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Short-run statistical process control: Q -Chart enhancements and alternative


Article  in  Quality and Reliability Engineering · March 1994

DOI: 10.1002/qre.4680100203


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2 authors, including:

Enrique del Castillo

Pennsylvania State University


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University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019-OO17, U.S.A


Arizona State University, Tempe, A Z 85287, U.S.A.

In processes where the length of the production run is short, data to estimate the process parameters
and control limits may not be available prior to the start of production, and because of the short run
time, traditional methods for establishing control charts cannot be easily applied. Recently, Q charts
have been proposed to address this problem. We study the average run length ( A m ) of Q charts
for a normally distributed variable assuming that a sustained shift occurs in the quality characteristic.
It is shown that in some cases Q charts do not exhibit adequate AFU performance. Modifications
that enhance the ARL properties of Q charts are presented. Some alternatives to Q charts are also
discussed. For the case of a known process target two alternative methods are presented: an exponen-
tially weighted moving average (EWMA) method and an adaptive Kalman filtering method. It is
shown that both methods have better ARL performance than Q charts for that case. For the case of
both process parameters unknown, an adaptive Kalman filtering method used with a tracking signal
provides an ARL performance that improves as better estimates of the process mean and variance
are given. A practical example illustrates the tracking signal method for the case when the process
parameters are unknown.

KEY WORDS Control charts Short production runs Q charts Adaptive Kalman filtering Tracking signal
methods Average run lengths

INTRODUCTION cal control chart practice, is a two-stage procedure.

The first m subgroups are used to assess control of
In a short production run environment, data to esti- the subsequent subgroups. This method will give
mate the process parameters and the limits for a the desired false alarm rate for any value of m,but
standard control chart are usually not available prior the ARL while out of control (ARL,,,) might be
to the start of production. The usual practice in too large if m is too small. This basic trade-off
statistical process control is to gather around 25 also occurs in other control approaches. Therefore,
observations for setting trial control limits. This pro- Hillier recommends using m 2 5 and presents fac-
cedure is generally not appropriate in a short-run tors for setting control limits for the case of sub-
environment, since the number of parts needed to groups of size n = 5. However, control charts for
set the control limits could exceed the total number individuals ( n = 1) are increasingly used in short
of parts produced in the run. In addition, if a small runs manufacturing systems, so the tables of factors
number of subgroups is used to set the control limits, presented in Hillier's paper are not applicable for
an inflated false alarm rate results, as Hillier' this case.
pointed out. Recently, Q u e ~ e n b e r r y introduced
~-~ Q charts for
There are many examples of manufacturing sys- the short runs problem when the quality variable
tems where production runs are short, or equival- follows a normal, binomial or Poisson distribution
ently, where lot sizes are small. Job shop manufac- respectively. For the normal3 case he addresses both
turing is usually characterized by producing small the case of grouped data and the case of individual
quantitites of a large variety of parts. Even many measurements. Four cases are presented, classified
repetitive manufacturing businesses have adopted according to the prior knowledge about the process:
short production runs as a production strategy, a
move due in part to the popularity of the just in Case I : both the mean p and the variance are
time (JIT) manufacturing philosophy. known
Hillier'*2presented a method that gives valid con- Case 11: p unknown, a2 known
trol limits for x and R charts regardless of the Case III p known, u2 unknown
number of subgroups. His method, similar to classi- Case I V both p and a2 unknown.

CCC 0748-8017/94/020087-11 Received 10 October 1992

01994 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 29 June 1993

Formulae are presented in Reference 3 for each An important problem, which is common to any
of the four cases when n = 1 or when n > 1. How- control method where the mean p is completely
ever, no assessment of the statistical properties of unknown and has to be estimated (see also Case
the resulting control charts is presented. IV below), arises; namely, the strength of the signal
In this paper, we study the statistical properties given by the Qi statistics when a shift occurs depends
of Q charts for a normal-distributed quality variable. on the number of samples prior to the shift. If the
We examine different control approaches for Cases shift is not detected immediately after its occur-
11, 111 and IV and evaluate their performance using rence, then the process stabilizes at the new level.
simulation. Case I corresponds to the classical After that moment, any out-of-control condition will
Shewhart control chart case. Surprisingly, the ARL occur with a low probability, as if the process were
properties of Q charts can be very poor in some in the in-control state. Quesenberry3 points this out
cases. We propose simple modifications to the for- and the same problem is mentioned by Hillier.', *
mulae presented by Quesenberry and show that they Shepardson6 has also observed this same problem
render improved ARL properties. For Case I11 both recently.
an adaptive Kalman filtering approach and an To see why the signal problem arises, suppose
EWMA method are presented and shown to have that a shift of size 6uo occurs between samples m
better ARL performance than the modified Q chart and m + 1. Then,
for that case. For Case IV, the adaptive filtering
method is coupled with a tracking signal and is
shown to provide reasonable ARL performance. E [ X i ]= ['
p+6uo , i f i > m
This method is illustrated with a practical application
in the last section of the paper.


i= 1
Q charts are standardized control charts where the
Qi statistics (given by the following formulae
developed by Quesenberry3) are plotted on a chart
with centre line equal to zero and control limits
equal to k3. Unless explicitly mentioned, this is the =p+-
control limit width used in the simulation exper- m+l
iments presented in the paper. It is assumed that
production of items follows a stable, normally-dis- Similarly,
tributed process. The normality assumption should
be carefully revised in practice since for a small 26uo
number of parts skewed distributions may charac- Ernrn+*I =p+
terize the process better. Q u e s e n b e r ~ , has con-
sidered the cases when the quality characteristic
follows other (non-normal) distributions.

Case ZZ. p unknown, u = uo known

Therefore, the expected value of the Q statistic (2)
For n = 1, the statistics are computed from

Qr(Xr)= d(!!)y-u:-l), r = 2 , 3 , ... (1) E[Qil=

0 ,if i Irn
where denotes the average of the first r individual
measurements. Similarly, for n > 1 the Q statistics
for samples of equal size are given by
,if i=m
+l+j; j r 0

i = 2,3, ... (2) It is easy to see from ( 5 ) that E [ Q i ] will tend to

zero (and thus the shift signal will be lost) as j + 00
where (number of samples after the shift), or as m --* 0
(number of samples before the shift). In contrast,
if both p and u are known (Case I), then after the
shift takes place,

Table I. ARL, SRL for Q charts, Case 11, n = 1. For 6 = 0, ARLi, = 410.8,
SRLi, = 383.6

6 m = 5 m = 10 m = 50 Shewhart case
ARLi, = 370.3

0.5 401.5, 392.3 389.6, 383.9 339.1, 369.1 155.2

1.0 385.6, 383.9 361.6, 375.2 224.3, 323.6 43.9
1.5 358.9, 378.0 304.2, 361-9 87.4, 208.9 15.1
2.0 335.0, 380.7 215-8, 336.9 22.3, 100.5 6.3
3.0 176-8, 314.1 45.8, 164.3 2-39, 2-23 2.0

for randomness common in the simulation litera-

ture.' The GASDEV function described by Press
et af.* was used to generate normal deviates. The
so in this case the signal is independent of the num- simulation program was verified by simulating Case
ber of samples before or after the shift. It is clear I, the standard Shewhart case. For this case, it is
that well-known that ARLin = l/a = 370.3, SRLin =
( 1 - C X ) ~ ' ~ / C=X 368-3 and the run length distribution
is geometric. After 2000 simulations, the estimated
ARLi, = 370-6, the estimated SRLi, = 367.7 and
a goodness of fit test finds no evidence to reject the
(7) null hypothesis of a geometric distribution. When-
ever different control methods were compared, the
The difference E[ QilCaseI- E[ QiICaseII will tend to same random number streams were used.
zero as m,the number of samples before the shift, In Tables I and 11, it was assumed that m in-
increases, increasing the total number of samples i. control samples were avaiiable prior to the start of
Thus the behavior of the Q chart for Case I1 will the run. If m = 0 then the ARL in-control (ARLin)
approximate the Shewhart case (Case I) as more equals ARLO,, for any shift size 6 . We have included
samples prior to the shift are available. the ARL values of a Shewhart chart when both x
The effect of this problem can be observed in the parameters are known for reference.
ARL properties of Q charts for this case. Tables I Note the high SRL values at large shifts sizes.
and I1 show the average and standard deviation of This is a consequence of simulations where the shift
the run lengths (ARL and SRL, respectively) for was not detected early. As m is increased, the ARLs
Case I1 when n = 1 and n = 5 . These run length begin to improve, but note that m = 50 might be
statistics were obtained by simulation. In all the too many samples for a short run process.
simulation results presented in this paper, the simul-
ations were stopped when the standard errors of the Case III. p = p, known, uz unknown
estimates were less than 5 per cent of the estimated
means, that is, when S R L / d i < OaOSARL, where A common practice in short-run environments is
i denotes the number of simulation runs. A simul- to monitor the deviation from nominal instead of
ation run ends when an out of control condition is the quality characteristic itself. This is useful if many
detected. The simulation programs were coded in parts are produced on the same machine, since all
Turbo Pascal 6.0 and ran on an 486 PC with a math the parts can be controlled with a single chart.'
coprocessor. Turbo Pascal's RANDOM function This, in turn, is valid if the process average is known
was used to generate the uniform (0,l) numbers. to be equal to the process target. Then Case I11 in
This procedure passes all of the usual empirical tests Reference 3 is equivalent to this procedure with

Table 11. ARL, SRL for Q charts, Case 11, n = 5. For 6 = 0, ARL,, = 410-2,
SRL,, = 391.8

6 m = 5 m = 10 m = 50 Shewhart case
ARL,, = 370-3

0.5 395.1, 392.5 362.3, 388-6 196.1, 316.1 33.2

1.0 318.0, 386.8 182.0, 307.0 9.34, 32-5 4-47
1.5 136-5, 281.1 20.5, 103-8 1-75, 1.21 1-57
2.0 14.3, 97.6 1.24, 0.68 1-17, 0-39 1-07
3-0 1.00, 0-05 1-00, 0.03 1-00, 0.00 1.00

b = 0 being the process target. If the process aver-
age is not known, then we are back in Cases I1 or
IV. In a repetitive manufacturing system where
many short runs of the same part are produced, a 920
historical process average may be available.
The Q statistics to plot in this case are, for n = 1,
the following:

where the recommended estimate of the process

variance is3

0 1 2 3
Shift Size

W1denotes the inverse of a standard normal distri- Figure 1. Q-chart ARL values for Case 111 using equations (9)
bution and T, denotes the student t distribution with and (11)
v degrees of freedom.
For n > 1 and assuming equal sample sizes, the
formulae are ,. s,
u, = -


with the recommended estimate of the variance

being in this case

instead of (11). c4 is a factor which is a function of

n and can be found in many published table^.^
We have observed that using the moving range
estimator m,/dz for n = 1 results in a worse ARL
We caution potential users to avoid the variance performance. This is expected since (12) is the mini-
estimators (9) and (11). These estimators will over- mum variance unbiased estimatorlo of ur.There-
estimate the variance of the process resulting in an fore, m J d 2 will have a higher variance than (12),
underestimation of the Qi statistics. Estimator (9) and this causes an underestimation of E [ Q i ] . In
will overestimate the variance of the process if the Case 111, E[Qi]= 6uo. Using m,/d2 we get, by
process has shifted to an out-of-control state. Esti- simulation, that E [ Q i ] = 0-91 when 6uo = 1.0 and
mator (11) combines within sample variability with E [ Q i ] = 1-87 when 6uo = 3.0. Thus, the out-of-
between-sample variability. It is well known9 that control signal will not be as strong as it should be
the control limits must be based on within sample and the ARL,,, will be much larger than those
variability only. Figure 1 shows the ARL vs. shift obtained using (12).
size curves for Case I11 obtained using (9) and (11). Figure 2 presents the ARL values for Q charts
Obviously, the ARL curves obtained are inadequate obtained using equations (12) and (13). Clearly,
since they should be strictly decreasing functions of these ARL values are much better than those
8 , the shift size. obtained from using (9) and ( l l ) , since now ARL
Better choices of estimators are decreases with the shift size.

Sr Alternative methods for Case III

U' =-
c4 Additional improvement on the ARL perform-
ance beyond the values shown in Figure 2 can be
where obtained by using alternative control methods. Two
methods are presented here: a relatively simple
EWMA scheme (where u has to be estimated) and
an adaptive Kalman filtering approach. We consider
only the case n = 1, which is a common choice in
instead of (9), and short-run environments.

500 s, = pt - l i&Xi
Z1 - 4, t = 2 , 3 , ...;


Table I11 compares the propose1 EWMA met..od

+- 300 with the corrected Q chart method (that is, equations
(12) and (13)) for Case 111. No attempt was made
C to find the optimal value of A (in the sense of Lucas
l? 200 and Saccucci") so A = 0.1 was used. It can be seen
that the EWMA approach gives a much better ARL
performance than the corrected Q chart for this
100 case. As a reference, the ARL values of a 'classical'
Shewhart chart and a 'classical' EWMA chart
(classical meaning a chart with both p and u known)
0 are included. The values for the classical EWMA
0 1 2 3 were obtained by interpolation from the tables pro-
Shift Size vided by Crowder.13Note that the proposed EWMA
gives better ARL values than the Q chart for any
Figure 2. Q-chart ARL values for Case 111 using equations (12)
and (13) shift size. The proposed EWMA also gives better
ARL performance than the classical Shewhart chart
for small shift sizes. This is not suprising since the
EWMA chart works well for small shifts if A is
An EWMA approach for Case III. Since the ~ma1l.l~ Note that the difference in the ARL per-
mean of the process is assumed to be stable, it can formance between the proposed EWMA with
be modelled by the EWMA recursive equation unknown variance and the classical EWMA is rnini-
mal. Although the ARL performance of the pro-
$I= t = 1,2, ...
(1 - A)$r-1+ AX,, (14) posed EWMA approach using control limits (15) is
&, = b (known target) quite good, the more exact EWMA transient control
limits for n = 1
It is well-knownll?l2 that the control limits for the
EWMA at stability are given by

can be used instead. These limits increase rapidly

to the stable limits9 of equation (15).
where L is a multiple denoting the number of stan-
dard deviations for the width of the control limits. A n Adaptive Kalman filtering model for Case
In order to use (15), we need to estimate u, since IZI. Another alternative that gives satisfactory
it is unknown in Case 111. Denote by &, the estimator ARL performance for Case I11 is based on the
of u at sample t. Then the minimum variance Kalman filter (described in the Appendix). The
unbiased estimatorlo of u, is given by method is based on representing the assumed i.i.d.
process by the observation equation

with and the system equation

Table 111. ARL, SRL for Case 111, n = 1

6 EWMA A = 0.1 Q chart Classical Shewhart Classical EWMA A = 0.1,

L = 2-625 L = 2.9352 L = 2.686

0.0 371.0, 350.4 370.9, 314.9 370.3 370.3

0.5 29.4, 20-0 155.7, 109.8 155.2 28.0
1.0 9.7, 4.6 65.3, 42.7 43.9 9.6
1.5 5.9, 1-8 36.0, 18.9 15.1 5.7
2.0 4.5, 1.0 23.9, 9.5 6.3 4.1
3.0 3.5, 0.5 12.5, 3.4 2.0 2.7

the adaptive Kalman filtering method is also better

than the corrected Q chart for any shift size 8.
where E is a standard normal variable with unknown For large values of 8, the adaptive Kalman filtering
variance V(E) = a2. algorithm is slightly better than the proposed
Crowderl4. l5 studies considerably more general EWMA approach. The SRL in-control is also better
models than that above and develops a similar than the corresponding SRL value for the proposed
adaptive filtering algorithm. It is shown in the EWMA control scheme.
Appendix that the Kalman filtering equations result Finally, we note that both the proposed EWMA
in the EWMA equation for the mean of the process model and the adpative Kalman filtering method
given by can be enhanced further by using fast initial response
(FIR) techniques,l1.lS since the process target is
b, = ( 1 - + A,X, (p,,, known) (19) known.

The weights h, change adaptively according to

Case ZV. Both p, and u2 unknown
If both the mean and the variance of the process
are unknown, Quesenberry3 gives the following for-
mula for n = 1:
where qr is the posterior variance of pt given by

It was observed that the initial value qo has practi-

cally no effect on the ARL performance of the where the recommended estimator for the standard
method, as long as qo > 0. deviation is
Similarly as before, denote by 6f the estimated
process variance at time t. Then in equation (20)
we can use a: instead of uz,where S, ='J[ r - l j =i(4
l - x,)'] (24)

Figure 3 shows the ARL curves obtained from

using these formulae. Again, we recommend avoid-
= (XI- h ) 2 ing the estimate given by (24). Instead of (24) use
the SJc, estimator given by (12). Using this esti-
Equations (19)-(21) can be used to control a mator, better ARL values are obtained as seen in
stable process with unknown variance. For a more Table V. However, these ARL are still too long for
general model, Crowder14.l5 used a box and whisker many practical applications in short-run production
chart developed by Hoadley16 and Phadke. l7 For environments.
the i.i.d. process considered here, the box and whis- Notice in Table V that when m = 5 a shift of
ker chart is equivalent to a control scheme with practically any size goes unnoticed. When m = 50,
limits plotted at

p,,, * L% (22)
Then the process will be out of control if gt lies
outside the control limits defined by (22). Using
simulation we obtain the ARL values shown in
Table IV.
Comparing Tables IV and 111, we observe that

TableIV. ARL, SRL for

adaptive Kalman filtering,
Case 111, n = 1, L = 2.246

130 1 i
0.0 370.5, 303.7
0.5 69.0, 59.8
1.0 17.9, 15-4 01 I 1
1-5 7.5, 5.5 0 1 2 3
2.0 4.3, 2.2
Shift Size
3.0 3.1, 0.8
Figure 3. Q-chart ARL values for Case IV using equation (24)

Table V. ARL, SRL for Q charts, Case IV, n = 1. For A(t) = alel(t)l + (1 - a)A(t - 1) (27)
6 = 0, ARLi, = 473.9, SRLi, = 398.4
~~ ~

6 m = 5 m = 10 m = 50 where e l ( t ) is the one-step-ahead forecast error

defined by
0.5 469.7. 396.4 466.5, 402.6 396-4, 401.8
1.0 469.0, 397.4 451.9, 390.4 274.6, 345-5
1.5 463.9, 392.0 439.5, 400.0 151-1, 270.4
2.0 460.0, 392.7 417.5, 404.9 50.6, 147.5
3.0 449.2, 401.2 353.0, 397-9 3.7, 4.1 gr(t- 1) is the forecast of the process level at time
t computed at time t - 1. For an EWMA, the one-
step-ahead error is given by
the control mechanism begins to detect signals, but
the high SRL problem discussed in Case I1 appears.
For larger sample sizes this method works better,
as shown in Table VI. For this case ( n > 1) We compute brPlusing the adaptive filtering equa-
assuming all the sample sizes to be equal to the tions (19)-(21). Alternatively, we could have used
formulae are the proposed EWMA approach used in Case 111.
For the simulation results reported below, the vari-
ance of the process was estimated by

i = 1 , 2 , .._ (25)

where with 6; = u; a given prior estimate of the in-control

process variance. Similarly, in equation (19) p, is
now a given prior estimate of the in-control process
* j=1
average. Note that the same smoothing factor a is
used for Q ( t ) , A(t) and 6:. A small value of
a(a < 0.1) will result in high dependence of the
most recent values. In practice, of course, different
smoothing factors can be used in equations (26),
(27) and (28).
A n adaptive filtering, tracking signal method for The tracking signal control scheme will detect an
Case ZV. The adaptive filtering method presented out of control condition when
above can be coupled with a tracking signal feature
to give better ARL performance than Q charts if
the a priori values po and uo are not too different
from their real values. Tracking signal methods have
been used in the forecasting and time series analysis
where 0 < L < 1 is the control limit. For an
field to test the hypothesis that the forecasts are
EWMA, the variance of the forecast error,
unbiased. l9 We will employ a tracking signal to
detect a sudden shift in the quality characteristic
d,isu2 = 2/(2-X)u2. Since it is well known that
u, = 1.25A, the initial MAD value can be estimated
being monitored. For this purpose, we compute the
by A(0) = 0.8[2/(2-X1)]o'5uo, with XI being the
smoothed error statistic
first Kalman weight. This relationship is only
approximated for the adaptive Kalman filtering
method, since the weights Xi change every time
period. However, the effect of the initial MAD
value decreases rapidly due to the smoothing pro-
and compute the smoothed mean absolute deviation
cess, and the approximation works well in practice,
(MAD) given by
as shown below.
For this case, the initial values po and a, have
Table VI. ARL, SRL for Q charts, Case IV, n = 5. For an important effect on the ability of the control
6 = 0, ARLi, = 426.3, SRLi, = 401.9
mechanism to detect shifts. Therefore, we simulated
6 m = 5 m = 10 m = 50 the adaptive filtering tracking signal control method
assuming that some error is made in the prior esti-
0.5 406.1, 409.1 366.0, 397-0 209.9, 329.6 mates of the parameters by letting
1.0 337.1, 389.2 218.8, 360.4 11.08, 36.3
1.6, 1.0
1-6, 0.3
po= + rlcr and uo = r2u
3.0 1.0, 0.2 1.0, 0.0 1.0, 0.0
where T~ and r 2 give a measure of the error of the

Table VII. ARL,,, SRL,, for tracking signal Table IX. ARL, SRL for tracking signal method, n = 1,
method, Case IV, n = 1, 6 = 0 (in-control), a = 0.1, L = 0-6967. For 6 = 0, ARL, = 474.6, SRL,,
a = 0.1 = 454-1

6 m = 5 m = 10 m = 50

0.5 0 1 53-8, 46.6 0-5 485.0, 454.2 460.8, 449.8 168.8, 288.7
0-7 0 1 490.7, 4704 1.0 430.7, 442.8 262.6, 388.5 16.8, 11.6
0.5 0 2 64.9, 48-8 1-5 263.1, 388.6 72-8, 203-2 9.7, 4.3
0-7 0 2 503.1, 472.5 2.0 103.9, 258.2 134, 7.7 7.5, 2-5
0.5 1-5 1 46-5, 43.9 3-0 11.3, 28.6 7.9, 1.9 5.2, 1.9
0-7 1.5 1 455.2, 470.8
0.5 1-5 2 674, 50.3
0.7 1.5 2 513.2, 469.5
0.5 3 1 11-6, 11-1 detected early after its occurrence. High SRL values
0.7 3 1 272.8, 414.3
0.5 3 2 62.2, 51.0 are obtained up to a point where both the ARL
0.7 3 2 505.5, 465.2 and SRL values decrease due to more frequent shift
detections. As both m and 6 increase, the tracking
signal method performs better than the Q chart
for the particular error magnitudes selected. Lower
prior estimates. Table VII shows ARL,, values for errors in the prior estimates give better ARL per-
different values of T ~ 72 , and L. A value of a = 0-1 formance.
was used for the results that follow. The ARL behavior was found to be sensitive to
We can see from Table VII that the ARLi, values the choice of the smoothing factor a. It was observed
are not affected in a significant way be errors in that a < 0.1 gives longer ARL,, values and longer
the estimation of b and oo except when T~ P 72. ARL,,, values, whereas a > 0.1 gives ARL,, values
However, Table VIII shows that the ARLO,, values that are too short. For example, for the same para-
are greatly affected by the errors in both prior esti- meters as those in Table IX, if a is changed to 0.09,
mates. It is observed that, in general, as m increases we get ARL,, = 786.6, SRLi, = 754.3 and for 6 =
the ARLO,, values get smaller. The exception is 1.5 we get ARL,,, = 172.9, SRL,,, = 447.3. If a
when the shift size is small, the control limits are = 0.2 instead, we get ARL,, = 31.28, SRLi, = 30.3
wide, and there are large a priori estimates. Errors and for 6 = 1.5 we get ARL,,, = 7.73, SRL,,, =
in the prior estimate of the process average have a 4-7.
greater impact in the detection ability of the pro- Tracking signal methods can also be used to detect
cedure than errors in the prior variance estimate, other types of out-of-control disturbances not con-
particularly if the shift size is large. Evidently, when sidered in this paper. A linear trend in the quality
T~ +- m and T~ %= 7 2 , ARLi, + 1 and ARL,,, +- 1. characteristic, as opposed to a sudden shift, can be
If the prior estimates and uo are not too far a better alternative for modelling the out of control
away from the real in-control process parameters, conditions in some processes; this can also be
the tracking signal method can give a better ARL detected using tracking signal methods. l9 Part of
performance than the (corrected) Q chart for Case the difficulty of the problem in Case IV is due to
IV. Suppose the error in the prior estimate of is the step-like shift that is assumed to be associated
equal to 1.5 standard deviations (i.e. T~ = 1.5) and with assignable causes.
the error in u is 50 per cent (i.e. 72 = 1-5). Then
by matching the ARLi, values with those of Table
V we obtain Table IX. Note that the high SRL
problem discussed in Case I1 arises again. This is a The application of the adaptive Kalman filtering,
consequence of simulations where the shift was not tracking signal method for Case IV (both para-

Table VIII. ARLO,,, SRL,,, for tracking signal method, n = 1, a = 0.1

m = 5 m = 10
6 L 72 71 = 0 71= 1.5 7, = 3 71 = 0 71 = 1.5 71 = 3

0.5 0.5 1 31, 37 48, 44 31, 43 27, 35 40, 43 28, 43

2 52, 47 64, 45 70, 52 36, 36 49, 46 59, 47
0.7 1 429, 456 480,463 445,464 347,440 452, 458 438, 477
2 498, 468 518, 477 520, 471 460, 459 495, 472 528, 482
2.0 0.5 1 4.5, 2.0 8.0, 6-3 15, 20 4.0, 2-1 6.2, 2.5 8.6, 5.4
2 7.9, 5.7 12, 13 20, 23 5.4, 2.3 7-2, 5.0 9.6, 4-2
0-7 1 12, 44 59, 190 216, 384 8.5, 5.5 15, 56 51, 160
2 109, 276 197, 359 345, 444 12, 8.8 29, 109 62, 188



E 0.0000

. . _ .........
Batch 3
- - - - - - - - Batch 2
--- Batch 1
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Part no.
Figure 4. Deviations from target for three batches

meters unknown) is now illustrated. Consider a pro- words, the prior estimate of the mean missed the
cess for the production of a casting used in gas true mean by one standard deviation ( T ~= 1) and
turbine aircraft engines. This is a cylindrical part in uo underestimated u by 33.4 per cent ( T ~= 0.666).
which the vane height of the openings of the casting Thus, the process is in fact off-centre with a true
is a critical characteristic. These expensive castings capability index of Cpk = 1.0. Figure 4 shows three
are made of titanium; thus, scrapping or reworking realizations of the vane height data for three differ-
poor-quality parts is extremely costly. Early control ent batches of turbine castings. In each of the three
is essential to achieve successful production. Each batches, a shift of magnitude 2u occurred between
time an order arrives, a small number of castings samples 5 and 6 (i.e. m = 5 ) , moving the true mean
are produced with typical run sizes of the order of of the deviations from target up to 040015 inches.
30 to 40 parts. A new type of casting was ordered. The adpative filtering, tracking signal method as
Based on past experience with similar castings, the described in the previous section was used to detect
process engineer estimates a priori that the process assignable causes of variation. The initial values
capability on the height of the vane that can be used were set as follows: O0 = h,qo = 6, 6$ =
achieved is 2.0 (no assignable causes occuring). The 6, Q(0) = 0, and A(0) = 0~8[2/(2-hl)]o’5ao.The
exact specification for the vane height is value of a used was 0.1.
2.0 ? O~OOO2inches. Following common practice for Figure 5 shows the tracking signal control chart
this type of part, the process engineer decides to applied to the adpative Kalman filtering model of
control the deviation from the target of the vane the deviations from target corresponding to the
height. From the a priori estimate of the process three batches of Figure 4. If the control limit L
capability, the prior estimate of the variance, 6 ,is equals 0.7,then the shift is detected after 2, 3 and
selected such that 3 samples for batches 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Note
that a narrower control limit, say L = 0.3, would
have given false indication of a shift for some
samples i < m = 5.
This example shows the applicability of the adapt-
or uo = 04000333. The process engineer estimates ive filtering, tracking signal method to a realistic set
a priori that the process will be centred, that is, of process data. It should be emphasized, however,
h = 0.0. Unfortunately, the expectations were that had the prior estimates and uo been further
optimistic and the process actually turns out to be away from their true values, the behaviour of the
centred at p = O-ooOo5 with u = 040005. In other method would have been worse in terms of time


-0.6 Tr.S.1
-0.9 L=G.7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
Part no
Figure 5. Tracking signals for the three batches

until detection. For moderate to small errors in the and this can result in serial correlation. In long-run
prior estimates (e.g. T~ < 1-5, T~ C 1) and large processes, if the time between samples is long there
shift sizes (6 2 2) the method will perform well will often be few problems with autocorrelation.
even if the shift occurs relatively early in the run Furthermore, the study of the ARL properties of
(rn = 5). Q charts for non-normal processes remains a matter
of study.
An analysis of the ARL properties of Q charts
has been presented in this paper. Modifications and The first author was partially supported by the
alternative methods for different cases classified National Council of Science and Technology of Mex-
according to the prior knowledge of the process ico (Conacyt) under contract no. 59220. We thank
were also presented. Case 111, where the process the editor and referees for their constructive com-
average is known and the process variance ments.
unknown, was shown to be easy to deal with by
using either an EWMA approach or an adaptive
Kalman filtering method. Both methods exhibit bet- APPENDIX: DERIVATION OF THE
ter ARL performance than Q charts. The case when KALMAN FILTERING EQUATIONS (19)-(21)
both parameters are unknown is more challenging, The Kalman filter model assumes that the system
particularly if assignable causes are assumed to prod- can be expressed by the matrix equations20
uce sudden shifts in the mean level of the quality
characteristic. An adpative Kalman filtering
method, coupled with a tracking signal, provides a
reasonable performance since its ARL properties
improve as the prior estimates of the process average
and variance improve. -
where F, and G, are known matrices, Vc N(07Vr)
The results presented in this paper can be -
and w, N(O,W,) with both V, and W,known. The
extended in various directions. One extension is to term ‘Kalman filtering’ refers to a recursive method
consider the case of autocorrelated observations. In of estimation of the state vector 0,. Meinhold and
many short-run manufacturing systems, obser- Singpurwalla20show that the posterior density of 0,
vations will necessarily be close together in time has mean

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Authors’ biographies

Enrique Del Castillo currently works as an Assistant Pro-

fessor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Texas,
U.S.A. Formerly, he was a Research Associate at CIMAT
(Mathematics Research Center), in Mexico. He holds
which is equation (21). a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Arizona State
University, a Master of Engineering in Operations
Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell Univer-
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