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Introduction- On page SEO

The use of on-site SEO, or on-page SEO, is the process of optimizing various elements of
your website so they rank well in search engines and drive new traffic to the site. There are
content elements, site architecture elements, and HTML elements that all contribute to on-
page SEO.
Using on-page SEO is essential because it shows search engines everything about your
website and how it benefits customers and visitors. This makes your site search engine-
friendly as well as user-friendly. If you want to rank and attract new traffic, optimizing your
website for Google, Yahoo and other search engines is essential.
Further, on-page SEO is also entirely in your hands: You choose what the main topic is
and/or what the primary goal is for each page. The audience for any particular page will be
decided by you. In addition, you have the option of selecting the target keyword phrases
you want to highlight.

Title Tag
One of your website's most important SEO elements is the title tag. Search engines and
visitors alike can determine what content is available on a page based on its title. Make sure
you include your focus keyword in the title of each page of your site to ensure it ranks for
the right intent. Be as natural as possible when incorporating your keyword. Keyword
stuffing presents a spammy and tacky reading experience, but search engines have become
smarter and better at understanding your content and you can be penalized for keyword
stuffing and it can also lower your website ranking.

Internal links
A link within a domain point to another page within that domain is an Internal link. You can
use internal links to help search engines find, index, and understand all the pages on your
site. Links within your website can send search engine bots to pages that are important to
your business.

Search engines link Google and Yahoo look at HTML source codes to determine what your
site is about. Web browsers analyse HTML code to decide how to display a web page’s
contents. You will need to see the source code of web pages when evaluating the search
engine friendliness of a design or software package you have not designed or developed.

URL optimization
As you create subpages, blog posts and other types of internal pages, make sure your URLs
are simple and easy to digest both for your readers and for search engines. The URLs of your
pages should be optimised for SEO, since keywords in the URLs can influence its ranking, as
well as short and descriptive URLs which help build links and encourage user interaction.

Content optimization
A search engine’s goal is to deliver users high quality content that fulfils their search intent.
Search intents could be informational, navigational, Commercial and transactional. The
content of your website should be readable text as it is easier for search engines and users
to digest, which is good for your SEO and would help in increase ranking of your website.
Using images to make your contents more accessible, visually appealing and engaging is
important but they are also crucial for SEO. Optimization of images involves creating images
that are in the right size format and resolution to increase the engagement of users by
search engines as well as accurately labelling images to make them understandable to
search engine bots.

User experience (UX)

Consequently. UX design have become integral component of SEO. When it comes to
determining quality sites worthy of top rankings, search engines look for actual human
behaviour. An SEO-friendly site should consider basic on page factors but UX design
considerations can play a significant role in engaging users, and thus, boosting ranking. The
UX design should be complex and it will increase the loading time which could result in
lowering your website ranking and wouldn’t even attract users.

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