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Research Log #_6_ - Solutionary Project 2022 

Date:  March 8, 2022 
Name:  Landi Luke 
Essential Question:  what can we do to help students that cannot afford school supplies? 
Three Points to Prove: #1: school supplies should be affordable to all students 
                                        #2:  accessibility to education shouldn’t be determined by how rich or poor a
family is  
                                        #3:many students don’t have access to school supplies, and it effects their
learning opportunities 
Point that this Source Proves:   #2 
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove) 
“I saw first-hand the inequity of education in that part of the world compared to the
United States.” 
“What type of learning environment is more inviting to students—one in which the
students do not have the basic materials for learning, or a rich environment in which
they have what they need to learn?” 
“Almost 50 million American adults do not have adequate reading skills to read to a
child or fill out a job application (Cooter, 2006)” 
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 
This source supports my point to prove because it shows that from his research study, there
are not only people in America that have education opportunities taken away from them
because of their poverty but all over the world.  
Work Cited (correct MLA format): 
Kumar Mahabir, Indramati. “Exploring Educational Material Needs and Resources for Children
Living in Poverty.” Unknown, 25 Aug. 2010,
Accessed March 7, 2022 
This is a reputable and reliable article because 
  This is a reputable and reliable source because this person made a research paper and cited
all his works.  

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