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JSS 1 Basic Technology

1. Technology involves the methods and processes by which people (a) Drink and eat (b)
Talk and walk (c) Build their houses (d) Loot at a problem and think of how to solve it
2. Which of the following is not a member of the family? (a)Motor vehicle (b) Crane (c)
Aeroplane (d) Train
3. Accidents can be avoided in a workshop from the following EXCEPT (a) Use of
appropriate tools (b) Full concentration (c) Avoid manufactures guides (d) Use safety
4. Technology is meant for _______in the society (a) Learners (b) Illiterate (c)
Everybody (d) None of the above
5. To be technologically literate and make life suitable for everyone that means that
technology should be study by (a) Only boys (b) Only girls (c) Men and women (d)
All of the above
Pick the odd one out of the following questions 6-10.
6. (a) Computers (b) telephone (c) fax machine (d) plough
7. (a) Boring machines (b)Grinding machine(c) Sawing machine (d) Electrical Engineers
8. (a) Farmers (b) Planters (c) Harvesters (d) Tractors
9. (a) Whooping cough (b) Diarrhoea (c) Markers (d) Tuberculosis
10. (a) Computers (b) Projectors (c) Internet (d) Chalkboard
11. Hardwood is identified by ONE of the following (a) The flowers (b) The broad leaves
(c) The exposed seeds (d) The green leaves
12. The soft wood is identified by ONE of the following (a) The flowers (b) The needle-
like leaves (c) The green leaves (d) The enclosed and tiny seeds
13. One of the following has ferrous-metals characteristics (a) The magnetic proper (b)
corrosive-proof properly (c) The non-magnetic properly (d) Easily explosive properly
14. The impact of technology in our everyday life can be seen most in (a) How we do
things easily (b) The way we acquire our skills and knowledge (c) How we live and
move about comfortably (d) How we cook our foods
15. Which of these trees is a softwood (a) Cypress (b) Mahogany (c) Opepe (d) Iroko
16. Hardwood are found in ______climate(a) spring (b) summer (c) cold (d) tropical
17. Metals have the following properties EXCEPT (a) Magnetic (b) Insulator (c) Ductile
(d) Elasticity
18. The material that does not conduct electricity is (a) copper (b) Iron (c) Ceramic (d)
19. The safety device from protecting finger and palm is (a) helment (b) google (c)
rubberband (d) glove
20. Hardwood is obtained from ______tree (a) coniferous trees (b) evergreen trees (c)
strong tree (d) deciduous trees
21. Ferrous metals are (a) Not magnetic (b) Magnetic (c) Not conductor of heat and
electricity (d) Reddish brown
22. Generally, ceramic products are (a) malleable (b) ductile (c) tough (d) brittle
23. A good workshop must have the following put in place at all time EXCEPT(a) Good
ventilation (b) First aid box (c) Kitchen (d) uncongested working area
24. Technology is achieved from ______knowledge (a) Mathematical (b) literature (c)
history (d) scientific
25. The material that does not conduct electricity is (a) Copper (b) Iron (c) Ceramic (d)
26. Synthetic rubbers are produce from (a) Metal (b) Wood (c) Chemical (d) Water
27. Natural metals materials that is (a) man made (b) nature gave unto us (c) growing from
land (d) in the water
28. Workshop equipment include the following EXCEPT (a) harmmar (b) ruler (c)
spanner (d) chisel
29. Which of these is not allowed in a workshop (a) Ties (b) google (c) glove (d) Boot
30. To protect the chest and the body from accident (a) visors (b) Agbada (c) overall (d)
iro and buba
31. Wood frames and doors in your home are made of ceramic (a) True (b) False
32. Rubber tiles and linoleum on the floor of your sitting room are made of ceramic (a)
True (b) False
33. The clay bricks facing of your house or school are made of ceramic(a) True (b) False
34. The chalkboard in your classroom is made of ceramic (a) True (b) False
35. The appliances we use in toilets and bathrooms are all products made of ceramics (a)
True (b) False
36. The shining dishes, teapots, cups on your dining table are made of ceramic (a) True (b)
37. The use of ______makes the world a global village (a) electricity (b) jet (c) aeroplane
(d) internet
38. The firs aid box can be made from (a) mud (b) sand (c) wood (d) rubber
39. The following are products of technology except (a)mobile phone (b) computer (c)
Television (d) mortal and pestle
40. The part of tree that processes the tree food and transports it to all part of the tree is
called (a) leaves (b) branches (c) stem (d) flower
41. To put our fire or control workshop electrical fire in the workshop we need the
following EXCEPT (a) petrol (b) water (c) fire extinguishers (d) dry sand
42. In a workshop situation it is safe to (a) give out chisel by the sharp end (b) horse play
(c) overload machine (d) Reep tools in the rack

Cross –section of wood

Use the diagram above to answer the following questions.
43. The part that protect the growing tree and consist of dead cells is called (a) D (b) C (c)
D (d) A
44. The part that transport processed starch and sugar to all part of the tree for growth is
(a) E (b)B (c) D (d) C
45. The part labeled E is called (a) Bank (b) Pith (c) Sapwood (d) Heartwood
46. One of these is NOT a properties of a metal (a) Easily attacked by insect (b) Ductility
(c) Magnetic (d) Conductivity
47. The instruments used by wood workers to smoothen and reduce the size or thickness
of wood is called (a) saw (b) drilling machine (c) plane (d) hammer
48. To drive screw in and out of pieces of wood and metal use ______(a) pincers (b)
mallet (c) screw driver (d) boring tools
49. On a work bench ______is fixed to the side of the bench for holding (a) Vice (b) Saw
(c) Drawing board (d) Cupboard
50. The device use against poisonous gates is (a) helmet (b) glove (c) goggle (d) nose
51. The ability of a metal to respond to hammering is called (a) Ductility (b) Malleability
(c) Conductivity (d) brittleness
52. Which of these metals is nonferrous? (a) Cast iron (b) Alloy (c) Carbon steel
53. This is the characteristic colour of Aluminium (a) Grey colour (b) Silvery colour (c)
Reddish brown colour (d) Silvery white colour
54. The density can be defined as (a) mass per unit volume (b) volume per unit mass (c)
kilogram (c) centimeter per unit square
55. Ceramics are obtained from (a) Clay (b) wood (c) metal (d) timber
56. Technology solves life problems which include the following except (a) hunger (b)
poverty (c) starvation (d) old age
57. First Aid treatment is needed to (a) prevent further injuries (a) cause fractures (c)cause
bleeding (d) increase pain and ache
58. The First Aid box is made from (a) sand (b) paper (c) wood (d) mud
59. Scientific knowledge is gained from (a) research (b) stories (c) tale (d) history
60. The use of developed technology provide the following except (a) better accuracy of
work (b) difficulty in work (c) reliable work (d) faster in completion of work
Answer all questions
1. (i) Define material.
(ii) List 3 major parts of the tree and their function.
(iii) Mention 4 differences between hardwood and softwood
(iv) Give 2 examples of synthetic material.
(v) Explain what is meant by non-ferrous metals.
(vi) Give 3 examples of non-ferrous metals.
2. (i) Define workshop.
(ii) State 2 causes of electrical fire in a workshop.
(iii) Fire is caused by a chemical reaction between three elements name them.
(iv) List 3 classes of fire.
(v) Mention 2 workshop fire fighting materials.
(vi) Mention 3 first aid drugs.

Basic Technology
Duration: 1 hr 30 minutes.
1. The process of boring holes in a wood is _______(a) planning (b) Scraping (c)
Drilling (d) Mapping
2. The measuring tool used in a workshop is (a) Saw (b) rope (c) meter mile (d) chisel
3. The work piece is measured with the following unit except (a) gram (b) centimeter (c)
inches (d) meter
4. The tool used to remove nail from the wood is (a) hammer (b) Mallet (c) Pincer (d)
5. The boring tools include the following except (a) drill (b) brace (c) bradawl (d) spoke
6. Screw driver is an example of _______tool (a) measuring (b) driving (c) pairing (d)
7. A marking out tool used for scribing circle is a _______(a) chisel (b) plier (c) compass
(d) screw driver
8. What is the potential energy in a stone of mass 50kg pilled over a distance of 2m
(g=10m/s) (a) 100 N (b) 1000J (c) 100J (d) 25J
9. The tool designed to strike the handle of a chisel is (a) hammer (b) plier (c) mallet (d)
10. The parts of building structure are the following except (a) window (b) lintel (c) pillar
(d) plier
11. The safety device used to protect eye during welding is _______(a) google (b) goggle
(c) helmet (d) boot
12. An example of hardwood is _______(a) pine (b) cedar (c) mahogamy (d) yew
13. The divider is a tool used to (a) construct circle (b) hold paper (c) measure distance (d)
transfer measurement
14. The two parts of Tee-square are indined at angle (a) 450 (b) 600 (c) 900 (d) 1800
15. Sanding in wood work means a rob sand on wood (b) ground sand with wood (c)
cover wood with sand (d) smoothen the surface of wood
16. Sandy required use of _______ on the wood (a) paint (b) sand (c) abrasive (d)
17. The saw with fragile looking frame is _______saw (a) fret (b) coping (c) back (d) bow
Use the diagram below to answer questions 18-20.
18. The name of the tool above is _______ (a) L square (b) Tee square (c)Protractor (d)
Cenpenter square
19. The tool above is made of _______(a) wood (b) metal (c) plastic (d) clay
20. The function of the tool above is to _______(a) divide line (b) measure angle (c) mark
line (d) dig ground
21. The part of brace that hold bit is (a) ratchet (b) chuck (c) jaw (d) raft
22. Hole cutting saw with tapering blade is _______(a) rip (b) bow (c) pad (d) fret
23. Chisel is sharpened at angle _______(a) 300 (b) 450 (c) 600 (d) 900
24. The peen end of a hammer head is used to (a) remove nail (b) bend nail (c) straighten
nail (d) strike chisel
25. The surface of a drawing board must be (a) soft and sent (b) rough and hard (c) hard
and curve (d) smooth and square
26. The pad saw had the following parts except (a) string (b) handle (c) blade (d) locknut
27. The force applied to carry a load of mass 70kg (g=10m/s) is (a) 700M (b)70J (c) 7J (d)
28. The size of the boarder line drawn on the drawing paper is (a) 10cm (b) 10mm (c) 25
mm (d) 75 mm
29. Bow saw is made of (a) metal frame (b) plastic frame (c) steel frame (d) hard wood
30. Which of these is a renewable source of energy? (a) Coal (b) Gas (c) Battery (d) Sun
31. The properties of metals include the following except (a) brittle (b) ductile (c)
Magnetic (d) malleable
32. The ratchet allows the brace to be turned through angle (a) 90 0 (b) 1800 (c) 2700 (d)
Use the diagram below to answer questions 33-36.

33. The name of the tool above is (a) brake (b) bit (c) bradawl (d) chisel
34. The tool above is used to (a) cut (b) plane (c) smooth (d) drill
35. The part labeled C is called (a) Tang (b) Shank (c) Spur (d) Stem
36. The part that penetrate material is (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
37. The saw used to cut wood along a straight course is _______saw (a) bow (b) rip (c)
coping (d) fret
38. A saw with a stiff back is (a) bow saw (b) tenon saw (c) fret saw (d) coping saw
39. The side of a triangle parallel to the horizontal is called (a) vertex (b) base (c) altitude
(d) hypothenus
40. The angle less than 900 is called (a) acute (b) obtuse (c) reflex (d) right angle
41. The hammer head used by panel beater for sheet metal work is (a) ball (b) block (c)
planishing (d) peen
42. The tool used for accurate marking and alignment of edges is (a) surface plate (b)
scriber (c) compass (d) plier
43. The saw with tapering blade used for cutting hole in a wood is (a) fret saw (b) bow
saw (c) rip saw (d) compass saw
Use the diagram below to answer question 44-4

44. The use of the saw above is (a) to cut along straight course (b) to cut across straight
course (c) to bore hole (d) to art curve shape
45. The name of the saw above is (a) rije (b) bow (c) coping (d) tenon
46. The handle is/are lable (a) I and II (b) II and III (c) V and VI (d) Only VI
47. The part labeled IV is (a) teeth (b) blade (c) handle (d) frame
48. The part labeled V is (a) string (b) frame (c) knob (d) spreader
49. The temperature or hotness of an electric iron is controlled by (a) sucket (b) Element
(c) Thermostat (d) switch
50. The two parts of a Tee-square are inclined at angle (a) 450 (b) 600 (c) 900 (d) 1800
Theory : Answer all the questions
1a. Briefly describe a brace.
b. Give any four example of boring tools use in wood workshop.
c. Name two different types of bit.
d. Draw a diagram of any bit.
2a. State the six classes of wood work tools.
b. State the three members of the curve cutting saws.
c. List the main part of pad saw.
d. State the function of each partenanuel for pad saw.
3ai. What is a workshop?
ii. State four qualities of a good workshop.
bi. Name three examples of portable power hand tool.
ii. Give a function of each portable power hand tools above.
ci. Name four parts of wood lathe.
ii. Give the function of each part of wood lathe.
d. Give two uses of wood lathe.
Draw a title box and boarder line on your paper.
1a. Construct an angle 600 using a paint of compass.
b. Con an angle 300 using a pair of compass.
2. Draw an horizontal line and mark off AB equal to 80mm. With centre A and radius
AB (i.e 80mm) swing an arc. With centre B and raduce 100mm, swing another arc to
intersect the previous arc at point C. Use a protractor to measure the value of angle A
and B.
3. Construct a triangle EFG with angle E equal to 60 0 and line EF of 65mm and line EG
of 50mm. Measure line FG

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