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How Computer works? What is phenomena involved in different processes? These questions intrigue
me to learn more about Computer Science and I am trying to find answers of these questions since I
have made up my mind to study Computer Science as a subject. I discussed these questions with my
friends and teachers, and take it as challenge to find best explanations to satisfy myself. Computer
Science is interesting but for me it is more than interesting, full of innovation, and challenges. I am
interested in every field of Computer Science but Artificial Intelligence is my favorite subject. Artificial
Intelligence and its use in the era of fourth Industrial Revolution intrigued me Once I was reading an
article about Renewable Energy Storage and n was mentioned in ic that it is chatienge to store
Renewable Energy on targe scale f we are able to devse a method for storage of renewable energy on
large scale we can reduce cost and also protect our environment I decided to persue my career in this
field to devise a better and refable method to store renewable enr on large scale t is easy to develop a
method to create energy from renewable sources,but to store in on a targe scale is challenge I aceept
thus challenge and will try my best to develop a method

Apart from my studies, I am Badminton playee t was in my schools badminton team.t teaches me
toferance and inncvative ways to win a game.I am admirer of Ottoman Empire.I read a lot of books on
Otoman History, I also wrete an article on Decine of Magnificient Emmpire',I also read scientific journals
and wite articles on dilferent seentific topics I took pat in essay wrting, debates, speech and quiz
competetions school I have seen many tallures in my Me.but l never gve vp. Every time,fa'ure teaches a
new way to approach success I accept every challenge and l dont stick to single iden, and try to improve
myselt.Alter fout years al LUMS.I sce mysef not pnly a creative Engineer but also a skillfut and helping ad
that LUMS make meToday,develpaing countries are facing senous chalenges regarding energy
production Renewable Energy Sources can sotve ther promblems. I will try to devise a cheap and reliable
method to store renewable energr on a tarpe scale So that that low cost.environment friendly energy is
available for their domestic and commercial use. LUMS is my first choice because t wil hetp me to
pchieve my ambition and develop my personality so that I can make a mark on world

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