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Professional On-Page Optimization Guide

Key Points
● The algorithm used by Google to determine organic searches is a combination of
various on-page factors.
● In-page SEO when combined with content of high-quality is a proven formula to
increase organic search results.

On-page SEO extends beyond keyword search and encompasses all kinds of
headers, title tags as well as images, structured data and many more.

How often does Google modify its algorithm for searching? In the year 2020, Google ran
over 600,000 tests and changed the algorithm over 4500 times. Google is determined to
build the most intelligent search engine in the world and is doing quite a good job at it.

Yet despite the constant improvement but it’s not yet fully functional. Google is still
struggling to comprehend new content. This is where on-page search engine
optimization (SEO) is in.

On-page SEO helps Google better understand your website. This improves your
ranking which results in more organic traffic.

In this step-by-step page SEO tutorial, I’ll outline the most important page-specific SEO
top practices to apply to your site and the reasons why they’re an essential component
of a general SEO plan.

What is on-page SEO?

Definition Of on-page

Technical SEO vs. on-page SEO

Some SEOs mix the on-page SEO with technical SEO. I prefer keeping them distinct.
My view is that technical SEO is concerned with things such as page speed and speed
duplicate content, structure of the site schema, indexing, and structure. Technical
optimization is focused on your complete web page and on-page optimization
concentrates specifically on URLs.

Off-page SEO is another option that includes all things that aren’t on your website,
including linking as well as brand-related mentions.

Why is on-page SEO is so vital?

It is essential to consider your SEO on-page strategy seriously in order for search
engines to provide you with top page visibility. While Google is still a big fan of keywords
within your content, keyword stuffing stopped long ago due to the fact that it damages
your user’s experience.

In the future, as Google’s search algorithm becomes more sophisticated, SEO on-page
factors will become more crucial. If done correctly, on-page SEO helps search engines
comprehend your content and determine the best websites for particular searches.
Users will be impressed by the organization and clarity that on-page optimization can

With that in mind, let’s examine specific SEO practices for on-page optimization.

URLs help on-page SEO

Google has stated explicitly that URLs aid them to know what a webpage is about. So,
how can you improve the quality of your URLs?

● Include keywords: Including your primary keyword within your URL will help both
users and search engines comprehend the contents of the page.

Left-Focus: Include the word “focus left” as far to the left of the URL as you can.

Utilize real terms: As as you can, include actual words for your website rather
than the cryptic language that many CMS systems spew out.

Keep them simple and short: Your URL’s design should be simple and simple to
both the search engine as well as users to comprehend. The simpler to Google
to comprehend the nature of content that is on the page the more effective it.
Additionally, Google often shows URLs in its search results. If the URL of a
webpage is an extended string of random numbers and letters this doesn’t help
visitors comprehend your site. The more people understand the goal of your site
the more likely they will be to click the result of a search.

Make use of hyphens in conjunction with words: Hyphens can make URLs more
accessible. For example, if a page is about Hiking shoes, use the URL

Avoid session IDs: when you can, steer clear sessions IDs within URLs because
they can result in an explosion of URLs that refer to the identical page. Google
recommends using cookies instead.

Meta descriptions and title tags

Meta tags are among the most significant SEO on-page factors, specifically, page titles.
Every page contains the title tag, which appears in the search results as the headline. A
meta description is an overview of the page which appears in the results from searches.
Both are essential to assist the search engines as well as users comprehend the
function of a webpage.

The tag title is a directly web-based SEO SEO rank factor and meta descriptions are
not. meta descriptions aren’t.
The meta description and the title are crucial in how a user decides to click on an item in
results. When both the title as well as the metadata are optimized, it boosts your
Click-Through Ratio (CTR) and, in turn, you will get more visitors.

However, Google updated the way it handles title tags in August 2021. In the wake of
the update, Google might alter page titles in accordance with other elements of the
page such as headings, and even anchor text that is inbound from hyperlinks. While this
doesn’t affect ranking, it could be a huge impact on CTR when the title doesn’t match up
with the original.

Wordstream reported a decline of 37% in CTR. Find their article here to learn how they
dealt with it.

On-page SEO for meta tags

The first step of your on-page SEO review should be to examine your meta description
and title. Take these actions:

● Include your main keyword at the very beginning of your title.

● The title should be kept at the 55- or 60 character mark to ensure that it isn’t
separated from the results of searches. WordPress plugins such as Yoast will tell
you whether your meta tags have too much.
● Do not use any titles that contain caps.
● Each page should have a distinct title to ensure that Google does not believe
there are multiple pages.
● Create clear, compelling titles that readers are likely to want to click.
● Include your main key phrase in your meta description. If someone searches for
your term, Google will bold it in its search results.
● Limit your meta description at 150 characters.
● Make sure your meta description is written in such a way the description is
accurate and accurately describes the content. Think of it as an advert and
wordsmith it in a way that people feel compelled to click.

Structured data
Structured data will help Google comprehend your content better, which is why it should
be an integral element of your SEO audit on the page. As an example, let’s say you
have a website with a product page that includes pricing and availability, ratings, and
more. If you don’t structure the data in a particular manner in HTML, Google won’t
understand it.
Types of Structured Data
Structured data is a specific on-page SEO code that you apply on your web pages to
help Google to understand your content. There are different structured data formats that
can be used for a variety of items, such as:

● Books
● Articles
● Movies
● Courses
● Rating Events
● Local business information
● Star ratings
● Recipes
● Job postings
Google typically contains structured data directly in the results for searches, displaying it
as a “rich snippet.” Having an enticing snippet of text increases the chance of someone
clicking on your search result.

Structured Data Tools

Keyword research tools such as Ahrefs allow you to analyze the results pages for
search engines that reveal the SERP features which are shown for a specific keyword.
This will help you determine the types of data you’ll need to use to be visible in those
search results.

The most straightforward method to use structured data is by using Google’s Structured
Data Markup helper. Simply enter the address of a webpage after which Google can
guide you through the steps of creating structured data. Then, you can check the data
with Google’s structured data testing tool. You can also refer to Bing’s guidelines for
marking your website by using structured data.

After you’re done, transfer the updated information to your website.

Website crawlers like DeepCrawl or Screaming Frog can reveal the structured
information on the site. In the event that you’re crawling your website, these tools can
be beneficial for diagnosing problems. If you’re crawling your competitor’s website this
is an excellent way to find out what features that your rival uses.

Headers improve on-page SEO

Using multiple headers (H1 tag, H2, H3, etc.) on your site can aid in SEO in many ways.
It helps readers to browse your content. If users are confronted with a huge block of text
on the page, they’re less likely to to read it , and they’ll typically leave the page. Multiple
headers allow users to quickly understand the information as well as improve general
user experiences (an essential aspect in the eyes of Google).

The second reason is that subheadings can assist Google to understand the content of
a webpage. When writing headers, make certain to include your primary keyword at
least two or three H2 headers. If it makes sense in context it is advisable to use the
main keyword in the H3 or any other headers. Incorporate long-tail keywords into some
headers, too to increase the signal to Google about the broad topic.

SEO copywriting
Copywriting can boost your SEO efforts on the page. If you invest in quality material for
landing pages your visitors will be more active. It is important to remember the fact that
SEO guidelines for copywriting aren’t just beneficial to use for SEO. They can also
improve the quality of your content marketing for consumers.

The most successful bloggers are masters at SEO copywriting. These are the methods
they employ:

● Write succinct, persuasive introductions. The problem should be clearly

explained as well as the solution.
● Avoid paragraphs and long sentences. Don’t, however, eliminate paragraphs
altogether otherwise your writing won’t flow correctly.
● Split sections of more than 300 words using subheadings.
● Incorporate the targeted SEO keyword naturally in the copy of the page.
● Align content according to the intent of searching.
● Write for readers.
● Utilize “bucket brigades” to keep readers on the move. Bucket brigades are
bridge words that can add conversational value to your writing. Consider phrases
such as “here’s the point …,” “no need to wonder …,” “but it’s only an aspect of
the tale …,” as well as “as it happens .”
● Use stories and feelings to spark readers’ curiosity.

Utilize the keyword you want to target earlier

The general rule is to make sure to include your desired keyword in those first 100
characters. This tells Google that this is the main content of your site and will also let
users know they’re in the right spot.

Consider how people browse on the web. When they click on a result from a search and
then quickly browse the site before leaving when they believe the site is pertinent.
Making compelling introductions that contain the keyword you want to target keeps
them from jumping around.

Does keyword density help on-page SEO?

Keyword density is how often you utilize a certain phrase on a page. If you have 100
words on a page, and you include your keyword five times the page, your keyword
density will be 5percent.

There aren’t any hard and quick on-page SEO guidelines regarding keyword density,
make sure the keywords you want to target appear naturally throughout your article. It is
best to strive for a high keyword density that is in line with the most popular content for
the search term you are targeting.

Alongside your main keyword, add long-tail keywords, synonyms, and other related
terms to increase your site’s rank. They’re not the same that is of Latent Semantic
Indexing (LSI) keywords that Google declares they don’t use. They’re simply phrases
related to your topic which help you construct the context.

The content meets search-related intent

Google is determined to provide users with high-quality content that fulfills their needs
for search. This, in other words, solves the problem of a user effectively and completely.

At a higher level there are four kinds of search intention:

● Informational: Users are seeking details.
● Navigating: The users are trying to locate an exact page.
● Commercial: The majority of people are conducting research prior to purchasing
● Transactional: The majority of people are always looking to purchase something.

An easy way to figure out the purpose behind a particular phrase is to examine pages
one and two of the result that result from the search. Titles that contain words like how
methods or ways suggest informational intention. However words such as best and top
show commercial intentions.

The next step is to create content that meets the intended purpose.

If the content is informative, include as much relevant information as is possible.

In-depth, you should cover the topic and answer questions commonly asked, and assist
the user in understanding the topic.

If your goal is to sell, provide customers with the necessary information to help them
make an informed purchase decision. This can include pricing, reviews photographs,
comparisons, and FAQs, among others.

If the goal is transactional ensure that all your web pages have been optimized for
structured data to allow your products to appear within the Google Shopping carousel.
You may also be able to highlight certain selling points in the title of your page like
discounts, quality of the product large selection, etc.

Write readable text

While readability isn’t an exact ranking element, it’s a must be considered as part of
your SEO on-page process. This is because the text that is readable is much easier for
Google and for users to comprehend and, in turn, is better for SEO.

When your content is difficult to read, readers might quickly abandon the page,
signaling to Google that your content is not worth the effort and therefore should not be
ranked higher.

To make your text readable:

● Make the page easily skimable. Divide your content into digestible pieces.
● Utilize multiple headers as well as subheadings.
● Use many paragraph breaks to ensure you do not have large blocks of text.
● Break lists down in bullets.
● Include supporting images as well as various other images.
● Use clear, actionable sentences.
Keep in mind that the majority of people are reading your posts on mobile devices So
make it simple for readers to scroll or scroll.

Internal linking
Internal linking is crucial for on-page SEO since they assist Google to understand the
connection between the pages on your site. A robust internal linking framework
improves your site’s credibility and relevance, and also the depth of your coverage on a
particular topic.

They also enhance the user experience. Internal links allow users to discover more
content similar to blog posts from other blogs or even a useful case study. A
well-planned internal linking strategy can also boost Google Analytics SEO metrics like
conversion rate and bounce rate.

In terms of SEO on your site, you must include internal links to as well as to other pages
that are relevant to your website. It is particularly crucial to make links from reliable
pages such as your homepage.

The anchor text for these links must be the key phrase or keyword that you wish the
linked page to be ranked for. Make sure you don’t repeat an identical anchor word over
and over and again across different pages, because Google might consider this to be
the use of keywords and try to cheat the system.

In contrast to backlinks, internal links do not increase the authority of your website since
they can be added by you. Instead, they channel the authority and relevance of your
backlinks to your site. In this regard If your domain has an enormous amount of
authority internally, then internal linking could improve rankings. In some cases of very
authoritative domains, the internal link could be more crucial than backlinks.

Image optimization
Images should also be optimized to be SEO-friendly. Begin by providing meaningful file
names, using words separated by hyperbolas. After that, you should increase the size
of the file to load fast while keeping the good quality of the photo. If your website is
stuffed with images that weigh more than 400kb, your loading time for your page is
likely to be negatively affected and this will affect your chances of ranking high on
A tool such as TinyPNG, ImageOptim, or WP Smush can make the process of
optimizing images simple.

Add text to the alt tags, using the relevant keywords sometimes within the text. The alt
text will help search engines comprehend the image.

On-page SEO factors

Let’s review the most crucial SEO strategies on the web that you have to implement:

Use short, descriptive page URLs

● Optimize title tags

● Write compelling meta descriptions
● Implement structured data
● Optimize headers
● Implement SEO copywriting best practices
● Make use of the keywords within 100 of the words that begin the page.
● Maintain an appropriate keyword density
● Produce content that meets the user’s expectations
● Write readable text
● Add both internal as well as external links
● Optimize for Google images
Be aware that on-page SEO is crucial. Design your website using these factors in mind
and you’ll be all ready on the right track to higher organic search engine rankings! Do
you want to dig deeper? Take a look at our complete SEO checklist.

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