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Nam42 Atkia Muthra A

NCM:G0o0 184 2Sl

14Th LNam, \m is ugk not knowledae. Thts is Syhohymous wth
hosis (ma'hifah). knowledge is 4sCFibed to 4wo Souras aal and lm.hudlri

nhe sense oF direck and un mediated knouledge acgu+ked thtou9h mystica

exRrione).Ma'rPah îs the highest knowledge and e ars fom F -
Khowledoge (Man atafa haFsahu fa qad arafa Rabpahu).
m as l9kt (Mur) dhd Alah î's al desctibed as tha
Meahs 4hat im in a aeheral ense is tdantical wkhtheSuptene (rght
lgt. This
C. Accotdinglto the hartakion of Im am Mu Sa Al kaesm in u
hee types of iflm hamely ayatun muhkamah Akaf

ke a (un dehable
Si4hs oF God), foaridatun adtiah ebl'gations and
(Just sunnat Al-44imah (4tudi-
ons of the Prophet Muhammad SAw).

2. According Lstam erspective, Sour&of knoledge

hamely hevelafion and
Cmpiricm Chat ue and hamans, Pevelasons wheth ugzd dS a SourcR of
knowledge to uhderstand tslam as a system Of relcgion (human Felattas
with god) has gven pirth Fot exanmple to the Sctma oP kalam
Sctene oP rpru dono
aud the
Cfrqh), Meanwhlle, empits'cism (Nakure and her
humav ) was u Sed by tMus\ms Seentit at +hak t¢nme to underand
Tslam ds d Sysfem op lrFe So thak +hey Contthued 4he development of
the mathemaE Ical and hakitral Se(en CRS¢ dud even
pconeered the soctal
Sctencas 4hhgh tha aePca{ran of hew mLAhods, hahmuly
dnd exaiu en 4AKoh, Empertcal mthods bofh obgetUation
ekptimentation aud o bget
vfoh ake Ahus both oFslahuic
Pive skages ot SeieHkRtc developnevtt =
1. world V¢ew Su4p 610
t h e bexhninë og the Fokmti pn Rte cess F ICslamiC Uorldvfew begi
ning of know(edge Acqukn Acttutes
2The sStage of Problem5 *10S
Thoce who udY ACHVe hKiouledge procay
(mam Ai, umat lbh A[=khaktab Aishd Abdcellah dnd
4he eatlythikets
Abu hurdta Muhammad ibn Kanefa, Avah ibn masrcud,tph Athr
Abar uhk tasdn A- tbasti, Mu54hd ibnutttmdh. Jabt,
urua lbh

Nachal, Said ibh A- MusagPb, Mabad Al--Juhan,rahim- unmar ibn

Aodul A2A Wanblbh Muhdbbh ete.
Around thistme, Tslamic knoudedae activktes begrh o underg
the influnce of Gkeek Seièntjfic
.Discpliuay S{age 8ooS
-2The 2s2 oF Pslamic knowiedge tkadkfons
Afa lbh AI Pavah, kammad ibn Ayi Sulayman, Ghaglan al-
imash qi wasl TmAsd, lvn Lshaq, Tahm n
A-SadiLbn Hisham, Heshan ibh AlHakameSafum
Aatal, afat
Hanrta, Sutuan As-Thaur ekC
.The S4agg of Naming 85o'Sa
7 fr4h Law
-|aES¢{2 Shapr«,Abu Yu JAe, AK1akk Tba An ag C HFmenetANCS
>Hadkn: AskiaH, Kindie hattrdi,
tak atga Al-Rati->Aikoy
kalam Jahie Au Ak AGubbai, khuartnmi, RECR- Philesophy
Gram tMatheatics MeACihe Asttonomy Phg S¢cs and
The 2eop Cs{amic Sctevtiprc tradikioh gs01S=
-2A ScientFscEtradiktoh îs the-otalrty of All CuHoms nmorRs
tkudes and ual se beleFS which AFtse thtougn
e gor wah ce of ataih ehauas or £ha Vmemketr of a
OF Seienttt or Scholars thak leaye a metal Cok@ptloh o 4he
hose behaviots. aktHbsed colecttuely-to kht
Commuaty opth
5:The Skages of Ptogress: The inelueh2 Of
ts lamc Screne and lathu
Ueon the wea
Prino p kQuraCtG adelah bnbcip bab akibat
9edanq kan 9khsi9me adcloh bardosav kon hipoThuar
Scdonq kan o clam rlam olubehquh bardcscrlcan
Wahyu Alo e l u 'nod and Evvo
dg buLh hycte di alGm
5Fufud he pibahguA l tu p2ngetahuanz
CntN ot Alla h Tauhid).
3 : 19)
2.ity o r0ation S:A. Pu 3o),
3 Uty of. Thoug ht Ca ve latioh and 2easiok
GS 31 1o .
s,Al Haagak 38J.
4 Unty oMan
G N G 2 ha HTal Giat dGn oigih dcla
menuntut wm
b Tofaqpuh-> Crthy poham qatu ne hg hemi
apG y o1 ma ksud, mudah 7alts
Q1yac angt ap Cm hukum dan porkarc baru
yan bclum ada bGd marc Sgbelu mhya
mamun mgmGarkoamcch cebch, mGnfec
ahaga clah barbaga Ospak dthgGh
arkrc tardahulu
ol. M audhu adaah o d e to cir yanq
barusaha nencaU aabGK
Al Pu"an ad angan
mengumulkar ayat C Qur'an .ychq
S'Claras dengon 02
babuh huzuui hyc

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