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There are some reasons why engineers hate their jobs and make them unhappy
such as; overworked and over-enthusiastic. Engineers don’t have a better story to tell
either. The ennui or disillusionment seems to be a part of their work lives and we all
know that we are now moving from a reactive economy to a predictive one, engineering
remains one of the more coveted professions. It now offers degrees that are quite
versatile, with enough job roles waiting for you to try. However, many engineers have
voted for job dissatisfaction for various reasons.

And most of the engineers will agree that they tend to feel burned out faster
because of the given date to finish the project, especially in the initial days of the job.
Long work hours can take a toll on their personal lives, fitness, health, and mental well-
being. Although some people simply aren’t willing to put in more than 40 hours a week,
there are a few eager beavers trying to impress management or the truly passionate
ones who spend a lot of focused hours at the office. The upside is that these engineers
who “outwork” their colleagues do typically get ahead quicker. The downside is that
they can become disenchanted in no time if they don’t see any tangible results, not to
mention becoming unwell over time.

Ironically, many engineering firms are not got a clue about project management
or proper workload scheduling. As a result, most of them turn out to be overstretched
and under-resourced. Even though hiring more employees does not solve the matter as
each engineer must work 70-80 hours per week. Unfortunately, these engineers do not
receive the appropriate reward for their work. But the fault does not lie with the
company either. Engineering is such a field where the industries and companies try to
create something from scratch and develop various technology and management.

How can we manage being overworked? Feeling overworked should be a rare

occurrence at work. While at work you should feel motivated, productive, energized and
valued as an employee. Though employers should be responsible for the well-being of
their employees, there are some things you can do to create a good work-life balance
for yourself.

And if we feel like you have too many responsibilities or need a break from
working long hours, communicate this with your manager. They may not realize that you
are feeling this way, so meeting with them will help them understand your point of view.
And you and the manager should work together to figure out a plan to reduce your
workload. Maybe your manager can find someone else to complete a task, or they could
extend your deadlines.

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