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Creating your Page on Facebook for your online ad.

Please follow the steps:

From your mobile

2. When you hit the 3 lines this will pop up

and click the PAGES

1.On your FB from your mobile

phone find the 3 lines.

4. On creating your page you can search

different categories. Below I searched for
shopping and retail.

3. Pages will bring you to this.

6. Next brings to create your page
where you can choose your on name.

For me “ Cinch Online” or “Cynthia’s

Online Shop”

Tips: make sure you have all the

5. After choosing the category
photos downloaded from JC and
hit done and go.
then you can link your shoplink to
the web

From your desktop

This the page I created. Actually I created 3 for my trial and error. Goodluck guys.

(2) Cynthia's Online Mall | Facebook

Where you can get the ads from our portal JC Premiere | Welcome to the Good Life

Sign in to your account and go or you can also download a google drive where you can save all the

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