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Common grammatical error corrections and facts

Learn the tricks and traps of grammar. We have all been heavily indoctrinated and dumbed
down by the very government we the people put in place to protect our unalienable rights, so
please don't feel inadequate for needing to learn the importance of grammar. Let's start off with
the most common grammatical errors that the majority of people do without realizing it is what
they’ve actually done to their document.

The most common error is what is known as the four corner rule of grammar. What this means
is that the use of certain grammatical symbols falls under this four corner rule which removes
wording, numbers, and phrases from the page or document. Which you did not intend to do, but
nonetheless did so by not knowing this grammatical rule. i’ll first list what does fall under this
grammatical rule and then i’ll provide you with an example of its use and a visual example of
how it’s viewed by someone that does in fact know how to grammatically read such as a Judge
aka Administrator. The most common grammatical symbols that fall under the four corner rule of
grammar that removes wording, numbers, and phrases from the page are as the following;

I: Box - 𞠡 - otherwise known as a border or a box itself, typically these are found on nearly all
street signs, government documents, government forms, banking documents, banking forms,
etc. a very common one that everyone misses is on bonds, federal reserve notes, bank notes,
united states notes, etc. this use is known as a border though its truly boxing which anything
within is considered to be removed from the page, document, etc. check out a federal reserve
note yourself, pull one out and view it, yep it’s got a border all around the entirety of it meaning
that you're looking at what is considered to be a blank document using this grammatical rule.;

II: Brackets - [] or {} - a bracket for the most part resembles that of a box or border though it's a
separated box or broken apart box. The most common use of this bracket symbol for those that
are studying and learning who they really are, wish to use the bracket symbol to remove the use
of a zip code attached to their address. This should be a dead give away to you that this is
exactly what this bracket symbol means, stands for, and does when used. Using the bracket
removes what's within it from the page or document.

III: Parenthesis - () - though the parenthesis does not actually have corners its usage does in
fact grammatically remove its contents within the parenthesis from the page, document, etc.

IV: Quotation marks - “” - just like the parenthesis the quotation marks do not actually have
visual corners either, but nonetheless they also in fact fall under the paradigm of the four corner
rule removing the contents within the quotation marks from the page, document, etc..

Now i wish to provide an example of what someone reads when they know how to read
grammatically. Examples are as follows;

● This morning i went to the “store” to get the “eggs” that i needed to finish “cooking
Now what someone sees when they read grammatically.
● This morning i went to the to get the that i needed to finish .;

● Today i used a few laws in my document such as (Trezevant v City of Tampa 741 F2
336 (1984)).
Now what someone sees when they read grammatically.
● Today i used a few laws in my document such as

● For the most part, i have collected a wide range of sporting goods [hereinafter sg] when
i go out on vacation because there are a lot more choices of sg to pick from in other
Now what someone sees when they read grammatically.
● For the most part, i have collected a wide range of sporting goods when i go
out on vacation because there are a lot more choices of sg to pick from in other states.
Do you see what happened here in this example? Yeah, because you removed hereinafter sg
by using brackets, you unintentionally left it wide open for assumptions and presumptions as to
what the heck is sg.

Italics and fonts

Using italics and different fonts is nearly just like the four corner rule. In this case anything
written in italics or different fonts is considered to be removed from the page only this time
there's no need to use grammatical symbols. Because the italics are what is known as a
different font and coincidentally is considered to be removed from the page. For those who have
never heard of italics these words are written in italics as an example for you to see. For those
that dont know of what i mean by a different font, these words are in a different font for you to see.

Bolding and use of different font sizes

Bolding and different font sizes are like italics and the use of different fonts themselves,
they're considered to be removed from the page or they do not have or hold the same
jurisdiction on any given document as the primary font size used thus creating fraud.

Dog-Latin and American-Sign-Language


OF HYPHENS. Which means that it's a language for the illiterate. Meaning that it is not part of
any language and makes up a language for itself without any meaning and hence grammatically
reading absolutely nothing at all. THIS ALL UPPERCASE TEXT STYLE IS ALSO KNOWN AS
American-Sign-Language the only difference from Dog-Latin is the actual font size. Most
computers don't even have the software capability to write it, therefore writing it in Dog-Latin is
acceptable for American-Sign-Language how to actually spot American-Sign-Language is it’s

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
the font size. This is why Dog-Latin is also known as American-Sign-Language because most
computers don't have the software installed to write American-Sign-Language as its intended
and that Dog-Latin is to be used in its stead as an alternative. THIS ILLITERATE LANGUAGE
it’s written on nearly all government documents, forms, etc. Hmmm, i wonder why that is?


When using the underline what coincidentally transpires is that the word, number, or phrase
underlined is automatically turned into italic writing. Thus, removing it from the page. Learning
this, what do you suppose happens when you have an underline premade ready for an
autograph? Yep, you guessed it, it’s removed from the page. Interesting thing to know when
y’all are learning how to contract, needing two wet ink signatures to make the contract valid.
What i’ve recently been doing because of this fact is i’m replacing the underline ____________
signature line with a dotted line using the period such as ………………………. Creating a dotted
line so my autograph is not removed from the page.

Spacing, entering, tabbing, and indentation

A lot of Judges aka Administrators and Attorneys are known for using double spacing
sometimes going overboard using triple spacing and beyond. Why? What’s the point? The point
is when one uses more than one space in between words, it's considered breaking the
continuance of the evidence in what it is that you are trying to convey. Meaning that what was
said prior to the break up has no correlation as to what is currently being conveyed and vice
versa after the break up of the words or sentences. This same spacing rule falls under entering
as well when you are using the enter key to start a new paragraph you can only use one enter
spacing between paragraphs. Example: For someone to write in this manner it is no
longer a sentence but words all by their lonesome and have no meaning behind it
except to deliberately make it not have meaning. When used by mistake it still has the
same grammatical meaning which is absolutely nothing. Please be cautious of spacing errors
which occur most frequently when using copy and paste options. Tabbing and indentation fall
under the same paradigm as spacing. However, it is ok for one space to be used at the
beginning of a paragraph, though one space is barely visible, therefore i completely stay away
from doing such as it’s not necessary. By using the tab and anything more than one spacing you
are breaking up the continuance of the evidence in which you are trying to convey.


This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
For the most part, the word include means that when you include something then you literally
exclude everything else. People tend to include many things but fail to realize that they just
excluded everything else that they were expecting to be included. Example and explanation: i
personally find it interesting that when you research things about the Birth-Certificate they
include stillbirths. Yep, you read that correctly, they include stillbirths meaning that the Birth-
Certificate is actually a Death-Certificate for stillbirths.

The colon and semicolon

There is truly way too much to hit on and talk about with the usage of the colon and semicolon.
Therefore, i am only going to touch base with where y’all are needing to use the colon in your
name, as well as where y’all tend to need it with listing your facts, conditions, etc.. The colon is
a punctuation mark that when used in a writing style it typically means of the, for the, with the,
by the, way of, etc.. So, when you see it such as By: William-Kevin: Rigby. What this means and
says in written form is By way of William-Kevin of the Rigby family without the need to say all of
that with just using the punctuation mark colon. i hope this brings closure on the use of the colon
in your name as you are adding it to your name along with beneficiary as being part of your
correct given name and Estate name known as the family name. i will talk more about names
herein shortly under the name section. Now let’s talk about the use of the colon and semicolon
usage when you are making a list. When you are making a list it should be in a similar format as
the example i’m about to share. Example of a list as follows: ← proper placement of the colon.

● My bicycle; ← proper placement of the semicolon to roll off to your next point.
● My automobile; ← if i use a period instead of a semicolon it closes your list.
● My clothing;
● My assets;
● My house. ← here i’m closing my list, therefore the period is needed to close the list.

As you now see how to properly make a list using the colon and semicolon, i’ll now show you
where the majority make grammatical errors. Example of grammatical errors of list’s as follows:

1. ← a numerical number was just used, that has no jurisdiction within written form of English
words (which i will discuss herein shortly), as well a period is used here. ↑ you just learned that
the use of a period closes your list. Therefore, you just closed your list before you even began.
Interesting but nonetheless very factual.

Another example of common mistakes. Example as follows:

A. My bicycle. ← are you starting to recognise the errors?

B. My automobile. ← the period is used after the lettered list stopping your list before it begins.
C. My clothing. ← if by chance you happen to overlook the first period used after the letter A well
there's yet another period used after the word bicycle thus still stopping your list.
D. My assets.
The em dash

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
The em dash is an elongated dash or an elongated hyphen. It has many uses. It can be used to
replace the comma–it can be used to replace the parenthesis–it can be used to replace a
colon–and most importantly it can be used as what is known as a sentence interrupter. Being
used as a sentence interrupter is the trickery and deception i wish to teach you here today. i am
going to give an example of the em dash used as a sentence interrupter.

Example: The crime community known as Law enforcement has the evidence–if you wish to see
it. For some time now the States used to be known as the states. Also at one particular time the
states together were known as the united states of America now they are known as the United
States of America and even more popular is the United States. Writing in different ways has
different meanings, and almost no one catches on. Sometimes things written and read have
different meanings by grammatical style and use of grammatical symbols as you learned today.
Last week the fire department personnel were very active on the street i live on finding–of a
murder scene among the ashes of the burnt down home.

The example is over, now let’s talk about the example given. The paragraph starts out with a
sentence using the em dash. How can one determine just how the writer used the em dash?
That's a great question and it is hard to determine, except when you view the grammatical style
of the writer. As you see in the paragraph the writer used a comma, therefore i can now
eliminate that the writer used it as a comma being that they used one in their paragraph.
Therefore, the detective within you must still search for clues. Did the writer use it as a
parenthesis replacement? No, because to use it as a parenthesis replacement they would have
an additional em dash on the other side kinda almost like the use of multiple commas. So i now
narrowed it down to being a colon or a sentence interrupter. Being that the em dash is placed in
the middle of a sentence and not in the beginning of the sentence removes the notion that it was
used as a colon because most colon usages usually happen at the beginning of someone's
sentence, or statement. Awesome so we are now left with only the possibility of it being used as
a sentence interrupter. Now let’s go back to read the paragraph as we now know what the
writer's intentions were for the use of the em dash. The writer starts out by saying: The crime
community known as Law enforcement has the evidence. Then we see the em dash. The
proper way to read this as the em dash we now know was used as a sentence interrupter. We
need to find another em dash somewhere in the text to pick up on the same sentence that we
left off on where we spotted the first em dash. Therefore, the next em dash is located and you
must add what was written after the second em dash and join it behind the first em dash
spotted. Hence to figure out the writer’s true thoughts and true sentence meaning which reads:
The crime community known as Law enforcement has the evidence of a murder scene among
the ashes of the burnt down home. Now take a look back at the original paragraph and view
how i came up with this completed sentence. The first em dash was after evidence and the
second em dash was before of a murder which is where you must join the two as if it were one
sentence because it rightfully is. Where you’ll most commonly find the use of this deceptive
practice is in legislature, laws, and contracts. Please be aware of the em dash now that you
know what it is and how it is used.

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
Footnotes, Headers, and side Margins

i particularly love footnotes because it adds a very professional look to your document.
However, i don't use them as you’ll soon see why. Headers, footnotes and margins have their
own jurisdiction on any given page or document. Meaning that they can be used as reference
but have absolutely zero meaning for the body of the text of the page or document. Most people
like to use the footnote to add highly imperative laws and such to the text of the footnote.
Thereby losing the imperative law they thought was important enough to add as a footnote,
because it has no correlation with the body of the text of the page or document. If it’s important
enough for one to add a footnote it is highly recommended to put it within the body of the text of
the page or document or it's lost and has no meaning for the body of the text of that particular
page or document.

Name positioning, correction, signature, and autograph

Many people are stumped when it comes to how to properly write their name when their
particular name differs from the majority. Therefore, i’m going to give examples of names in
nearly every situation that may apply to you personally. The first thing i’d like to do is go over the
difference between a signature and an autograph. A Signature is the act of putting one's name
at the end of an instrument to attest its validity; the name thus written. A signature may be
written by hand, printed, stamped, typewritten, engraved, photographed, or cut from one
instrument and attached to another, and a signature lithographed on an instrument by a party is
sufficient for the purpose of signing it; it being immaterial with what kind of instrument a
signature is made. An Autograph is One's handwriting; written with one's own hand. Both
definitions are from Black’s law dictionary 5th edition. Now let’s move to proper grammar when
writing one’s name. Examples:

I: John-Henry: Family of Doe, beneficiary (the majority of people will use this style of doing our

II: John-Henry: Doe, beneficiary (the majority of people will use this style).

III: John: Doe, beneficiary (for those who don't have a second or middle name).

IV: John-H.: Doe, beneficiary (for those who know someone's middle initial but don't know their
full name).

V: John-Henry: Doe junior, beneficiary (for those who have suffixes, the first letter must remain
lowercase when fully written out as junior or senior).

VI: John-Henry: Doe Jr, beneficiary (for those who have suffixes, but wish to only abbreviate,
the first letter must be capitalized).

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
VII: Mary-Jane: and John-Henry: Doe, beneficiaries (for those married couples needing to be on
the same document the woman’s name goes first unless you wish to use the fiction Mr. and
Mrs. then the Mr. is always before the Mrs. such as Mr. and Mrs. Doe).

Now how to make an Autograph. Examples:

I: John: Doe (Proper English lawful given name title, separated from the shared family name.
Punctuated as a fact but may be interpreted as a legal person created by the State).

II: By: John: Doe (Declares that you are called forth by way of John, of the family Doe. The use
of by properly estasblishes that you exist separately from any appellation or name, so you are
not in joinder, and only through the name is found the living agent).

III: By: John: Doe, All Rights Reserved (Declares that you are called by way of John, of the
family Doe, and that you have reserved all your Unalienable Rights from when you were born).

IV: By: John: Doe, All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice (Declares that you have reserved all
your Unalienable Rights from when you were born, and that nothing you have written herein can
be used against you in the future).

V: By: John: Doe, Authorized Agent for JOHN DOE ( Declares that you are the private
Authorized Agent for the publicly registered JOHN DOE artificial person trade name created by
the State).

VI: By: John: Doe, Principal Creditor/Grantor (Declares that you are the private originator of all
value, commercial or otherwise,that has or can ever descend to the public JOHN DOE artificial

VII: By: John-Henry: Doe-Rae By: Sovereign: John-Henry: of the family Doe-Rae, sui juris,
unlimited Grantor, Authorized Agent and Representative for JOHN DOE©™ ens legis and all
derivatives thereof All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice (Declares that you are a sovereign
called by John: of the of the families Doe and Rae, own master sui juris without legal limits,
Grantor for your Estate, private Authorized Agent/Representative for the trademark registered
ens legis company, however depicted with All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice).

VIII: By: John-Henry (with thumbprint over the name John-Henry) All Rights Reserved - Without
Prejudice - Non Assumpsit (A thumbprint autograph can be a thumbprint alone in red ink, or it
can be over-scribed with any handwritten autograph in a different color such as blue, for clarity it
is used to evidently declare your living standing, such as on living identification, affidavits, and
on legal/lawful Notices. It is often followed by a further declaration confirming your living rights,
and protecting yourself from liability. It absolutely rebuts any presumption that you are acting in
joinder to a dead artificial legal person. Obviously, no corporate legal fiction actor can make a
thumbprint autograph).

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
IX: By: John-Henry: Family of Doe, beneficiary (by adding a comma and beneficiary declares
that you are the beneficiary of the Cestui Que Trust JOHN HENRY DOE).


Numbers are widely used within texts, forms, papers, instruments, documents, etc.. Just
because we see them being used doesn't mean that it is correct, in fact that's very far from the
truth. The numerical numbers 0123456789 have no jurisdiction to go along with the written
word. Which is why sometimes you’ll observe that numerical numbers are in parenthesis
because that's where they truly belong off of your page or document in parenthesis. When
composing a list it’s grammatically correct to do a bullet point, Roman numerals, or lettering
such as a, b, c, d, etc.. Example: The third day of the third month in the year of our Lord two-
thousand-twenty-two (3-3-2022). Take note of the use of the hyphen being used. To properly
write out a number in written form in the English-language it must have joinder otherwise they
are written as individual numbers and not combined together as they should be.

Codified Law and Copyright Material

All codified law is copyrighted material. Using such material without expressly written permission
you are in violation of copyright laws. Are all laws copyrighted? Great question and me
personally i’m still in search of the answer myself. To cover your ass it’s best to have a
disclaimer within your document for using such copyrighted material. i will provide an example
of a disclaimer. Disclaimer Example:
i, :William-Kevin: Tribe of Rigby, beneficiary do not own rights and/or privileges related to the
copyrighted-codified-law and/or copyrighted-material that i stated and/or used herein and was
merely stated and/or used herein for education, entertainment, reference purposes, and a
means to communicate of how i know and learned of the codified-law and copyrighted-material
stated or used herein! Therefore, i use them without prejudice and without recourse void where
prohibited by law.

Verb, Adverb, Verb and Adjective writing style

This is my downfall when it comes to grammar. Though, i'm still learning every day if i can. We
were all heavily indoctrinated to a point to where it’s very hard to drop the cognitive dissonance
that we all endure when trying to unlearn the lies we were all taught. We were taught to never
use prepositional phrases and positioning of certain words such as facts. Instead we were
taught to modify our facts therefore no fact is ever stated. Hence the maxim of law no fact shall
ever be tried in a court of law. Our writings and spoken words mean absolutely nothing and
have no facts backed up. This is where learning Quantum Parse Syntax Grammar comes into
play, to teach how to actually write facts in written form without using modifiers modifying our
facts. Example of how to make your fact stay a fact without modification as follows:

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.
● General Post office ← it should be written as General-Post-Office keeping the fact as a fact by
using the hyphen punctuation
● Common Law Contract ← it should be written as Common-Law-Contract.

When we write it as General Post Office without the use of the hyphen, what we are doing is
modifying our facts to no longer be facts and to mean absolutely nothing at all. i’m still learning,
therefore i still write in verb adverb verb language as well. Though, we might as well just write blah
blah blah blah blah because this is what's happening to our words when we are modifying our facts.
General is a fact, Post is a fact, and Office is a fact. So without joinder of our facts ↑ just like
aforementioned with how to write out numbers, this is the same, thus changing the meanings of our facts
without joinder using the hyphen.

Now learning everything that you’ve learned here today i personally think it would be wise to
add an additional piece to your document to cover your ass and avoid being caught with your
pants down writing fraudulent, deceptive documents. i’ve been adding this after the postal rule.
Be it also known: That any use of GLOSS known as American-Sign-Language hereinafter A.-S.-
L. also known as Dog-Latin in this Conditional-Acceptance is not intended to defraud, to mix
styling and/or different languages thereby corrupting the validity of the document, nor it’s
conveyance, and the integrity of the writer, but is merely used to denote a Trust and/or business
entity name except as aforementioned by using the word Gloss just to prove what American-
Sign-Language and Dog-Latin is. Therefore, i use A.-S.-L. and/or Dog-Latin in good faith, good
conscience, with integrity, and clean hands without prejudice and without recourse. As well as
the use of the Latin-Language and the French-Language is not to deceive nor corrupt the
validity of this document, it’s conveyance, and the integrity of the writer in any way, but is merely
used to show and use terms used within the legal society. i completely comprehend that the use
of multiple languages that appear on the face of the same document equate to fraud and/or
counterfeit, because no two languages can ever have verifiable jurisdiction with one another on
the same document. Being that two or more languages appear on nearly every document and
book in existence does not make it right or correct. It's simply fraud and i wish not to defraud no
man or woman. The only way i can properly express my thoughts and show in written form of
what i mean when i do express myself is to use the fraudulent style of writing nearly everyone
uses. Therefore, i use them in good faith, good conscience, with integrity, and clean hands
without prejudice and without recourse.

i pray that by sharing this knowledge it allows you to not only become a better writer and better
reader but also allows you to spot and see all of the grammatical tricks, lies, fraud, and deceit
being done to everyone on a daily basis.

This has nothing to do with the body of the text, please stop putting important information here.

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