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Location Recce

Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of area: College

Location address: 28 Ancastle Grn, Henley-on-Thames

Postcode: RG9 1TR

Nearest train station: Henley train station

Nearest Bus station: Deanfield station

Site contact name and contact Availability

Name: The Henley College 8:45 AM – 4 PM
Telephone: +44 (0)1491 579988

No permission needed to film in CMP suite

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Lighting Information: Solutions:
Lighting is neutral. None needed

Sound Information: Solutions:

There will be students in lessons talking. Find a time where the class is somewhat empty.

Power Information Solutions:

Power outlets available all over class None needed.

Hazards Solutions:
Filming people who do not want to be filmed. Make sure camera angles do not capture
anyone except actors.

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