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Planning for Retirment

$120,000.00 Current Annual Income

2% Assumed Real Annual Rate
36 Current Age
68 Retirement Age
95 Death Age
60,000 Current Retirement Savings
9.00% Assumed Rate of Return
2.00% Assumed Inflation Rate
75.00% % of Income Needed During Retirement
$90,000.00 Necessary Current Annual Income
4.49% % of Annual Income Contributed

Deposit (Assumed
Beg. Age Salary Beg. Ret. Savings (Assumed
36 $120,000.00 $60,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00
37 $124,800.00 $71,400.00 $5,598.06 $0.00
38 $129,792.00 $83,424.06 $5,821.98 $0.00
39 $134,983.68 $96,754.21 $6,054.86 $0.00
40 $140,383.03 $111,516.96 $6,297.06 $0.00
41 $145,998.35 $127,850.54 $6,548.94 $0.00
42 $151,838.28 $145,906.03 $6,810.90 $0.00
43 $157,911.81 $165,848.47 $7,083.33 $0.00
44 $164,228.29 $187,858.17 $7,366.67 $0.00
45 $170,797.42 $212,132.07 $7,661.33 $0.00
46 $177,629.31 $238,885.29 $7,967.79 $0.00
47 $184,734.49 $268,352.76 $8,286.50 $0.00
48 $192,123.87 $300,791.00 $8,617.96 $0.00
49 $199,808.82 $336,480.15 $8,962.68 $0.00
50 $207,801.17 $375,726.04 $9,321.18 $0.00
51 $216,113.22 $418,862.57 $9,694.03 $0.00
52 $224,757.75 $466,254.24 $10,081.79 $0.00
53 $233,748.06 $518,298.91 $10,485.07 $0.00
54 $243,097.98 $575,430.88 $10,904.47 $0.00
55 $252,821.90 $638,124.13 $11,340.65 $0.00
56 $262,934.78 $706,895.95 $11,794.27 $0.00
57 $273,452.17 $782,310.85 $12,266.04 $0.00
58 $284,390.25 $864,984.87 $12,756.69 $0.00
59 $295,765.87 $955,590.20 $13,266.95 $0.00
60 $307,596.50 $1,054,860.27 $13,797.63 $0.00
61 $319,900.36 $1,163,595.32 $14,349.54 $0.00
62 $332,696.37 $1,282,668.44 $14,923.52 $0.00
63 $346,004.23 $1,413,032.12 $15,520.46 $0.00
64 $359,844.40 $1,555,725.46 $16,141.28 $0.00
65 $374,238.17 $1,711,882.03 $16,786.93 $0.00
66 $389,207.70 $1,882,738.34 $17,458.40 $0.00
67 $404,776.01 $2,069,643.20 $18,156.74 $0.00
68 $0.00 $2,274,067.83 $0.00 -$169,608.65
69 $0.00 $2,293,860.50 $0.00 -$173,000.83
70 $0.00 $2,311,737.04 $0.00 -$176,460.84
71 $0.00 $2,327,451.06 $0.00 -$179,990.06
72 $0.00 $2,340,732.49 $0.00 -$183,589.86
73 $0.00 $2,351,285.47 $0.00 -$187,261.66
74 $0.00 $2,358,785.95 $0.00 -$191,006.89
75 $0.00 $2,362,879.17 $0.00 -$194,827.03
76 $0.00 $2,363,176.84 $0.00 -$198,723.57
77 $0.00 $2,359,254.06 $0.00 -$202,698.04
78 $0.00 $2,350,646.06 $0.00 -$206,752.00
79 $0.00 $2,336,844.53 $0.00 -$210,887.04
80 $0.00 $2,317,293.66 $0.00 -$215,104.78
81 $0.00 $2,291,385.87 $0.00 -$219,406.88
82 $0.00 $2,258,457.10 $0.00 -$223,795.02
83 $0.00 $2,217,781.68 $0.00 -$228,270.92
84 $0.00 $2,168,566.73 $0.00 -$232,836.33
85 $0.00 $2,109,946.13 $0.00 -$237,493.06
86 $0.00 $2,040,973.84 $0.00 -$242,242.92
87 $0.00 $1,960,616.70 $0.00 -$247,087.78
88 $0.00 $1,867,746.53 $0.00 -$252,029.54
89 $0.00 $1,761,131.52 $0.00 -$257,070.13
90 $0.00 $1,639,426.92 $0.00 -$262,211.53
91 $0.00 $1,501,164.77 $0.00 -$267,455.76
92 $0.00 $1,344,742.82 $0.00 -$272,804.88
93 $0.00 $1,168,412.36 $0.00 -$278,260.97
94 $0.00 $970,265.01 $0.00 -$283,826.19
95 $0.00 $748,218.31 $0.00 -$289,502.72

$500,000.00 Desired Saving at Death

$500,000.00 Actual Savings at Death
$0.00 Surplus/(Deficit)

Break Even Contribution

4.49% Rate Using Solver

Return End. Ret. Savings End. Age

$5,400.00 $71,400.00 37
$6,426.00 $83,424.06 38
$7,508.17 $96,754.21 39
$8,707.88 $111,516.96 40
$10,036.53 $127,850.54 41
$11,506.55 $145,906.03 42
$13,131.54 $165,848.47 43
$14,926.36 $187,858.17 44
$16,907.24 $212,132.07 45
$19,091.89 $238,885.29 46
$21,499.68 $268,352.76 47
$24,151.75 $300,791.00 48
$27,071.19 $336,480.15 49
$30,283.21 $375,726.04 50
$33,815.34 $418,862.57 51
$37,697.63 $466,254.24 52
$41,962.88 $518,298.91 53
$46,646.90 $575,430.88 54
$51,788.78 $638,124.13 55
$57,431.17 $706,895.95 56
$63,620.64 $782,310.85 57
$70,407.98 $864,984.87 58
$77,848.64 $955,590.20 59
$86,003.12 $1,054,860.27 60
$94,937.42 $1,163,595.32 61
$104,723.58 $1,282,668.44 62
$115,440.16 $1,413,032.12 63
$127,172.89 $1,555,725.46 64
$140,015.29 $1,711,882.03 65
$154,069.38 $1,882,738.34 66
$169,446.45 $2,069,643.20 67
$186,267.89 $2,274,067.83 68
$189,401.33 $2,293,860.50 69
$190,877.37 $2,311,737.04 70
$192,174.86 $2,327,451.06 71
$193,271.49 $2,340,732.49 72
$194,142.84 $2,351,285.47 73
$194,762.14 $2,358,785.95 74
$195,100.12 $2,362,879.17 75
$195,124.69 $2,363,176.84 76
$194,800.79 $2,359,254.06 77
$194,090.04 $2,350,646.06 78
$192,950.47 $2,336,844.53 79
$191,336.17 $2,317,293.66 80
$189,197.00 $2,291,385.87 81
$186,478.11 $2,258,457.10 82
$183,119.59 $2,217,781.68 83
$179,055.97 $2,168,566.73 84
$174,215.74 $2,109,946.13 85
$168,520.78 $2,040,973.84 86
$161,885.78 $1,960,616.70 87
$154,217.60 $1,867,746.53 88
$145,414.53 $1,761,131.52 89
$135,365.53 $1,639,426.92 90
$123,949.38 $1,501,164.77 91
$111,033.81 $1,344,742.82 92
$96,474.42 $1,168,412.36 93
$80,113.62 $970,265.01 94
$61,779.49 $748,218.31 95
$41,284.40 $500,000.00 96

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