25 1180.72 53.25 0.045
350 0.0461 34 1188.86 72.42 0.061
400 0.0526 45 1197.12 95.85 0.080
450 0.0592 56 1205.49 119.28 0.099
500 0.0658 65 1213.98 138.45 0.114
550 0.0724 70 1222.59 149.1 0.122
600 0.0789 68 1231.32 144.84 0.118
Table – 28: observation of unconfined compression test with out Quarry Dust

Fig 20: graph b/w strain and axial stress with out Quarry Dust

Unconfined compressionstrength= 0.122Mpa

5.8.2.Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Soil Sample with 5%

of Quarry Dust

Dialgauge Strain(Ԑ) Provingring Corrected Load(N) AxialStress

reading reading area (Mpa)
0 0 0 1134.11 0 0
50 0.0066 3 1141.62 6.39 0.006
100 0.0132 7 1149.23 14.91 0.013
150 0.0197 12 1156.94 25.56 0.022
200 0.0263 15 1164.76 31.95 0.027
250 0.0329 19 1172.69 40.47 0.035
300 0.0395 27 1180.72 57.51 0.049
350 0.0461 34 1188.86 72.42 0.061
400 0.0526 48 1197.12 102.24 0.085
450 0.0592 62 1205.49 132.06 0.110
500 0.0658 78 1213.98 166.14 0.137
550 0.0724 87 1222.59 185.31 0.152
600 0.0789 79 1231.32 168.27 0.137
650 0.0855 71 1240.18 151.23 0.122

Table-29:observation of unconfined compression test for 5% of QD

As obtainedfromGraph

Fig 21: graph b/w strain and axial stress for 5% of QD

Unconfined compression strength= 0.152Mpa

5.8.3.UnconfinedCompression Strength Test of Soil Sample

with 10% of Quarry Dust
Dialgauge Strain(Ԑ) Provingring Corrected Load(N) AxialStress
reading reading area (Mpa)
0 0 0 1134.11 0 0
50 0.0066 3 1141.62 6.39 0.006
100 0.0132 8 1149.23 17.04 0.015
150 0.0197 14 1156.94 29.82 0.026
200 0.0263 18 1164.76 38.34 0.033
250 0.0329 28 1172.69 59.64 0.051
300 0.0395 37 1180.72 78.81 0.067
350 0.0461 52 1188.86 110.76 0.093
400 0.0526 66 1197.12 140.58 0.117
450 0.0592 78 1205.49 166.14 0.138
500 0.0658 90 1213.98 191.7 0.158
550 0.0724 99 1222.59 210.87 0.172
600 0.0789 101 1231.32 215.13 0.175
650 0.0855 96 1240.18 204.48 0.165
Table-30:observation of unconfined compression test for 10 %ofQD

As obtainedfromGraph

Fig-22:graph b/wstrainand axial stressfor 10% of QD

Unconfined compressionstrength= 0.176Mpa

5.8.4. Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Soil Sample
with 15 % of Quarry Dust
Dialgauge Strain(Ԑ) Provingring Correctedarea Load(N) AxialStress
reading reading (Mpa)
0 0 0 1134.11 0 0
50 0.0066 3 1141.62 6.39 0.006
100 0.0132 8 1149.23 17.04 0.015
150 0.0197 15 1156.94 31.95 0.028
200 0.0263 19 1164.76 40.47 0.035
250 0.0329 26 1172.69 55.38 0.047
300 0.0395 35 1180.72 74.55 0.063
350 0.0461 46 1188.86 97.98 0.082
400 0.0526 62 1197.12 132.06 0.110
450 0.0592 78 1205.49 166.14 0.138
500 0.0658 89 1213.98 189.57 0.156
550 0.0724 103 1222.59 219.39 0.179
600 0.0789 112 1231.32 238.56 0.194
650 0.0855 107 1240.18 227.91 0.184

Table-31:observation of unconfined compression test for 15% of QD

As obtainedfromGraph

Fig 23: graph b/w strain and axial stress for 15% of QD

Unconfined compression strength=0.194Mpa




6.1. 1. The relationship between Free Swell Index and Percentage of Quarry dust:

Percentageof Free SwellIndex

QuarryDust (%)
0 75.00
5 68.75
10 56.25
15 50.00

Table – 33: free swell index for the corresponding % of QD

Fig25:graph of free swell index for the corresponding % of Quarry Dust

6.1.2. The relationship between Liquid Limit and Percentage of Quarry

Percentage of LiquidLimit
QuarryDust (%)
0 58.00
5 53.80
10 47.60
15 37.40
Table – 34: liquid limit for the corresponding % of QD

Fig 26: graph of liquid limit for the corresponding % of Quarry Dust

6.1.3. The relationship between Plastic Limitand Percentage of
Quarry Dust

Percentage of PlasticLimit
QuarryDust (%)
0 22.13
5 20.36
10 18.70
15 16.83

Table–35: plastic limit for the corresponding % of QuarryDust

Fig 27: graph of plastic limit for the corresponding % of QuarryDust

6.1.4.The relationship between Plasticity Index and Percentage of Quarry

Percentage of Plasticity Index

QuarryDust (%)
0 35.87
5 33.44
10 28.90
15 20.57

Table – 36: plasticity Index for the corresponding % of QuarryDust

Fig 28: graph of plasticity index for the corresponding % of QuarryDust

6.1.5.The relationship between MaximumDry Density and Percentage of
Quarry Dust

Percentageof Maximum
QuarryDust DryDensity

0 18.5
5 18.8
10 19.3
15 19.5

Table–37: max. dry density for te corresponding% of QuarryDust

Fig 29: graph of max. dry density for the corresponding %of QD

6.1.6. The relationship between Optimum Moisture content and
Percentage of Quarry Dust

Percentage of Optimum Moisture

QD Content (%)
0 16.2
5 16.5
10 16.8
15 17.2

Table– 38: optimum moisture content for the corresponding% of QuarryDust

Fig 30: graph of optimum moisture content for the corresponding %of Quarry dust.

6.1.7. The Relationship between unconfined compression strength and
Percentage of Quarry Dust

Percentage of Unconfined
Quarry Dust Compressive Strength

0 0.122
5 0.152
10 0.176
15 0.194

Table–39: values of unconfined compressive strength for corresponding % of Quarry Dust

Fig 31: graph of un confined compressive strength for the corresponding % of

Quarry Dust

The following discussions were made by keeping view of the results obtained from various
experiments for various percentages of Quarry dust

6.2.1. Inferences from Free SwellIndex:

1).Due to 5 % of QD , the free swell index of black cotton soil is decreased from
75% to 68.75%, a net of 8.33%.
2).Due to 10% of QD, the free swell index of black cotton soil is decrease from
75% to 56.25%, a net of25%.
3).Due to 15% of QD , the free swell index of black cotton soil is decrease from
75% to 50%, a net of 33.33%.

6.2.2.Inferences from Plasticity index:

1).Due to 5% of QD , the plasticity index of black cotton soil is decrease from
35.87%to 33.44%, a netof 6.77%.
2).Due to 10% of QD , the plasticity index of black cotton soil is decrease from
35.87% to 28.90%, a net of 19.43%.
3).Due to 10% of QD , the plasticity index of black cotton soil is decrease from
35.87% to 20.57%, a net of 42.65%.
6.2.3. Inferences from Proctor’sTest:
1).Due to 5% of QD , the maximum dry density of black cotton soil is increses
from18.5 kN/m3 to18.8 kN/m3, a net of 1.62%. The optimum moisture content is
increases from 16.2% to 16.5%, a net of 1.85%.
2).Due to 10% of QD , the maximum dry density of black cotton soil is increses from
18.5 kN/m3 to 19.3 kN/m3, a net of 4.32%. The optimum moisture content is
increases from 16.2% to 16.8%, a net of 3.70%.
3).Due to 15 % of stone QD & BA, the maximum dry density of black cotton soil is
increases from18.5 kN/m3 to 19.5 kN/m3, a net of 5.41%. The optimum moisture
content is increases from 16.2% to 17.2%,a net of 6.17%.
6.2.4. Inferences from Un-confined compressive strength:
1).Due to 5% of QD, the Unconfined compression strength value of soil increases
from 0.122 Mpa to 0.152 Mpa,a net of 24.60%.
2).Due to 10% of QD, the Unconfined compression strength value of soil increases
from 0.122 Mpa to 0.176 Mpa, a net of 44.26%.
3).Due to 15% of QD, the Unconfined compression strength value of soil increases
from0.122 Mpa to 0.194 Mpa, a net of 59.02%.



On the basis of present experimental study,the following conclusions are drawn :

1.Based on Proctor’s compaction test on soil sample, with quarry dust of 10 % and 15%, the
increase in maximum dry density was found to be 4.32% and 5.41% respectively (illustrated in
figure -28). The increase in the optimum moisture content was found to be 3.70% and 6.17%
respectively (illustrated in figure-29 ). Since at 15% of quarry dust , the net increase in the
value maximum dry density observed to be 5.41%,from 18.5 kN/m3 to 19.5 kN/m3 and increase
in optimum moisture content observed to be 6.17% from 16.2% to 17.2%.The quarry dust of
15 % is recommended for the stabilization of this soil.

2.Based on unconfined compressive strength test on soil sample, with stone dust of 10 % and
15% , the increase in unconfined compression strength was found to be 44.26% and 59.02%
respectively (illustrated in figure-30 ). Since at 15% of stone dust, the net increase in the value
unconfined compression strength observed to be 59.02%, from 0.122 Mpa to 0.194
Mpa.The stone dust of 15 % is recommended for the stabilization of this soil.


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