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UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG Faculty of Education Summative Evaluation

N.B. A SUMMATIVE REPORT reflects the student’s status as compared to expectations of a beginning professional.
Each signatory has observed, discussed, and assessed the student’s work.

Student Teacher: Janique Ditter Report Writer: Rod Lindquist

Grade KG classroom, KG -
School: Glenwood
Area/Grade: 8 Phys.Ed
Cooperating Leanne Bellingham, Christian Block # 1

Date: December 2021 Final Grade: Pass X

Janique has successfully completed a strong 1st practicum block with Leanne Bellingham and Christian
MacDonald as her CT’s teaching KG and Phys. Ed KG – 8. It is important to note that Covid restrictions were still
in place and each student teacher had to adjust to the protocols making the experience even more challenging.

During the classes I observed, I was impressed with several aspects of her student teaching and especially her
calm, cool, collected approach. Hers was a unique situation in that she was doing both classroom and gym classes.
Her lessons were generally well prepared with good detail and set out the outcomes and expectations for the class.
The classes were interesting for the KG group as she conducted the carpet sharing time well, so students were kept
engaged with minimal distractions. She knew the students well and interacted with them in a comfortable,
respectful manner. She was pleasant and patient throughout the classes and made sure each student was aware of
the expectations of the work assigned. She was good at eliciting answers from the class and encouraging
discussion about the topics being discussed. She used visual clues very well having information written or
projected on the board to make sure all students were informed and on the same page as far as the class work was
concerned. The videos and slides she used were very effective in keeping her KG students engaged.
Her gym sessions were also well done with her instructions being clear and concise so students could be actively
involved for most of the class. The students were not only active, but they were having fun as well thanks to her

Janique assessment tools consisted mostly of ongoing observation. She planned classes that were challenging but
effective for the group and made a point of trying to give as much individual help as possible, so students had a
sense of accomplishment from the class. She made a point of stopping part way through a work session to offer
further clues or assistance for the work being done. The students responded well to her and were very comfortable
asking for her help when necessary. She circulated whenever work sessions were going on, to make sure students
were having a positive experience.

She has developed a good working relationship with her CT’s, and they expressed that they have been happy to
have Janique working with their classes all this term. It was good to discuss each class with her as she was very
receptive about any suggestions that we talked about.

Janique is definitely very committed and keen to do her best. I feel she has had a strong block of steady growth.

Signature of:
Student Faculty
Teacher___________________________Supervisor:___________________________ Teacher:_________________________
Signatures acknowledge receipt of evaluation Each signatory must receive a signed copy of this evaluation.

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