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Ghazali Publications Urdu Bazar Lahore

Guess Paper PHYSICS (10th 2022 For All Punjab Boards)

Most Important Short Questions
Unit 10
1. Elastic restoring force
2. Define Simple pendulum & write the formula of its time period.
3. Differentiate b/w amplitude, time period & frequency.
4. Define SHM & discuss characteristics of SHM
5. Wave motion & types of waves
6. Distinguish b/w longitudinal & transverse waves with examples
7. Differentiate b/w mechanical & electromagnetic waves.
Unit 11
1. Mention the characteristics of sound.
2. Loudness of sound & factors depending upon
3. Difference b/w frequency & pitch of sound.
4. What is the range of Audible frequency of sound?
5. Define Intensity of sound & write down its unit.
6. What is meant by quality of sound?
7. What do you mean by Reflection of sound?
8. On what factors does the loudness of sound depend?
9. What is meant by soundless whistle? Write down its range.
10. Why are sound waves called mechanical waves?
Unit 12
1. Define Spherical mirror? How it is formed? What are types of spherical mirror?
2. Differentiate b/w radius of curvature, center of curvature & pole of mirror.
3. Define refraction of light & Laws of refraction of light.
4. Define Snell’s law. Write its formula.
5. What is meant by Total internal reflection? Define critical angle. Also write
conditions for total internal reflection.
6. Define the following terms applied to a lens: Principal axis, Optical center &
focal length
7. Define mirror formula.
8. Define refractive index.
Unit 13
1. What is the method of charging bodies by electrostatic induction?
2. Electrostatic induction
3. Explain Coulomb’s law of electro statics & write its mathematical form?
4. Is electric intensity a vector quantity? What will be its direction?
5. How would you define potential difference b/w two points? Define its unit.
6. Difference b/w electric field & electric field intensity
7. Differentiate b/w Volt & Farad.
8. Electric filed lines & Write any two characteristics of electric field lines.
9. What is the relation b/w electric potential & potential energy?
10. Difference b/w capacitor & dielectric
11. What is the unit of capacitance? Define it.
Unit 14
1. Electric current, its formula & SI unit
2. Difference b/w cell & battery
3. Source of e.m.f & give examples
4. What is e.m.f.? Write its SI unit.
5. Difference b/w ammeter & galvanic meter
6. Potential difference, its SI unit & definition
7. State Ohm’s Law. Also write its formula. What are the limitations of Ohm’s law?
8. Define resistance, give its mathematical form & describe its reason and SI unit
9. Ohmic & Non Ohmic conductors
10. State Joule’s law. Write down its formula.
11. Electric power, its formula & unit
12. What is Electric power & kilowatt hour
13. What are the advantages of parallel combination of resistors over series
combination of resistors?
Unit 15
1. State right hand rule for straight conductor.
2. Define electromagnet & its poles.
3. What is meant by solenoid? What do you know about a magnetic field of a
4. Define electromagnetic induction.
5. Is electric intensity a vector quantity? What will be its direction?
6. How would you define potential difference b/w two points? Define its unit.
7. Difference b/w electric field & electric field intensity
8. Differentiate b/w Volt & Farad.
9. Electric filed lines & Write any two characteristics of electric field lines.
10. What is the relation b/w electric potential & potential energy?
11. Difference b/w capacitor & dielectric
12. What is the unit of capacitance? Define it.
Unit 14
1. Electric current, its formula & SI unit
2. Difference b/w cell & battery
3. Source of e.m.f & give examples
4. What is e.m.f.? Write its SI unit.
5. Difference b/w ammeter & galvanic meter
6. Potential difference, its SI unit & definition
7. State Ohm’s Law. Also write its formula.What are the limitations of Ohm’s law?
8. Define resistance, give its mathematical form & describe its reason and SI unit
9. Ohmic & Non Ohmic conductors
10. State Joule’s law. Write down its formula.
11. Electric power, its formula & unit
12. What is Electric power & kilowatt hour
13. What are the advantages of parallel combination of resistors over series
combination of resistors?
Unit 15
1. State right hand rule for straight conductor.
2. Define electromagnet & its poles.
3. What is meant by solenoid? What do you know about a magnetic field of a
4. Define electromagnetic induction.
Unit 18
1. Difference b/w atomic number & mass number
2. Define Isotope. Write the names & symbols of isotopes of hydrogen.
3. Difference b/w natural & artificial radio activity
4. What is meant by radioactive elements? Give two examples.
5. What is meant by background radiations? Write the causes of background
6. What are the uses of radioisotopes in medical treatment?
7. Differentiate b/w nuclear fission & nuclear fusion with chemical equation.
8. Differentiate b/w stable & unstable nuclei.
9. What is carbon dating?
Most Important Long Questions
Unit 10
1. (a). Prove that motion of a mass attached to a spring is SHM.
(b). Explain that the motion of a simple pendulum is SHM.
Unit 12
2. (a). Explain Refraction of light through glass slab with the help of a diagram.
(b). What is meant by refractive index of a material? How would you determine
refractive index of a rectangular glass slab?
3. (a). State the laws of refraction of light & show how they may be determined using
rectangular glass slab & pins.
Unit 13
(b). Define capacitor? Give the construction and working of a parallel plate
4. (a). Derive the formula for the effective capacitance for a parallel & series
combination of a number of capacitors.
(b).Write some uses of capacitors.
Unit 14
5. (a). Explain Ohm’s law. Discuss its mathematical formula & limitations.
(b). State & explain Joule’s law.
6. (a). Explain parallel circuit of resistors. Also discuss the main features of parallel
combination of resistors.
(b). Find equivalent resistance of a series circuit of resistors.
Unit 15
7. (a). Demonstrate by an experiment that a magnetic field is produced around a
straight current carrying conductor.
(b). Explain how you can determine the induced e.m.f. (Lenz Law)
8. (a). What is transformer? Write its principle & working. Also discuss its types.
Unit 16
(b). Explain the use of logic gates as safety alarm.
9. (a). Differentiate b/w analog & digital electronics. Write at least 5 analogue &
digital electronics each which are used in daily life.
(b). What are NAND & NOR operations? Explain truth tables of NAND & NOR gate.
Unit 17
10. (a). What is meant by CBIS? Explain its components & their functions.
(b). What is internet? Write its services & uses.
11. (a). What is email? Write its advantages.
Unit 18
(b). Describe the uses of radioisotopes.
12. (a). Define half life. Explain with example of Radium-226. Also draw diagram of
activity of radium.
(b). Define nuclear fission & nuclear fusion. Explain with examples.
Most Important Examples
 10.1  11.1  11.2  12.1
 12.2  12.3  12.4  12.6
 13.1  13.2  13.3  13.4
 14.1  14.4  18.1  18.2
Most Important Numericals
 10.1  10.4  11.1  11.2
 11.4  11.6  11.9  12.1
 12.2  12.3  12.4  12.9
 12.10  12.12  13.1  13.2
 13.3  13.4  13.5  13.7
 13.8  13.9  13.10  14.1
 14.4  15.1  18.2  18.3
 18.5  18.9

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