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What is translation?
Translate from _____ language( ) to _____language
( ).
Or from _______ text( ) to ________ text( )

What is the definition of translation?


Through history
1. The epic of “Gilgamesh” 2000 BCE myth of
2. “Septuagint” 283 BCE it’s literal meaning is

The Torah( ) is in a ________ language.

Translate the following into English
The epic of Gilgamesh>
The new testament >
Source language >
Source text >
Target language >
Literal translation>
Free translation >

Translation strategies

‫أذكر بعضا ً من أدوات المترجم ؟‬

‫أذكر أنماط ومستويات الترجمة‬

:‫لخص أدوات الترجمة‬

Q – choose the right articles to fill in the blanks (the –

a -an )
Once upon ___ time, there was _____ little girl who
liked to eat chocolate all the time. she loved chocolate
so much. she asked her mother to buy her_____
Chocolate for her birthday. Her mother bought
_______ enormous bar of chocolate. She expected
that candy bar to last at least two weeks. ______ little
girl ate all of the chocolate in one day. That night she
had _____ terrible stomachache. she threw up all
night long. her mother took her to see _____ doctor in
the morning.
• What is the idioms? Give an example

• Proverbs? Give an example


Translate this :
This is _________
These are _______
Those are ________
That is ________

• How to translate adverbs?

‫‪• Translate this from AR to EN:‬‬
‫قابيل>_______‬ ‫إبراهيم>_______‬ ‫آدم > _____‬
‫نوح>_______‬ ‫حواء>_________‬ ‫هابيل>______‬
‫سليمان >______‬ ‫داود>_________‬ ‫يونس>______‬
‫عيسى>______‬ ‫اليهودية>_______‬ ‫هللا>_______‬
‫عبراني>______‬ ‫يهودي>_______‬ ‫المسيح>_______‬
‫اإلسالم>______‬ ‫مسيحي>_______‬ ‫المسيحية>_______‬
‫األمويون >_________‬ ‫الخلفاء الراشدون >________‬
‫العثمانيون>_________‬ ‫الفاطميون>______‬
‫الفرس>__________‬ ‫الروم>__________‬
‫السنة>__________‬ ‫الشيعة>_________‬
‫الحرب العالمية األولى >_______________‬
‫الحرب العالمية الثانية> _______________‬
‫مصر>___________‬ ‫الحروب الصليبية>______________‬
‫القاهرة>_________ اإلسكندرية>_________‬
‫سويسرا>____________‬ ‫النمسا>__________‬

‫جماعة موظفين>___________‬ ‫حشد>_________‬

‫قطيع أو علبه>____________‬ ‫طاقم>_________‬
_______>‫األمين العام لألمم المتحدة‬I was frightened when I
saw a shadow drawing near_______________
_____________________>‫الجمعية العامة لألمم المتحدة‬
_________________________>‫محكمة العدل الدولية‬
_____________________________>‫مجلس األمن‬
____________________________>‫وزير الخارجية‬

• ‫ترجم الجمل التالية من اللغة اإلنجليزية الى العربية‬

1. I was frightened when I saw a shadow drawing near,
then I discovered that is was only an optical illusion.
2. the project off elimination off illiteracy in villages aim not
only at teaching reading and writing, but also at
teaching the technological developments in agriculture.

3. the balance that family’s budget, all it's expenditure

including food and clothing must be less than it's

4. that rubber threatened the cashier with his gun --and

took all the money that was in safe.

5. we live in the age of technology which is crowded with

modern inventions

6. move this resulting from wars so severe that we must

do our best to to solve our problems peacefully
7. the Prime Minister announced it that what was
mentioned in the newspaper was not true.

8. you get a lecture about avoiding St hazards.

9. I visited the international book fair. then after buying the

books I wanted, I attended a cultural film.

10. developed countries must help the developing once

so that the world may life in permanent peace.
11. even if the robot could deform all the jobs of man,
it will not be able to express emotions

12. doctor made great efforts to save the patient but

his efforts failed

13. work is covering the voice in visibility has become


14. I have failed the application form for a job in that

company and I will have a personal interview with its
director soon.
15. terrorism and the revenue from the Suez canal are
among the most important sources of the national
income in Egypt.

16. a car hit him while crossing the street, and he was
transferred to the neighbouring hospital in bad shape.

17. it's necessary to review the ablation map of Egypt and

aimed at reclamation of the desert instead of crowding
on both banks of the river

18.Egypt enjoys a cultural revolution by children and youth

libraries in villages and towns equally

19.I'm sorry, I haven't finished it yet the report, that you

asked for, about my experience abroad

20.the critic said that singer had a nice voice but that the
music was not of the same standard.
21.medical reports indicate that the murder was
committed with a sharp instrument.

22.we wear our best clothes at happy occasions such as

parties and festivals.

23.natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods show

the true character of man.

24.terrorism is not restricted to Muslims as we see it all

over the world.

25.Peaceful negotiation is the is the ideal way to solve

international disputes

26.environmental pollution is considered the main reason

for the change in earth's climate and the emergency of
the problem of desertification

27.the responsibility of every Egyptian towards trees and

flowers is great as they reduce the rate of
environmental pollution.
28.population explosion is a problem that faces of the third
world countries, and it won't be sloped without strict
measures such as family planning

29.physical education is almost for building up the hill of

the Egyptian child

30.our ancient monuments are the most important factors

that attract tourists so we must preserve them.

31.without a good infrastructure we cannot attract foreign


32.The press plays a vital role and forming an enlightened

public opinion. a democratic government there are three separate

authorities which are: the executive, the legislative and
the judicial.
34.the law by itself is not important but what is really
important is how it is applied

35.the Egyptian armed forces took part in preserving the

fragile peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina

36.arabs, unite! for you are the future enemy chosen by

the West. nature, totalitarian Regimes are inimical to religions

and freedom

38.Israel siege of Gaza and West Bank will only lead to

failure the peace talks.

39.brothers and teachers must encourage little children to

go to the libraries to borrow the books which they like

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