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Cement, when mixed with water, forms slurry, which gradually

becomes less plastic with the passage of time and finally a hard mass
is obtained. In this process, a stage is reached when the cement paste
is sufficiently rigid to withstand a definite amount of pressure.
Cement, at this stage to have set and the time required to reach this
stage is termed “Setting time”.

The term ‘‘Setting” is used to describe the stiffening of the cement

paste. Setting of cement refers to changes of cement paste from a semi-
liquid to rigid state. Setting differs from Hardening of cement which
refers to the gain of strength of a set cement paste; although during
setting the cement paste acquires some strength.

Related Terms:
Initial Setting Time: The time elapsed between the moments that the
water is added to the cement to the time that the paste starts losing its
plasticity, stiffening to a certain degree. It marks roughly the end of the
period when the wet mix can be molded into shape.
Final Setting Time: The time elapsed between the moment the water is
added to the cement, and the time when the paste has completely lost
its plasticity and has attained sufficient firmness to resist certain

: vicat apparatus
The objective of this experiment is to determine the initial setting time of
.cement. with Vicat’s Apparatus

.Analytical balance
.Measuring cylinder
.Vicat test
Vicat set time apparatus

All the apparatus shall be free from vibration during the penetration

Take care to keep the 1-mm needle straight, and the needle must be
kept clean as the collection of cement on the sides of the needle may
retard the penetration, while cement on the point (tip) may increase
.the penetration

The time of setting is affected not only by the percentage and the
temperature of the water used and the amount of kneading the paste
received, but also by the temperature and humidity of the air, and its
.determination is therefore only approximate

Cement weight Water amount Percentage Penetration(mm
(g) (ml) )
300 78 26% 2
300 84 28% 4.5
300 90 30% 4.5
300 96 32% 5
300 102 34% 10
Vicat reading (Initial) Vicat reading (Final) Time
0 0 12:30 – 11:00
7 8 12:45 – 12:30
13 15 1:00 – 12:45
16 24 1:15 – 1:00
20 33 1:30 – 1:15
24 49 1:45 – 1:30

Percentage water = ( water amount / cement weight ) x 100%

Percentage water = (102/300) * 100% = 34% Penetration = final vicat

reading –initial vicat reading
Penetration = 49 – 24 = 25 mm
To measure the setting times of cement, we have to do our tests on
cement of standard consistency. Normal consistency of standard cement
can be gained by using the W \ C ratio and depending on 26%- 33%. The
.higher rate of water the more initial setting time needed

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