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Worth More Than Many Sparrows

Humans have life of its own. Everyone has its own perspective in every little thing.
Man and woman may have similarities and differences but they are equal and special.
They became friends, a close friend, best friend, and they treat each other like a family. A
first interaction, you’ll know what his name. A several times, you already knew what his
like and dislike in some things. You will know what’s some similarities and differences
but even it takes months or probably a year, you still don’t know everything about him. A
realistic reason is that we actually have things that only ourselves know and don't want to
tell others even if they are close friends of ours. A simple question, who knows you
I am human. I feel the happiness within me but most of the time I’m in pain. It
hurts knowing you’re not loved by your family sometimes. It’s okay for me but I still
want to be loved truly. I always do my best to let them see that I grow up as an obedient
and kind young lady. Every day I feel obliged to do my responsibilities because the
moment I didn’t finish all of it, hurtful words will be thrown at me. I’m not that sensitive
but if I heard just one hurtful word even if it’s not meant for me, it gives me pain. I’m
doing my best to be understanding, to have patience and to endure more.
I love my family. We are imperfect and make mistakes. I apologized for my wrong
doings. I still accept them and love them wholly. The question, “Who knows you most?”
Jehovah God knows all. In the Bible, in Luke 12:7 says, “But even the hairs of your head
are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.” He knows
every little detail of us.

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