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HDVC (Help for self-help to Disabled and vulnerable children)

HDVC is a registered local organization and has its main office in Kigali.Since 2009 HDVC is
serving vulnerable children and families who are from rural area of Kigali city and other parts of
the country. It has a community center where vulnerable children and their parents meet to
get helped. It is having a big impact to the lives of the children and together with their families.

HDVC organization is focusing on self-help, inclusion and community development. Regarding

the size of supported population the organization currently provides a range of interdisplinary
care to more than 88 children with varying disabilities and their families ,but turning around
Cerebral palsy,spina bifida and hydrocephalus,autism,and other kind of mental retardation also
physical disability.
Human resources

HDVC organization has members represented by parents and friends of children with
disability, an executive committee and staff members and an Executive Director.
Objectives and technical approaches

In terms of objectives and practical methodological perspectives, the specific actions of HDVC are
technically supported by(and based on)social approaches, proactive and voluntary ,especially the
intermediation between the needy and the sources of solution or necessary actions. In this sense, HDVC
favors a community way: the beneficiaries are encouraged to learn how and/or participate to find out
the solutions to their problems in proportion to their social situation. This is an objective in a global
perspective of Help for self Help.
Stategic programs
After a qualitative assessment of needs,HDVC organization strategic programs to enable or to achieve its
goals are besed on the following planned actions

Consultation and guidance for different disabilities and disorders

Rehabilitation sessions, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, special needs education

and helping for medical support to children in need.

Educational sessions for health and empowerment of parents(fighting malnutrition ,agriculture and
domestic annimals projects, trainings in sewing and other small income-generating projects for both
children/youth and parents).
HDVC has many projects but always facing challenges of financial means

The organization own a big land in Nothern province of Rwanda and we wish to make it a development
plan,building rooms for rehabilitation of children with disability,provide classroom for special needs
education and parents alphabetization.HDVC also wants to use this area for agriculture and raising
domestic animals that can serve to help parents and children in need and fight malnutrition.
HDVC has a focus to fight malnutrition by proving quality and balanced diet to the kids with disability
and wish to build a community kitchen for providing training to the mothers and also training families in
agriculture mainly by teaching permagarden and growing fruit trees in each family.
HDVC started to offer trainig in sewing for mothers and wish to continue the project by offering more
sewing machines,fabrics and cost of a trainer.

Contacts and banks accounts:

Christine Mukeshimana

Founder member/Executive Director of HDVC

Phone: +250788834530/+250788314006

Account number: 228/238123/1/5101/0 USD

Account name: HDVC

Bank name: G T bank (guarantee trust bank)

20 Bulevard de la revolution

BP 311

Kigali Rwanda


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