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Explain how paradigm shifts in science and technology affected society and theenvironment.

The paradigm shift in Science and Technology has a great impact to the society and
environment. Science influence society through its knowledge and worldview. Science and
technology had developed numbered paradigm shift, and because of this shift the life of every
individual improved. One of the most common effect of this shift that affect the lives of
individual is the shift of a technology. In the past, it was really hard to work because of the lack
of equipment available but because of the paradigm shift in technologies it reduced the
workload of people who were working very hard and enabled them to work smarter. For
example, when technology progressed from manual typewriters, to automatic typewriters to
word processors, this made employees more productive. Employees became much more
valuable because their productivity went up. Now technology is used to purposely make people
obsolete. Another paradigm shift that affect society is voting machine that our government
used during elections, before, counting the votes of the voters is difficult but because of the
help of technology it became much more easy and fast. On the other hand, science and
technology also help us on how to save our mother earth from the destruction either its man
made or not, yet it has also a negative effect. One of this negative effect is the air and water
pollution and the depletion of natural resources.

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