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Clarissa Jimenez
ERWC: Period 3

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked
to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

The Significance Behind an Opportunity

Teacher Learning Careers Academy provided me with staggering educators since my sophomore
year. For the three years I've been in the academy, I have met not only educators but
unforgettable confidants.The connections made every year with all my TLC teachers, and the
amount of support and assistance they have bestowed upon me is life changing. I had never
experienced this type of environment through education.The type of education that motivated
me daily and mentally prepared me and helped my mind grow to believe in the opportunity of
attending college.

After my first year of being in TLC, I knew this was the place for me. It was my safe space, an
environment found only once in a lifetime. Astounding mentors and comforting classmates, that
over time developed vulnerability and support in one another. Being able to take advantage of
all the opportunities offered like interning in a real class room. Going out to see and learn about
colleges. Practicing interviews with district members and counselors from our school.

Being able to have come across this opportunity, not only impacted my educational value but
reassured my confidence to believe in myself and that I am good enough to graduate high school
and outgrow cultural norms. I am going to become a first generation high school graduate and
then college graduate from immigrant parents. A dream I never imagined until it became my
opportunity, and I grasped for it.
Jimenez 2

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this
interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

The Knowledge and Understanding of History

History not only inspires me but also gives me the opportunity to learn from the past. We can
learn and understand the histories of others, and strive for a better future. It also teaches us about
our roots, and historical backgrounds we tend to pass by.

Personally, growing up and to this day I was never shown or taught about Hispanic history, and
or little to nothing about Mexico's history as a country in school. Not until I had my World
History class, I grew curious about why not much knowledge was shown in this. Mexico was a
big part in the United States history, why wasn’t much baggb ckground information shown in
this. Why was there so much history not being shown?

After gaining this interest I began to gain greater interest for different history from all around the
world and history that wasn't spoken or taken into consideration as much. This gave me
inspiration and determination in figuring out a way more of this information and history could be
shown to more individuals. This can be represented by folktales, myths, and legends.
This then inspired me to become a history teacher, and the impact I could have on students with
self related questions they could have about their own history, like myself. History itself is
always made, mistakes, redemptions and lessons learned. It informs us by telling us the ways of
the past and how things came to be.

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