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Room 5: The Thanh, Ngoc Tram, Thanh Vinh, Duy Vuong

It is well acknowledged that the amount of garbage produced by humanity today is a global issue.
Garbage is today one of the leading causes of global pollution, making it one of the world's most pressing
issues. This essay will go through some of the key causes of this issue as well as some potential remedies
to the problem.
Without a doubt, there are several reasons for this global issue. The primary factor is overpopulation,
which results in a global waste crisis. In other words, as the population grows, so does the amount of
household garbage produced and inappropriately disposed of in the environment. The increased demand
puts a strain on waste-disposal infrastructure. Furthermore, the insufficient waste management system is
the second contributor to this global environmental crisis. It is obvious that in many nations where
industrial operations are economically important, industrial waste is uncontrolledly dumped into the water
without being treated by waste treatment facilities. Furthermore, a lack of government care and
insufficient treatment, as well as a lack of individual awareness and overuse of plastic bags and
disposables, are major factors of increasing the amount of rubbish.
Although there are many factors behind global pollution, and they are continuing to grow, there are
several courses of action that people should take into consideration. One possible way to combat this
problem would be to put financial punishment for those who dare litter their trash. The punishment, of
course, is not so expensive but it will have a reminder before they litter and could change people's
perspective about littering trash. Another way to deal with this problem is we could use reusable grocery
bags, and not just for groceries we can also replace them with plastic bags. Imagine when we go to the
market, instead of using plastic bags for storing food, we use grocery bags, every day we use thousands of
bags and most of them will be thrown away. Using grocery bags will help our environment less pollution
because those bags can be self-decomposing.
It is obvious that these problems cannot be solved in a short time, because the solution is mainly at the
awareness of each individual. Unless we act right now, the problems won't vanish. The world today really
needs the joint effort of the government and each person. It is our duty to lend a helping hand to make the
world better, for the future.

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