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The behavior of the DC-link (yellow), the speed (red) and the current (purple) during phase loss

depends on the speed and the torque of the motor.

Phase loss
Phase recurrence

We see here a phase loss for 1s and less by 200rpm and 200Nm. During this time we have only an oscillating DC-link. The speed (red) and the
current (purple) are without incidents.
Phase loss
Phase recurrence

A phase loss for more than 1s with 200rpm and 400Nm causes a break down in the DC-link, current and speed follows, after a small oscillation,
the previous value. The system works well.
Phase loss
Phase recurrence

The same behavior, but with bigger oscillation, is also at 200rpm and 600Nm.
Phase loss
Phase recurrence

Phase loss for >1s with 500rpm and 200Nm

Phase loss
Phase recurrence
Phase loss
Phase recurrence
Phase loss
Phase recurrence
Phase loss
Phase recurrence
Phase loss
Phase recurrence

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