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English Story, November 2016 Prepared by: Salma Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Prep 1E

Eva and Peter’s adventure

Once upon a time it was a cloudy and rainy day when Peter and his twin sister decided to go
for a walk in the woods. Everybody said different rumours about this forest. One said it was
full of ghosts and the other said it was full of beasts and that there was a special beast that
loves to eat small children. And that there is an old witch that
kidnaps children and turns them into slaves.
So Eva and Peter were very curious to see all of this
happening in front of their eyes. “Of course, it would be an
adventure “, said Peter to Eva, but Eva looked into the sky
and prayed God to return them home safe.
In the morning, they decided to start their journey. They took
their food and drinks and went to the woods. They enjoyed
the warm sun, the singing birds and the talking parrot who
welcomed them and invited them to his nest.

English Story, November 2016 Prepared by: Salma Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Prep 1E

Suddenly, when the sun set it started to be strange. The trees turned into beasts and all the
animals were afraid and run to their homes and shelters. Peter and Eva were shivering.

Suddenly, an old witch appeared in front of them.

”Hey you little kids!!! I am Prisca….. What are you doing in my territory?”. Eva was crying
and Peter was very scared.
All of a sudden, Prisca, the old witch, pulled them both with her scary hands and her long
nails from their shirts! With her muscles she threw Peter in a dark cave and gave him some
food saying: “I want you to be fat to eat you!”. She also made Eva her slave. Eva cleaned
the whole day and never got a rest. When Eva fell asleep, Prisca woke her up scarily.

English Story, November 2016 Prepared by: Salma Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Prep 1E

Two weeks later, Peter became very fat and Prisca prepared her sharp knife to eat Peter.
Eva was terrified and ran away looking for help.

All of a sudden Eva found a hunter with his big , loaded gun. She begged him to come with
her to rescue her twin brother… “Ok, I am coming with you little girl, where is your
brother?”, asked the hunter. “ Over there with the old Prisca!!!! Over Theeeereeeeee!”,
shouted Eva.
“The old Prisca again????, Oh God!! Come with me my little child!”, said the hunter.
When they arrived they saw the old witch starting to slaughter Peter and putting the knife
onto his neck. Eva shouted : “ Oh, noooooo!!! Peeeeeeeterrrrrrr!!! “ and the hunter shot
his gun in Prisca’s direction.
Suddenly, Eva opened her eyes and realised she was having a very bad nightmare. She ran
to her brother and hugged him. “I will never let you go”, she said.
“I will always love you and protect you my lovely brother”.
Peter starred at her and fell asleep again….

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