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Slide 3- Research Background & Motivation

 Smart City Initiative by the GOI. An initiative to build smart cities. But Is that possible
without tackling the present problems? The problem of Garbage Collection and
 Let’s have a look at the chart to understand better
 Solid Waste Production in India is less than that of China andAmerica, but still, these
countries appear to be cleaner.


Slide 4 – Previous Work

 Discussing the Previous work and how they mainly focussed of GARBAGE BINS and


 We are proposing a State-of-the-art CNN based Image classification model to identify

Garbage Lying in open space.

Slide 6 – Data Collection

 About the data – The data is images of areas which are clean or there are garbage
lying in open space.
 About the Data Collection Process – mainly discuss about how we collected the data
and which tools we have used for this purpose
 Explaining the Types of Data Sources
 Primary Data
 Secondary Data
Slide 7 - Methodology

 Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine are to be covered in this slide.
 What we have done in the code would be explained here (Briefly).
 Function to read images from the file.
 What is c and gamma in SVM?
 Why RBF kernel is used in SVM?
 How we have used various splits to compare the accuracy?

Slide 8 - CNN

 Train and Test set division – by making folders

 Parameters used in the CNN model
 About the Optimizers and which optimizer is used for input and output layers and

Slide 9 – Logistic Regression Result Discussion

 Table of various Test size and Accuracy

Slide 10 – SVM Result Discussion

 Table of various Test size and Accuracy

 C and gamma and accuracy
Slide 11 – CNN Result Discussion

 Graphs showing the variation in training and validation accuracy with the increasing
number of epochs for each optimizer

Optimizers used
Adamx and Adam

Slide 12 – CNN Result Discussion

 Graphs showing the variation in training and validation accuracy with the increasing
number of epochs for each optimizer

Optimizers used

Slide 13 - CNN Result Discussion

 Test and Accuracy for optimizers

Slide 14 – Conclusion
Most Important Slide

 Why we did this research – Motivation behind it and the cause.

 What models we have used and which produced the best results?
 What various observation we made during the research?
 Problems we faced –
i) inefficient dataset initially
ii) Noise in the data
iii) Size of dataset
iv) Choosing optimizers
v) Lack of research in the field
vi) Again, lack of data available online

Slide 15 – Future Scope

 The size of the dataset can be increased to include a variety of images.

 The hardware we used was very limited so to further improve our model by training it
on a large dataset better hardware should be used.
 A mobile application can be developed so that people can take pictures of areas
where they find garbage and submit it in the app along with the address so that the
concerned authorities can take appropriate action.

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