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SP Reflection

I cannot believe I am done with my Senior Project. All that is left to do is to present on

Wednesday. I had some challenges like changing my project part from a bake sale to a clothing

and book drive. I was very happy to get out of the bake sales due to ingredient costs and the

location on where to set it up at. It was frustrating trying to change a project that fast but I am

very happy I got out of doing the bake sale. It was very interesting to learn during my research

that America was not founded by Christianity. Instead the early settlers that believed in it,

brought their religion with them and started churches in America so people could attend them if

they believed in them.

If I were to do my senior project again, I would have thought through my project more in

depth than I did before with the bake sale before I changed it. If I had not changed my project

and started my project as a clothing and book drive, I would have started my project a little

earlier and got the word out faster so more people could donate. I am happy with the donations I

got but I wish I would have had a goal so it could get more people involved. In the future I would

encourage people to get involved in donating to a religious organization to help low-income

families in need of clothes and other necessities.

My sources that I used in my research paper were very helpful in writing my research

paper because I got to experience new things that I never knew before prior to doing my senior

project. My mentor who I interviewed was very helpful and gave me a lot of information about

her experience and the Christianity history of God. It was great to see a different perspective of

my interviews that were different from my experience throughout learning about Christianity. I

do not think anyone was not helpful because everyone was willing to help me without any

This project reflects me as a person because my goal of this project that I would like

people to take away is not to make fun of someone based on their religion because it is based on

what people believed in. This means that no one should be told to live a certain way they do not

want to. I will plan to donate to more religious organizations to help other people in need

because throughout this whole project I learned to give to others more without donating money

or food to people in need. There are other people out there that are in need of clothes and other

necessities for themselves and their families. Based on all the things I said above, I have changed

based on this result of my experience.

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