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Hindered by Injuries

Sophmore Abel Lalu hopes to recover from his injuries for the next track season

Sophomore Abel lalu is trying to recover from injuries

he had with his hamstring and hip. He will miss track
meets for the rest of the season. He hopes to recover
during the summer and hopes to improve for the next
track season.

When sophomore Abel Lalu felt a sharp pain in his hip during practice, he was
devastated as the track meet was only a few days ahead.
Abel is a student at Hebron high school that is currently in 10th grade. He runs track
and hopes to be able to have the chance to run after high school. At his practice he got injured,
and was able to recover fot the last track meet coming up. But then, he got injured again and
now has to go to physical therapy every other day to heal faster. He wants to make varsity next
year and believes if he puts enough effort he can. He wants to prove his worth for his track
team. He hopes he gets better by summer and wants to train and improve his running form and
technique by the beginning of August, the new school year.
“When I realized that I wouldn’t be able to run for the rest of track this year, I was
frustrated because I really wanted to show the coach that I could make varsity,” Lalu said. I
wanted to run because I’ve improved a lot this year and wanted to showcase how much I have.”
Lalu first got injured in his hip and then his hamstring. He was out for a lot of time and
was frustated in the position he was in. Luckily, head had teammates to push him forward and
give him motivation to get better.
“When Abel was down because of his injuries, I tried helping him by making him think in
a postive way,” sophmore Mark Dsa said. “I tried helping him by giving him motivation to push
himself and do better. Me and Abel are very competitive, so I try to push him while he tries to
push me so we both can do better.”
Lalu and Dsa are both in track and run different events. While Lalu runs short distances,
Dsa actually runs long distances. They both have been friends from middle school. Lalu also
had made many new friends in track coming into this year as he has been resting and trying to
recover from his injuries.
“When Abel got injured I felt really bad,” freshman Shriya Goli said. “As it was right
before a track meet. And even worse he got injured right after coming back from an injury which
made him even more frustrated. I just hope he gets better so he can perform better and make
varsit next year. When I saw him limping back from the nurse, and he told me it was bad I felt
really bad for him. Hopefully he gets better and can run in no time.”
Lalu has been out for two months and hopes to return as soon as possible. He goes to
physical therapy evey week and tries to srengthen his hamstring. He hopes to make varsity next
year as he believes he is one of the fastest in his track club.
“I looked up to a senior who recently left, he had an amazing personality and was a great
athlete in general,” Lalu said. “I hope to run track in college, maybe Oregon or A&M.”
Lalu plans to train over the summer to get his times up. He wants to work hard and be
an example for the freshman coming in next year. He learned his lesson and now knows to rest
and stretch.
“My injuries prevented me from performing well this year,” Lalu said.“I’ll be a lot more
careful during my training that’s upcoming because I realized that if I’m not careful like this
season, I could ruin a whole year.”

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